Found this thread interesting as that's what I am facing right now. Kind of the question again (which I asked and confirmed myself years ago but always itchy to think about it after few years): static weight vs swing weight.
I think I am about a 4.0 player. Please casual tennis every week and some recreational competition.
I played Ezone 98 for 2 years, it's a great racket. Best part of it is fast swing weight. Therefore balls could be hit fast but due to 305 frame, when facing heavy ball players, do feel not as comfortable to return as heavier racquests.
I bought the Radical Pro just a month ago, great racket, very comfortable when you are redirecting the ball, volley etc, however after 1 or 2 hours, my shoulder and arm do feel tired/jelly. Though the racket feel highly stable and comfortable when playing volley and against heavy groundstrokes but my swing speed is much lower and could feel my groudstrokes are not as fast as Ezone 98.
At this time, I had already already sold both my Ezone as I thought I could handle the Radical Pro but not really the case. I then sold my Radical Pro as well and bought the Boom Pro.
The Boom Pro is easier to swing, it's also a good racket, comfortable in every shots. However, I still find it a bit too heavy for me. I now reconfirm myself best range is 300 to 305g which I can swing really fast and balls are much faster.
I am now waiting for my Radical MP, I likely will stay it I expect. And I will probably get the Ezone 100 (instead of my 98 previously).
My conclusion is (though may be a BS haha) get the heaviest racket that you can swing fast (unless you have a long swing stroke) and as mentioned, the comfortable range for me to swing fast is 300 to 305g, so the instability factor of 300/305 rackets is the trade-off (cannot avoid).