Fact: all pros use extended length raquets.


Hall of Fame
According to many people who post here. Everytime someone here asks if pro "A" is really using raquet "B", you can bet your raquet collection that someone here is going to reply that it's a specially molded extended version. How the hell do they know this, I don't know. Some state that the handle looks longer in the pictures. I've checked for myself (for example, Coria's, Davydenko's, Nalbandian's, etc.) and eventhough, at times, I might get the same impression, it must be just a visual misconception, due to the way they wrap their overgrips. If extended length raquets are so great, they would account for a higher percentage of what non pros are using. I mean it's not that they're difficult to use or anything like that.


They DO account for a larger percentage of what non-pros use. Take a look at sales figures. The biggest sellers for recreational players are longer than 27 inches, for the most part.
HairyLatinGirlx live
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Hall of Fame
ollinger said:
They DO account for a larger percentage of what non-pros use. Take a look at sales figures. The biggest sellers for recreational players are longer than 27 inches, for the most part.

Where can I look at these figures?


Yeah...all pros use extended rackets...That fact is just as accurate as all pros use the racket they advertise.


Some pros definitely use longbodies (e.g. Roddick, Coria, Nalbandian, Ferrero).

And some pros definitely don't (e.g. Federer, Agassi, Safin, Hewitt).
I'll admit that I use standard length racquets mainly so that I don't feel like a cheapster (no I don't have a problem with other people using longer legal lengths). Shorter lengths may be a better advantage for me anyways.... never took the time to weigh out the pros and cons.


Ripper said:
According to many people who post here. Everytime someone here asks if pro "A" is really using raquet "B", you can bet your raquet collection that someone here is going to reply that it's a specially molded extended version. How the hell do they know this, I don't know. Some state that the handle looks longer in the pictures. I've checked for myself (for example, Coria's, Davydenko's, Nalbandian's, etc.) and eventhough, at times, I might get the same impression, it must be just a visual misconception, due to the way they wrap their overgrips. If extended length raquets are so great, they would account for a higher percentage of what non pros are using. I mean it's not that they're difficult to use or anything like that.
Yes, some folks are fans of the longer lenght lrackets. But as you can note from a quick look at the frame offerings on the market today, 28" seems to be the longest that sells, with a few 125+ inch frames @ 285". The problem for many players is the increase in swingweight that results from using a longer stick. Since the general feelings, postings , inside sources or whatever seem to agree that malel pros use heavier frame, the extra lenght makes sense. Also it becomes a matter of when a player came of age. The first longer frames came out about ten years ago when many of the pro's were still developing there game and were more likely to look for and edge.:cool:
As a player who uses a 28" frame, I find it strange that players who didnot grow up on standard wood size frames find an extra inch in length so hard to deal with. It just makes a oversize frame look balanced IMHO.
PBODY99 said:
Yes, some folks are fans of the longer lenght lrackets. But as you can note from a quick look at the frame offerings on the market today, 28" seems to be the longest that sells, with a few 125+ inch frames @ 285". The problem for many players is the increase in swingweight that results from using a longer stick. Since the general feelings, postings , inside sources or whatever seem to agree that malel pros use heavier frame, the extra lenght makes sense. Also it becomes a matter of when a player came of age. The first longer frames came out about ten years ago when many of the pro's were still developing there game and were more likely to look for and edge.:cool:
As a player who uses a 28" frame, I find it strange that players who didnot grow up on standard wood size frames find an extra inch in length so hard to deal with. It just makes a oversize frame look balanced IMHO.

I agree that a longer length makes an OS frame "look" more balanced. It's because on OSes, the string bridge is usually lower, closer towards the endcap. That makes the throat and handle appear proportionally shorter. At 28" for a legal 110si frame, typically the length of the hoop ends up being almost even in length to the handle from the endcap up to the top of the throat.


Hall of Fame
erik-the-red said:
Some pros definitely use longbodies (e.g. Roddick, Coria, Nalbandian, Ferrero).

And some pros definitely don't (e.g. Federer, Agassi, Safin, Hewitt).

And, may I ask, how would you know this?


Some people who have actually strung racquets post on these boards - with others, it's like any conspiracy theory; they proceed exactly opposite to the scientific method which changes a hypothesis to suit discoverd facts. The conspiracy theorist (here, all pro racquets are paint jobs) changes facts to suit his delusion - the 03 racquets cannot be paintjobs, hence they are "custom molds." This true believer type of personality is not worth arguing with due to their fundamental irrationality.


nViATi said:
And, may I ask, how would you know what you are stating?
When you make an extraordinary claim (i.e. aliens have visited this planet, all pros use paint jobs) the burden of proof is on you, not the other way around.Ripper is quite correct in his skepticism of the bs on these boards - watch the skies!!!!!


New User
There is a thread here somewhere with all the racket measurements at the French Open. Lenght, weight, balance, strings, etc

ty slothrop

bamboo said:
When you make an extraordinary claim (i.e. aliens have visited this planet, all pros use paint jobs) the burden of proof is on you, not the other way around.Ripper is quite correct in his skepticism of the bs on these boards - watch the skies!!!!!

dude, how long have you been posting here? if you do just a little bit of searching you'll find literally dozens if not hundreds of posts by pro stringers, racket designers, and collectors who handle these sticks every day. for christ sake, look at the sticky at the top of this forum - paint job story on espn. Let me tell you, if the super-sleuths at the worldwide leader are on to the fact that a lot of pros use paintjobs, it's not a well-kept secret, my friend.

If, however, you are merely objecting to someone saying that ALL pros use paintjobs, then....nevermind!


Some actually have copies of racquet made by the companies for the pros. I have a copy of Xavier Malisse's O3 Tour, and it is 28" long. I measured it. I know it's Xavier Malisse's cause the Prince Rep. whom I know on a personal level gave it to me. Boo yah :)


Hall of Fame
ty slothrop said:
...you'll find literally dozens if not hundreds of posts by pro stringers, racket designers, and collectors who handle these sticks every day...

Vamz said:
Some actually have copies of racquet made by the companies for the pros. I have a copy of Xavier Malisse's O3 Tour, and it is 28" long. I measured it. I know it's Xavier Malisse's cause the Prince Rep. whom I know on a personal level gave it to me. Boo yah :)

Uh, ty slothrop, in case you don't know this, just because someone says something, it doesn't mean it's true. Well, unless you read it on the internet; then, I guess it has to be true, right?

ty slothrop

Ripper said:
Uh, ty slothrop, in case you don't know this, just because someone says something, it doesn't mean it's true. Well, unless you read it on the internet; then, I guess it has to be true, right?

then I really have to question your motives for being on this board. you believe whatever you want


New User
its actually not that hard to notice the extra inch after you've seen enough rackets.

also, no one has mentioned the fact that all these players with extended rackets choke up on the racket on their forehand and serve which cannot be denied from pictures.


Hall of Fame
ty slothrop said:
dude, how long have you been posting here? if you do just a little bit of searching you'll find literally dozens if not hundreds of posts by pro stringers, racket designers, and collectors who handle these sticks every day. for christ sake, look at the sticky at the top of this forum - paint job story on espn. Let me tell you, if the super-sleuths at the worldwide leader are on to the fact that a lot of pros use paintjobs, it's not a well-kept secret, my friend.

If, however, you are merely objecting to someone saying that ALL pros use paintjobs, then....nevermind!

Dude, where've you been? We miss your erudition on the other boards (and, believe it or not, I'm not B.S.'ing you heree)! It's only an accident that I caught your name in this section.

Some other sharp memberes missing in action: Camilio Pascual and David Aames. C'mon, guys, we need some LIFE here. We're dyin' here!

ty slothrop

phil, long time no speak, have a tsingtao on me mate!

I check in every so often to see what's going on, but the quality seems to head deeper and deeper down the sh!tter. too many posts about federer's freaking paintjob and "who's the hottest prepubescent teen on the wta?" threads I guess...

I have missed you and the senator! how are things on the other side of the world?


Hall of Fame
ty slothrop said:
phil, long time no speak, have a tsingtao on me mate!

I check in every so often to see what's going on, but the quality seems to head deeper and deeper down the sh!tter. too many posts about federer's freaking paintjob and "who's the hottest prepubescent teen on the wta?" threads I guess...

I have missed you and the senator! how are things on the other side of the world?

I'll probably have a few on you, Ty...The Senator is still holding forth, but other than him and a few others, I agree with you on the quality of posters-it's either hit rock bottom or is still going south-we'll see.

Other side of the world is not so different from the side I left. I'm either a cameleon or just boring-I blend right in. The beer is good here, though. A couple other things are too, but not appropriate to mentioin on a family website! Hope everything is well in Joi-zee. Later.


I'm so suprised that so many pros use 28", and yet there are no 28" racquets available to the public that aren't granny sticks. Besides the POG LB (which is only selling on TW now and is dwindling). I want to see some 28" racquets!!!!


Hall of Fame
ty slothrop said:
Joi-zee, is that a happy french rapper on tour with the honorable Senator?

Yo, man, I guess they don't say Joi-zee up around Ivy Town, where you live, but in my former neck of the woods-Brooklyn, which was NEXT to Staten Is., which is JUST next to Joi...ahh, Jersey, that's how we...no, they say it, man! Come to think of it, I didn't hear many Joi-zee's where I used to work, in Morristown, either;-)


I agree, splink. For a few bucks more, you should be able to order any player's frame at any length. How about a 27.5in POG 107 or a 28in LM Prestige? We should at least be able to get the O3 Tour in 28in.

ty slothrop

Phil said:
Yo, man, I guess they don't say Joi-zee up around Ivy Town, where you live, but in my former neck of the woods-Brooklyn, which was NEXT to Staten Is., which is JUST next to Joi...ahh, Jersey, that's how we...no, they say it, man! Come to think of it, I didn't hear many Joi-zee's where I used to work, in Morristown, either;-)

Phil, we speak proper ivy around here, just ask my good friends judge alito and senator frist


They try, but they just don't sell. Example: Dunlop 200g XL, Head i.Prestige XL(this racquet was sweet, I just couldn't get a handle of returns). If you want, try to find an old prince precision ti Chang, that thing is basically like a Diablo, with smaller head and 28in long and really open string pattern.


Vamz said:
They try, but they just don't sell. Example: Dunlop 200g XL, Head i.Prestige XL(this racquet was sweet, I just couldn't get a handle of returns). If you want, try to find an old prince precision ti Chang, that thing is basically like a Diablo, with smaller head and 28in long and really open string pattern.

No, they do not try with 28" racquets. 27.5 is easy to find. Babolat has the right idea selling standard and 27.5. But we need some 28"s!!!!!


I get the sense that Federer uses a racquet that's longer than standard. I've always thought there was something strange that I couldn't quite put my finger on but after today's match I think I may have found the answer.