Fake or Chinese made poly strings

Found a few posts between 6-8 years old about " fake " or Chinese poly strings . I was wondering if anyone has bought and played with any recently , and if there have been improvements over the past 5 years in the quality . The price on the strings are really low , and want to know if I should consider , or just continue to buy the name brand strings . I string my own racquets , so its not like Im going broke stringing , and I usually replace my strings once per month on 2 racquets . I use volkl , but really like rpm blast and theres a supposed string that calls itself that . If anyone can give me an opinion , along with the name of a string , I would appreciate it . Thanks


-there are several copy cat brands out there,
-"KELIST" is one of them, they tried to pass themselves as luxilon and got caught
-I knew this and I bought a couple packs to test!!, I don't regret testing it, but I wont buy any more, it was total crap
-if the price is right for you, buy a few to test, if not, try something else,,
-my advise, donot commit to a reel of string until you test and like the string


Talk Tennis Guru
Didn’t someone just buy some cheap strings from China to try in another post? Or was that post deleted?
-there are several copy cat brands out there,
-"KELIST" is one of them, they tried to pass themselves as luxilon and got caught
-I knew this and I bought a couple packs to test!!, I don't regret testing it, but I wont buy any more, it was total crap
-if the price is right for you, buy a few to test, if not, try something else,,
-my advise, donot commit to a reel of string until you test and like the string
I kind of figured this was the case , wasn't sure if the string was manufactured in China and sold to luxilon and babolat , and if it was like seconds or something . Anyway , I'll stick with the known brands . Thanks for the responses .


in fact, I am divided.
I remember a few years ago (10? 15?) when the first polyesters came out, I remember playing with a golden poly, very very big, I think around 1.30-1.32mm, ultra rigid, and which had died very quickly. we didn't know at the time that we had to change them quickly. and how many TE appeared at that time.

I think it would be absurd for companies of polyester manufacturers to voluntarily manufacture poor quality poly. the technology is old enough to be able to get out of second generation poly or interesting copoly.

it's just an alternative. I remember a few years ago when pro's pro flooded the club market with its cheap co-poly, less than $ 25 for a reel, everyone criticized that it was zero, but in the end, I know that there, you get what you pay for, you can repeat it, between a set at 10 € which lasts 6 to 8 hours, and a set at 2 € which lasts 2 hours, often, the calculation for those who have a machine is quickly done.

the concern is that we always compare a Chinese poly to a premium poly, trying to see if a Chinese poly at $ 2 does as well as a poly premium at 10 or $ 15 is totally silly !. my brother tried some Chinese poly, (round and hexa) of low gauge (1.20-1.15), and he finds that rather correct. according to him, we are in something that can be compared to a plasma that will hold the tension for about 2 hours, when the signum is much longer. but everyone can also see things according to their needs. just remember that it will be interesting for those who want to change their string often, and have a stringing machine. others. there are other solutions.

I tried an S-gut in a 300G dunlop, to see what it looked like (a Chinese S-gut, paid $ 1.75, and shipped free), well, I was very surprised to play easily with this S-gut, for almost 2.5 hours it gave me complete satisfaction, then broke like glass. but at that price, I got what I paid for. it was of course not comparable to some duraflex or velocity, but adding 1kg compared to some multi I found it even very nice.


Hall of Fame
So you use 1.5 reels/year? Is it worth the hassle for something that is most likely trash?

I fell for the cheap fleabay natural gut scam. Never again.