A friend of mine is a solid 4.5 1,2 singles USTA player that hits with a Volkl V1 Classic racquet.
Last fall was the last time I saw him play and he was using Luxilon Element. Sometime over the winter he switched to 4G at 52 lbs and developed arm issues and had taken some time off. He reached out to me yesterday and wanted me to restring one of his racquets with a hybrid to see if that helps him. He reviewed what I had on hand and requested that I restring his racquet with Prince Premier Control 16/Tourna BHS 17 which we figured he would get about 6-8 hours out of before needing a restring.
We decided to start with the same tension and I restrung his racquet last night and it came out nicely. However, I can tell that he is going to want more tension the next time.
Which got me thinking at what point are we just replacing stiffness in the string-bed from the material (4G) with stiffness in the string-bed from tension (Hybrid) which could lead him right back to his arm issue. I wouldn't suggest this but then why not just lower the tension with a full bed of a slightly softer poly?
How does one know they are not heading back down the same path just with different strings in the racquet?
Last fall was the last time I saw him play and he was using Luxilon Element. Sometime over the winter he switched to 4G at 52 lbs and developed arm issues and had taken some time off. He reached out to me yesterday and wanted me to restring one of his racquets with a hybrid to see if that helps him. He reviewed what I had on hand and requested that I restring his racquet with Prince Premier Control 16/Tourna BHS 17 which we figured he would get about 6-8 hours out of before needing a restring.
We decided to start with the same tension and I restrung his racquet last night and it came out nicely. However, I can tell that he is going to want more tension the next time.
Which got me thinking at what point are we just replacing stiffness in the string-bed from the material (4G) with stiffness in the string-bed from tension (Hybrid) which could lead him right back to his arm issue. I wouldn't suggest this but then why not just lower the tension with a full bed of a slightly softer poly?
How does one know they are not heading back down the same path just with different strings in the racquet?