You don't know what it means (although it is pretty self-explanatory), because you have never touched a tennis racquet in your life.
I enjoy the posts of many people too, but for reasons entirely different from yours.
Talking to people like you is just a secondary matter. There is a tennis community here and I enjoy reading about their experience and also useful advice
on tennis matters.
You, on the other hand, are here just to socialize and get some sort of recognition just to feel good about yourself.
I made/make money because I am taught to do that by means that are inherent to me.
On the other hand you are making comments you are not qualified to make: you simply do not have the necessary information, and as far as I can see, you are unable to work even with the simplest info that is actually available to you.
That alone tells me enough about your level of intelligence. You can hide behind some supposedly "homourous" comments, but in such cases your deficiencies are quite apparent.
That is the single reason you are here, isn't it?
To try to make people "appreciate you".
People, who are confident about themselves do not try to "impress" anyone, because they are sure of their quality. It is the people with little self-esteem, little recognition in real life (both from people and as achievements) that are looking for such on the Internet forums.
When I see your threads (the pet thread is a glorious example of that) that scream for attention I already know what I need to know.
You will be surprised.
There is a whole new trend amongst a certain group of people, that have been always separated from the rest: it is almost like going to a new planet. That can be good or bad, depending on what happens , but it is always useful to some extend.
And "idiot" is quite a fluid qualification.
For example, you will be instantly labelled idiot from certain people.
No, you are a troll, because you have no other purpose here apart from trolling, not because you allow yourself to troll certain people from time to time.
I also allow myself the guilty pleasure of pulling people's leg here and there, but that is because I cannot allow myself that in real life and because mostly I am right when I do it and because I know that there are more important things on the forum than just that.
"Keep coming back for more" is a gross misinterpretation of what is really happening.
I do not go and discuss beyond certain things and you will not find me in your despicable abomination of an entertainment that goes on in many threads (quite successfully called "bullying" by Bartelby).