Fed Called out for Cheating?!.

Are you saying Fed's an honest cheat? ;)

P.S. Good to see you again old boy.
I can't believe I missed this. WOW. Zagor is back...

Yes, Fed is an honest cheat like Nadal (who acknowledged getting illegal coaching from Toni in his memoirs).

I know you get it, but for the benefit of those who don't, I'm exercising some hyperbole for satirical purposes to underline Jazz_Hands's ongoing problem with idiocy.
Your only connection to the sport is this forum and your marathonian LOL-inducing convos, Jazz_Hands. Either that or you are the dumbest insider I've ever seen on any subject.


I thought that you were previously insisting that I was a seller at a stand at some tennis club or whatever.

Cannot keep consistent even with your most basic thoughts?

As for LOL-inducing convos: you and your tasteless efforts for jokes are the definition of that phrase.

A guy that devoted his life here to ill-advised remarks about another poster, who is at least from time to time on court and is a thousand times smarter than him to boot.

Poor Salty.



It's actually nice that someone had balls to call Fed out. Rogi pretty much said that he took MTO because he felt like it...

Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
I thought that you were previously insisting that I was a seller at a stand at some tennis club or whatever.

Cannot keep consistent even with your most basic thoughts?

As for LOL-inducing convos: you and your tasteless efforts for jokes are the definition of that phrase.

A guy that devoted his life here to ill-advised remarks about another poster, who is at least from time to time on court and is a thousand times smarter than him to boot.

Poor Salty.

It's called sense of humor. You lack it. I am talking to someone who believes ending every post with a "cool" emoji is "cool". That right there is enough for most people to be able to emit judgment on your intellectual "abilites". Then again, that became clear when you were unable to even find a simple public document in the WADA site. Remember that? The laughs that you gave me...

What are you doing up at this time? Starting your batch for tomorrow so early?
It's called sense of humor. You lack it.

I am sure among certain group of people this passes for a sense of humour.

I am sure that it is not difficult for a simple person to laugh at your "jokes".

However, there are places, where people will look in dismay at your attempts at "humour" and you will be thrown out of the premises for it if you tried it.

I am talking to someone who believes ending every post with a "cool" emoji is "cool". That right there is enough for most people to be able to emit judgment on your intellectual "abilites".

I am using the emojis just like the people use their avatars.

So much for your ability to judge others.

Then again, that became clear when you were unable to even find a simple public document in the WADA site. Remember that? The laughs that you gave me...

That is, of course, a lie, but that is not something new for you, nor will be the last time you will do that.

And, Salty, you don't seem to laugh.

Trust me, I read through you.

What are you doing up at this time? Starting your batch for tomorrow so early?

Yep, you are the first from the batch.

I am sure among certain group of people this passes for a sense of humour.

I am sure that it is not difficult for a simple person to laugh at your "jokes".

However, there are places, where people will look in dismay at your attempts at "humour" and you will be thrown out of the premises for it if you tried it.

I am using the emojis just like the people use their avatars.

So much for your ability to judge others.

That is, of course, a lie, but that is not something new for you, nor will be the last time you will do that.

And, Salty, you don't seem to laugh.

Trust me, I read through you.

Yep, you are the first from the batch.

I love it. Self important idiot who "reads through people" spends time and effort at 4:00 AM responding to me. I feel so important that a "tennis insider", much less a "cool" one, spends so much time replying to me, when he could be dealing with his "insider" businesses instead.

I've told you before: You are not one tenth as intelligent as you think you are. My sense of humor can be crass at times. There are places and occassions for it. There is no place nor occassion to sign every post with an idiotic emoji which only serves to underline the opposite of what you pretend.

Impatiently waiting for your reply,


I love it. Self important idiot who "reads through people" spends time and effort at 4:00 AM responding to me. I feel so important that a "tennis insider", much less a "cool" one, spends so much time replying to me, when he could be dealing with his "insider" businesses instead.

I've told you before: You are not one tenth as intelligent as you think you are. My sense of humor can be crass at times. There are places and occassions for it. There is no place nor occassion to sign every post with an idiotic emoji which only serves to underline the opposite of what you pretend.

Impatiently waiting for your reply,



I never labeled myself anything.

For my pleasure and to my greatest satisfaction you never disappoint me with your basically entire behaviour here.

Your humour is at best a byproduct of scarce education, poor environment for development, too much Pop culture and too much spare time.

I can imagine your homour would work on the Wall-mart parking lot or in the local pizza place with those ugly stalls and cheap tables and condiments.

Everywhere you will need to find people with similar upbringing to yours, that is why I think that such places suit you.

I am sure that you impatiently wait for my reply: that is why you are basically here - to troll.

I find it amusing that almost every time I log here you are here ALL the time.

The question is: what are you doing here?

I never labeled myself anything.

For my pleasure and to my greatest satisfaction you never disappoint me with your basically entire behaviour here.

Your humour is at best a byproduct of scarce education, poor environment for development, too much Pop culture and too much spare time.

I can imagine your homour would work on the Wall-mart parking lot or in the local pizza place with those ugly stalls and cheap tables and condiments.

Everywhere you will need to find people with similar upbringing to yours, that is why I think that such places suit you.

I am sure that you impatiently wait for my reply: that is why you are basically here - to troll.

I find it amusing that almost every time I log here you are here ALL the time.

The question is: what are you doing here?

Yes, you think you are good at pretending. But you are not. Your self-labeling starts in your hilariously self-important "Location". Inside the service box - The Business end. LOL

I much enjoy the company of a lot of folks here. And the rest I either ignore or (as in your case) I deride.

My education? Far superior to yours. Let's assume you have actually made some money through your "business". Can you buy a College Degree with it, or increase your IQ? Can you buy people's appreciation? No, you can't.

Just because you are "successful" according to your standards it doesn't make you any less of an idiot. A lot of rich people are embarrassingly stupid. And, let's face it, really successful people don't ever boast of it using vague statements in Internet forums, Ja? ;)

Am I a troll because I make fun of a few idiots here and there? OK, maybe I am. But you must also find some sort of payoff in this disfunctional situation. Otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back for more.
Yes, you think you are good at pretending. But you are not. Your self-labeling starts in your hilariously self-important "Location". Inside the service box - The Business end. LOL

You don't know what it means (although it is pretty self-explanatory), because you have never touched a tennis racquet in your life.

I much enjoy the company of a lot of folks here. And the rest I either ignore or (as in your case) I deride.

I enjoy the posts of many people too, but for reasons entirely different from yours.

Talking to people like you is just a secondary matter. There is a tennis community here and I enjoy reading about their experience and also useful advice on tennis matters.

You, on the other hand, are here just to socialize and get some sort of recognition just to feel good about yourself.

My education? Far superior to yours. Let's assume you have actually made some money through your "business". Can you buy a College Degree with it, or increase your IQ?

I made/make money because I am taught to do that by means that are inherent to me.

On the other hand you are making comments you are not qualified to make: you simply do not have the necessary information, and as far as I can see, you are unable to work even with the simplest info that is actually available to you.

That alone tells me enough about your level of intelligence. You can hide behind some supposedly "humourous" comments, but in such cases your deficiencies are quite apparent.

Can you buy people's appreciation? No, you can't.

That is the single reason you are here, isn't it?

To try to make people "appreciate you".

People, who are confident about themselves do not try to "impress" anyone, because they are sure of their quality. It is the people with little self-esteem, little recognition in real life (both from people and as achievements) that are looking for such on the Internet forums.

When I see your threads (the pet thread is a glorious example of that) that scream for attention I already know what I need to know.

Just because you are "successful" according to your standards it doesn't make you any less of an idiot. A lot of rich people are embarrassingly stupid. And, let's face it, really successful people don't ever boast of it using vague statements in Internet forums, Ja? ;)

You will be surprised.

There is a whole new trend amongst a certain group of people, that have been always separated from the rest: it is almost like going to a new planet. That can be good or bad, depending on what happens , but it is always useful to some extend.

And "idiot" is quite a fluid qualification.

For example, you will be instantly labelled idiot from certain people.

Am I a troll because I make fun of a few idiots here and there? OK, maybe I am. But you must also find some sort of payoff in this disfunctional situation. Otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back for more.

No, you are a troll, because you have no other purpose here apart from trolling, not because you allow yourself to troll certain people from time to time.

I also allow myself the guilty pleasure of pulling people's leg here and there, but that is because I cannot allow myself that in real life and because mostly I am right when I do it and because I know that there are more important things on the forum than just that.

"Keep coming back for more" is a gross misinterpretation of what is really happening.

I do not go and discuss beyond certain things and you will not find me in your despicable abomination of an entertainment that goes on in many threads (quite successfully called "bullying" by Bartelby).

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You don't know what it means (although it is pretty self-explanatory), because you have never touched a tennis racquet in your life.

I enjoy the posts of many people too, but for reasons entirely different from yours.

Talking to people like you is just a secondary matter. There is a tennis community here and I enjoy reading about their experience and also useful advice on tennis matters.

You, on the other hand, are here just to socialize and get some sort of recognition just to feel good about yourself.

I made/make money because I am taught to do that by means that are inherent to me.

On the other hand you are making comments you are not qualified to make: you simply do not have the necessary information, and as far as I can see, you are unable to work even with the simplest info that is actually available to you.

That alone tells me enough about your level of intelligence. You can hide behind some supposedly "homourous" comments, but in such cases your deficiencies are quite apparent.

That is the single reason you are here, isn't it?

To try to make people "appreciate you".

People, who are confident about themselves do not try to "impress" anyone, because they are sure of their quality. It is the people with little self-esteem, little recognition in real life (both from people and as achievements) that are looking for such on the Internet forums.

When I see your threads (the pet thread is a glorious example of that) that scream for attention I already know what I need to know.

You will be surprised.

There is a whole new trend amongst a certain group of people, that have been always separated from the rest: it is almost like going to a new planet. That can be good or bad, depending on what happens , but it is always useful to some extend.

And "idiot" is quite a fluid qualification.

For example, you will be instantly labelled idiot from certain people.

No, you are a troll, because you have no other purpose here apart from trolling, not because you allow yourself to troll certain people from time to time.

I also allow myself the guilty pleasure of pulling people's leg here and there, but that is because I cannot allow myself that in real life and because mostly I am right when I do it and because I know that there are more important things on the forum than just that.

"Keep coming back for more" is a gross misinterpretation of what is really happening.

I do not go and discuss beyond certain things and you will not find me in your despicable abomination of an entertainment that goes on in many threads (quite successfully called "bullying" by Bartelby).

I read enough of this to see where you are going. How can you spend so much effort writing crap?

I am right about you. Including my "homorous" comments about your personality and motivations. You are a ho.mo..rous type of guy.

But you are wrong, as usual. Yes, I have played tennis recreationally until my late teens. I wasn't particularly good at it, but neither were my friends. So what? Most people suck at the sports they practice for fun. But not you, of course. I'm sure your last name is "Borg", yes?

Sorry to tell you, dude. But you are not one tenth as smart as you think you are. Money (if you really have made any with your "intrinsic" abilities) doesn't buy you an ounce of personality or charm. (Or intelligence, that commodity you are in such dire need of increasing).

Shouldn't you be demonstrating your superiority to Octobrina or Mustard now? ;)
I read enough of this to see where you are going. How can you spend so much effort writing crap?

I am right about you. Including my "homorous" comments about your personality and motivations. You are a ho.mo..rous type of guy.

That is weak on so many levels.

But you are wrong, as usual. Yes, I have played tennis recreationally until my late teens.

I don't believe that.

I wasn't particularly good at it, but neither were my friends. So what? Most people suck at the sports they practice for fun. But not you, of course. I'm sure your last name is "Borg", yes?.

Oh, no. I am a recreational player on a pretty low level, just like it is supposed to be.

Sorry to tell you, dude. But you are not one tenth as smart as you think you are. Money (if you really have made any with your "intrinsic" abilities) doesn't buy you an ounce of personality or charm. (Or intelligence, that commodity you are in such dire need of increasing).

Not this crap again.

Shouldn't you be demonstrating your superiority to Octobrina or Mustard now? ;)

Well, seeing that you now interfere in my discussions with other posters (including some of the aforementioned) without being invited, I think that your intent on saying BS like that is clear.

And you are rather superficial when you give your opinion about other people's conversations, so not really indicative about anything other than that I am right about your presence here.

That is weak on so many levels.

I don't believe that.

Oh, no. I am a recreational player on a pretty low level, just like it is supposed to be.

Not this crap again.

Well, seeing that you now interfere in my discussions with other posters (including some of the aforementioned) without being invited, I think that your intent on saying BS like that is clear.

And you are rather superficial when you give your opinion about other people's conversations, so not really indicative about anything other than that I am right about your presence here.

Your opinion is irrelevant to me. But I still wait for your responses with anticipation (even if I sometimes only read a fraction of them) for the simple fact that it allows me to respond back.

Economy of effort is not your strong suit. Do you have a strong suit?
Your opinion is irrelevant to me. But I still wait for your responses with anticipation (even if I sometimes only read a fraction of them) for the simple fact that it allows me to respond back.

Economy of effort is not your strong suit. Do you have a strong suit?

Economy of effort is not always a priority.

If it was, I wouldn't have been talking to you at all (not that it is out of the question that it happens at some point, but for entirely different reasons, i.e. your repetitiveness).

Economy of effort is not always a priority.

If it was, I wouldn't have been talking to you at all (not that it is out of the question that it happens at some point, but for entirely different reasons, i.e. your repetitiveness).

Your priority is to feel superior. Have you considered drugs? Since a College Degree is out of the question by now. ;)

You know what? I think that if I knew you personally I might feel some compassion for you. The thing is that there are not many redeeming qualities that transpire from you online. To begin with, that emoji is irritating and makes you seem stupid(er) than you probably are.

And deriding people who are trying to help a friend is also very weird and offputting. Do you have friends in real life, Tennis_Hands?


Talk Tennis Guru
I can't believe I missed this. WOW. Zagor is back...

Yes, Fed is an honest cheat like Nadal (who acknowledged getting illegal coaching from Toni in his memoirs).

I know you get it, but for the benefit of those who don't, I'm exercising some hyperbole for satirical purposes to underline Jazz_Hands's ongoing problem with idiocy.

I remember Boris admitting giving Novak hand signals during matches, admitting illegal coaching. No one cared.


Pat Cash:
"You can't just stop a marathon if you're tired... I can't stress how bad this (tournament) has been supervised or looked at by the medical team here in the whole tour," Cash told BBC’s Radio 5 Live in the aftermath of Federer's 6-4 3-6 6-1 3-6 6-3 victory over Nadal. "It's wrong, wrong and wrong... It's cheating and it's being allowed. It's legal cheating but it's still not right," added Cash.

http://tennisnow.com/Blogs/NET-POSTS/February-2017/Federer-Answers-Cash’s-Claims-that-He-Cheated-by-T.aspx?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=READ MORE.&utm_campaign=News-2-2-2017
If you dare to look into history, you would discover Nadal had called a lot more of time out against federer.
Your priority is to feel superior. Have you considered drugs? Since a College Degree is out of the question by now. ;)

You know what? I think that if I knew you personally I might feel some compassion for you. The thing is that there are not many redeeming qualities that transpire from you online. To begin with, that emoji is irritating and makes you seem stupid(er) than you probably are.

And deriding people who are trying to help a friend is also very weird and offputting. Do you have friends in real life, Tennis_Hands?

I don't know what is worse: that you need to create an image that you can continue to hate/troll in order to justify your presence here or that lack of understanding that it will not help you in the slightest.

I know you pretty well, you see.

I said what I wanted to say and this conversation is going nowhere, so let's return to the original topic of this thread, Salty.

I don't know what is worse: that you need to create an image that you can continue to hate/troll in order to justify your presence here or that lack of understanding that it will not help you in the slightest.

I know you pretty well, you see.

I said what I wanted to say and this conversation is going nowhere, so let's return to the original topic of this thread, Salty.

You don't know much of anything, perhaps not even tennis. Maybe you are good at making money (you know, the art of parting suckers from their hard earned cash), but many idiots have that sort of predatory talent. Every ecosystem has to have some sort of scavenging organism, aye?

Salty coming out from the guy who accused Nadal of doping out of spite and envy is rich. Rich like you, yes? ;)
You don't know much of anything, perhaps not even tennis. Maybe you are good at making money (you know, the art of parting suckers from their hard earned cash), but many idiots have that sort of predatory talent. Every ecosystem has to have some sort of scavenging organism, aye?

Salty coming out from the guy who accused Nadal of doping out of spite and envy is rich. Rich like you, yes? ;)

Since I said that we are back to the topic of cheating I will be addressing only this part of your post and mentioning Nadal is the right direction to go.

Nadal is my favourite target, not because he doesn't have qualities as a tennis player. He does.

He is my favourite target, because the way he (or should I say Tio?) chose to build his career, using every shameful tactic in the book, put a stain on that noble sport (just like you will never hear me say positive things about McEnroe despite of his genius, because of his problems as a person, but at least those problems did not creep into his game and his attitude towards his opponents much).

Not least because I was furious that he chose that instead of fighting like a man, which he was certainly capable of, if he so choose, given his talent and his grit.

Of course, I don't expect that this will produce any result with you and the likes of you, seeing that you didn't notice such things in the first place.

Most such people are supporters either BECAUSE of that (doing the same IRL etc) or just don't care.

However, with you it is a special case, because you don't have anything to do with tennis, so the only reason why you choose to "support" someone like Nadal (apart from the aforementioned association with yourself) is that Federer's popularity gives you the biggest number of targets for your trolling.

Oh, that and your imaginary or real association with Spain.

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Talk Tennis Guru

He is my favourite target, because the way he (or should I say Tio?) chose to build his career, using every shameful tactic in the book...


He has used 'shameful tactic' in your imaginary world.

Everbody in the real world knows that Rafa is your target because of the certain H2H.


Bionic Poster
Serb and Volley you meant. ;)

He has used 'shameful tactic' in your imaginary world.

Everbody in the real world knows that Rafa is your target because of the certain H2H.

Being double faced again and inventing stories about Federer fans I see.

Since Oct 28 2010 ®




AO'14 final, Nadal took a MTO and lost

AO'17 final, Nadal saw someone else take a MTO and win

This is a win-win of unseen proportions! :rolleyes:
2017 MTO was between sets and did not hold up the opponent waiting during a set.

2014 was an awful MTO between games and left Wawrinka fuming.


Between sets, a break of a maximum of 2 minutes is allowed. Fed left the court for a MTO after losing the 4th set, leaving his opponent on court for more than 6 minutes.

Between changeovers, players are allowed 90 seconds (timed from the moment the last point ends until the first serve is struck for the next point).

2014 AO Final, Nadal took slightly more than 6 minutes.


Edit: Nadal wins here. His MTO was so melodramatic. I just love "drama".

Watch how Nadal came back with no shirt, just so that he can spend more time putting on one. Drama dosen't get better than this.
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Talk Tennis Guru
His opponent was too busy lining up his bottles, and catching his breath from the last point, to notice.

That six minute break probably reduced the time needed by said opponent between serves, and brought the average down to 27 seconds. It gave said opponent energy to hold serve, and break.

Speaking of bottles, your comment reminded me that Fed has his own way to keep himself busy during breaks. So, Fedlovers shouldn't complain when someone else (than their beloved one) takes a MTO:
Since I said that we are back to the topic of cheating I will be addressing only this part of your post and mentioning Nadal is the right direction to go.

Nadal is my favourite target, not because he doesn't have qualities as a tennis player. He does.

He is my favourite target, because the way he (or should I say Tio?) chose to build his career, using every shameful tactic in the book, put a stain on that noble sport (just like you will never hear me say positive things about McEnroe despite of his genius, because of his problems as a person, but at least those problems did not creep into his game and his attitude towards his opponents much).

Not least because I was furious that he chose that instead of fighting like a man, which he was certainly capable of, if he so choose, given his talent and his grit.

Of course, I don't expect that this will produce any result with you and the likes of you, seeing that you didn't notice such things in the first place.
I can see that you are trying to give the impresion of being a balanced poster by adding your imaginary explanations, but the fact is you have hated Nadal since it became clear he would be Federer's nightmare. And that's OK. But just don't pretend to be "fair and balanced", it doesn't suit you at all.

Nadal has faults and great qualities, just like Federer does. That is why Nadal is very much loved amongst players, and even somebody like Soderling (whom he had a public spat and a tense relationship with) had very nice things to say about Nadal in Dutch TV.

For example, Nadal has always lobbied when he was in the council to make it possible for lower ranked players to make more money. That's not just important because it is a more fair distribution of the income generated through events, but also because it would allow the sport to be more palatable and feasible to practice professionally, and thus would perhaps have ensured a better crop of players than the pathetic new wave we have been submitted to.

Nadal has created an academy in Manacor to help young kids get into this world and be successful. He has done the same to help kids in places like India, and so forth. He is a philantropist, and that's also part of who he is.

See, these things which are good for the "noble sport" of tennis, like you call it, should be things someone who actually loves the sport would appreciate, let alone a self-proclaimed "insider". You are not fooling anyone, bud.

You lose the battle of attempting to seem relatively unbiased and level headed for all those things, but most of all for your shameless accusations and endless speculations. Those simply betray your actual fanboi persona. And there's nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend to know something the rest of us don't, or to pass yourself as more knowledgeable in that respect, because you aren't.

You are a run of the mill hating fanboi attempting to show a civilized facade. That's all there is to it.

Most such people are supporters either BECAUSE of that (doing the same IRL etc) or just don't care.

However, with you it is a special case, because you don't have anything to do with tennis, so the only reason why you choose to "support" someone like Nadal (apart from the aforementioned association with yourself) is that Federer's popularity gives you the biggest number of targets for your trolling.

Oh, that and your imaginary or real association with Spain.

I think you are projecting a fair bit of your own motivations here, Mein Herr.

It is helpful to put things in perspective, in any case. For you, Nadal is close to a criminal because he takes a few more seconds between points. Yet, when I brought up the Volkswagen scandal, in which a great number of directives in one of the biggest companies in Germany conspired to save money at the expense of millions of people's health, for you that was a joke. Meaning that you will excuse anything because of your "real or imaginary ties" to Germany.

Can you see how clear your real motivations look? Unlike Nadal, you are no philantropist. And you might have profited from tennis (according to you, anyway ;) ), but you have done nothing for it (unlike Nadal). You are a faceless, nameless hater, who has done nothing for the betterment or the expansion of the sport. And you will remain to be that.
I can see that you are trying to give the impresion of being a balanced poster by adding your imaginary explanations, but the fact is you have hated Nadal since it became clear he would be Federer's nightmare. And that's OK. But just don't pretend to be "fair and balanced", it doesn't suit you at all.

You saying something doesn't make it a "fact", Salty.

Nadal has faults and great qualities, just like Federer does.

That doesn't mean that they have the same faults (and qualities, for that matter).

That is why Nadal is very much loved amongst players, and even somebody like Soderling (whom he had a public spat and a tense relationship with) had very nice things to say about Nadal in Dutch TV.

For example, Nadal has always lobbied when he was in the council to make it possible for lower ranked players to make more money. That's not just important because it is a more fair distribution of the income generated through events, but also because it would allow the sport to be more palatable and feasible to practice professionally, and thus would perhaps have ensured a better crop of players than the pathetic new wave we have been submitted to.

You know nothing about the dynamic of the work of the Player's council, so ....

And whether Nadal is respected in the locker room or not doesn't have anything to do with anything, since there may be many reasons for it and also it is a general conclusion.

Nadal has created an academy in Manacor to help young kids get into this world and be successful. He has done the same to help kids in places like India, and so forth. He is a philantropist, and that's also part of who he is.

Nadal has established the academy in Manacor for profit (in his case ripping off wealthy parents for providing their kids with delusion of grandeur). It has a relative high expences for the students there (I think a respected tennis-related magazine gave it 3 out of 5 stars very recently, so the proof is right there and not from me).

His academy in India maybe doing some charity, but unless you know what you are talking about is a bit of a stretch to say exactly what that amounts to. In the light of the problems with the tax authorities that they recently have had it is no stretch of imagination to think that it is only a cover up for other purposes.

See, these things which are good for the "noble sport" of tennis, like you call it, should be things someone who actually loves the sport would appreciate, let alone a self-proclaimed "insider". You are not fooling anyone, bud.

If Nadal was thinking on that plane, he would have respected the rules of the game.

Him doing charity is not fooling anyone, "bud".

You lose the battle of attempting to seem relatively unbiased and level headed for all those things, but most of all for your shameless accusations and endless speculations. Those simply betray your actual fanboi persona. And there's nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend to know something the rest of us don't, or to pass yourself as more knowledgeable in that respect, because you aren't.

You are a run of the mill hating fanboi attempting to show a civilized facade. That's all there is to it.

God forbid that I am unbiased towards cheaters and puppets.

I think you are projecting a fair bit of your own motivations here, Mein Herr.

It is helpful to put things in perspective, in any case. For you, Nadal is close to a criminal because he takes a few more seconds between points. Yet, when I brought up the Volkswagen scandal, in which a great number of directives in one of the biggest companies in Germany conspired to save money at the expense of millions of people's health, for you that was a joke. Meaning that you will excuse anything because of your "real or imaginary ties" to Germany.

Can you see how clear your real motivations look? Unlike Nadal, you are no philantropist. And you might have profited from tennis (according to you, anyway ;) ), but you have done nothing for it (unlike Nadal). You are a faceless, nameless hater, who has done nothing for the betterment or the expansion of the sport. And you will remain to be that.

WOW, even when crying Salty never changes.

You saying something doesn't make it a "fact", Salty.

That doesn't mean that they have the same faults (and qualities, for that matter).

You know nothing about the dynamic of the work of the Player's council, so ....

And whether Nadal is respected in the locker room or not doesn't have anything to do with anything, since there may be many reasons for it and also it is a general conclusion.

Nadal has established the academy in Manacor for profit (in his case ripping off wealthy parents for providing their kids with delusion of grandeur). It has a relative high expences for the students there (I think a respected tennis-related magazine gave it 3 out of 5 stars very recently, so the proof is right there and not from me).

His academy in India maybe doing some charity, but unless you know what you are talking about is a bit of a stretch to say exactly what that amounts to. In the light of the problems with the tax authorities that they recently have had it is no stretch of imagination to think that it is only a cover up for other purposes.

If Nadal was thinking on that plane, he would have respected the rules of the game.

Him doing charity is not fooling anyone, "bud".

God forbid that I am unbiased towards cheaters and puppets.

WOW, even when crying Salty never changes.

We have established that:

1. You are irrelevant and nobody will ever remember your "contributions" to tennis. (Note to you: Being the official supplier of showerheads for tennis facilities in the Western/Central European region is probably not something which will give you much glory)

2. You are still sour from all the previous encounters between Nadal and Federer, even if you consider the H2H unimportant.

3. You can't be taken seriously in anything you say, even if you try to vest your posts with the fictitious mystique of someone who is an "insider" (again, being the official supplier of showerheads in your region doesn't make you an insider).

3. You will never credit Nadal for anything positive, because you look at reality through the unidimensional goggles of the consumate fanboi. Just as, to you, Spain and the U.S. are countries of cheaters, and Germany can do no wrong (when evidence to the contrary is plentiful).

4. You do a lot of projecting. Maybe you should start a movie theater.

Now it's time to pull your credentials and tell me that you are not the supplier of showerheads in the Western/Central European region. That you actually provide the towels.


Jazz Handzzzzz!!!!

We have established that:

1. You are irrelevant and nobody will ever remember your "contributions" to tennis. (Note to you: Being the official supplier of showerheads for tennis facilities in the Western/Central European region is probably not something which will give you much glory)

2. You are still sour from all the previous encounters between Nadal and Federer, even if you consider the H2H unimportant.

3. You can't be taken seriously in anything you say, even if you try to vest your posts with the fictitious mystique of someone who is an "insider" (again, being the official supplier of showerheads in your region doesn't make you an insider).

3. You will never credit Nadal for anything positive, because you look at reality through the unidimensional goggles of the consumate fanboi. Just as, to you, Spain and the U.S. are countries of cheaters, and Germany can do no wrong (when evidence to the contrary is plentiful).

4. You do a lot of projecting. Maybe you should start a movie theater.

Now it's time to pull your credentials and tell me that you are not the supplier of showerheads in the Western/Central European region. That you actually provide the towels.


Jazz Handzzzzz!!!!


Poor Salty.
