Yes, you are right Federer is not a real man like you. Why, I bet you are farily competitive at the 2.0 level and take selfies with all your fans who come charging out on court.
Running on court and up to a player is a d*ck move. He may be a "kid" but I was brought up to know not to do things like that even when I was young. You don't have a right to get a selfie with these people, guess what? There's thousands of people there who would like a selfie with the players, should they all run on court as well? Fed didn't run away from the guy but he shouldn't have to pose with him and act like he isn't being out of line and encourage more people to do it. Sorry the "kid" is an idiot. It would be different if it was outside the building. It's like if you wait for a musician utside a gig, fair enough - but you jump onstage, you're an a***hole.
QFT! the overgrown kid is A hole already, a reflection of stupidity
In danger of what??
At no point did the kid act threatening. Fed is such a snob.
A kid with a phone, could have been a Serbian kid with a detonator
Just cause he is a big ovegrown teen doesnt make him innocent
oh protect the kids, help the kids its for the kids blah blah blah
In todays age and times a top entertainer sports elite just does battle,
works very hard to stay on top of his profession juggle all kinds of rubbish
then you see a big brat get past security into your space and no one calls
that breaking the law and simply the complete disrespect of a grown up.
That boy deserves a real good slapping into the ground by security
a serious handcuffing for a serious offense and parents should be
put on the front page for letting their vermon do stupid things.
The day kids are not punished worlds ethics disappear, now every kid
will risk doing it to get more hits on their Fakebook.