Federer and the "Selfie" Kid.


Hall of Fame
The teen was obviously a Fed fan, so you're looking at the wrong group of fans...

fake federer fans could be just like fake supporters of a football game that enter a stadium pretending to be of one team just to create confusion.


WTF about Seles? :) Her attacker was a man with a knife not a kid with a phone!

Fed sees that this kid wants a selfie with sweaty maestro and he calls security :)
Maybe he is telling his (?) kids: "Do not look at me, my lipgloss is still not in place!"


WTF about Seles? :) Her attacker was a man with a knife not a kid with a phone!

Fed sees that this kid wants a selfie with sweaty maestro and he calls security :)
Maybe he is telling his (?) kids: "Do not look at me, my lipgloss is still not in place!"

You have no idea what this is all about (where's shaking head emoticon?).


Hall of Fame
should have uppercut the rich spoilt kid or at least slapped him to the ground
Fed could be justified for doing this as he felt in danger


#MonicaSeles has long since moved on from the unfortunate incident which happened TWENTY YEARS AGO and I highly encourage you all do the same. Can you imagine the #PTSD she suffers at the hands of her own "fans" repeatedly discussing a horrible incident in her life.

If #MonicaSeles has that ability, the #LEAST her more colorful fans should do is follow her lead. Otherwise, it just looks oddly obsessive.


I'm sure Seles would want to use her own experience as a reason why they should tighten up the security at RG.


WTF about Seles? :) Her attacker was a man with a knife not a kid with a phone!

Fed sees that this kid wants a selfie with sweaty maestro and he calls security :)
Maybe he is telling his (?) kids: "Do not look at me, my lipgloss is still not in place!"

Yes, you are right Federer is not a real man like you. Why, I bet you are farily competitive at the 2.0 level and take selfies with all your fans who come charging out on court.


The teen was obviously a Fed fan, so you're looking at the wrong group of fans...

:)To the untrained eye, yes. However, the "kid" was secretly a fan of Fed's rivals and wanted to take a selfie while he had a cold to make Roger sick, thus denting his chances to win RG;)


Hall of Fame
The only thing ı agree with Fed is security must be tighter because you never know. On the other this incident again show why ı dont like Fed as well. There is no need to act like kid is some kind of serial killer or something once you understand clearly that it is just a fan. The similar thing happened to Rafa in Us Open once he realized the guy is harmless he was trying to save the guy from security.
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The only thing ı agree with Fed is security must be tighter because you never know. On the other this incident again show how why ı dont like Fed as well. There is no need to act like kid is some kind of serial killer or something once you understand clearly that it is just a fan. The similar thing happened to Rafa in Us Open once he realized the guy is harmless he was trying to save the guy from security.

On a busy public place, if someone comes from behind you and put a hand on you, you get very surprised and even scared a bit. Fed looked relieved when he found out it was only a kid (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy79cxkAqKQ) and tried to be as nice as he could be, but he has every right to be upset with the security. Something similar happened to Mike Tyson a few weeks ago and he was so angry, quite understandably.


This creepy guy was lucky Tyson wasn't in his 20s otherwise he's a dead meat. Creepy people would scare the hell out of you if they approach you from behind and touch you. It doesn't matter if it's an adult or a kid. You feel you are exposed to danger. If it gets to their mind, it can affect tennis player's performance as well.


Running on court and up to a player is a d*ck move. He may be a "kid" but I was brought up to know not to do things like that even when I was young. You don't have a right to get a selfie with these people, guess what? There's thousands of people there who would like a selfie with the players, should they all run on court as well? Fed didn't run away from the guy but he shouldn't have to pose with him and act like he isn't being out of line and encourage more people to do it. Sorry the "kid" is an idiot. It would be different if it was outside the building. It's like if you wait for a musician utside a gig, fair enough - but you jump onstage, you're an a***hole.


Hall of Fame
Fed in my book sometimes showing the symptoms of taking himself way too seriously. He was spot on about security needs to be tighter though.


He could have laughed it off. Then again considering this is not the first second or maybe even third time this has happened, should anyone react kindly and encourage more peope to try it?

Happened to Fed before, happened to Nadal, happened in practise to Federer a day before. Enough is enough


Fed in my book sometimes showing the symptoms of taking himself way too seriously. He was spot on about security needs to be tighter though.

Fed to me seems one of the most humble and down to earth celebrities ever, but to each his own.


That being said, what's with the Seles nonsense? If she couldn't mentally overcome a superficial injury, who knows how much of a dent she would have made to Graf's legacy? Nobody can say for sure what Graf's slam count would be with Seles. Who's to say that wouldn't have motivated Graf to further greatness? Better not to delve in hypotheticals.

This is dumb beyond belief.


Hall of Fame
Yes, you are right Federer is not a real man like you. Why, I bet you are farily competitive at the 2.0 level and take selfies with all your fans who come charging out on court.


Running on court and up to a player is a d*ck move. He may be a "kid" but I was brought up to know not to do things like that even when I was young. You don't have a right to get a selfie with these people, guess what? There's thousands of people there who would like a selfie with the players, should they all run on court as well? Fed didn't run away from the guy but he shouldn't have to pose with him and act like he isn't being out of line and encourage more people to do it. Sorry the "kid" is an idiot. It would be different if it was outside the building. It's like if you wait for a musician utside a gig, fair enough - but you jump onstage, you're an a***hole.

QFT! the overgrown kid is A hole already, a reflection of stupidity

In danger of what??
At no point did the kid act threatening. Fed is such a snob.
A kid with a phone, could have been a Serbian kid with a detonator
Just cause he is a big ovegrown teen doesnt make him innocent
oh protect the kids, help the kids its for the kids blah blah blah

In todays age and times a top entertainer sports elite just does battle,
works very hard to stay on top of his profession juggle all kinds of rubbish
then you see a big brat get past security into your space and no one calls
that breaking the law and simply the complete disrespect of a grown up.

That boy deserves a real good slapping into the ground by security
a serious handcuffing for a serious offense and parents should be
put on the front page for letting their vermon do stupid things.

The day kids are not punished worlds ethics disappear, now every kid
will risk doing it to get more hits on their Fakebook.
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Fed saw it is a kid with a phone and not a man with a knife and Fed calls security :confused:

His behaviour is manly for you? :)

I think he absolutely did the right thing. He refused to take a selfie with the idiot because you don't reward the idiot's behavior by taking a selfie. He appeared to tell the kid to back off and he looked to the security guy to take the kid away. I thought it was an intelligient move and manly enough for everyone except the most manly man in the world which must be you.

Poisoned Slice

Bionic Poster
That kid could be Djordje in disguise. The tactic works well: Federer looks uneasy on the centre court, he might be feeling anxious every now and then in case the real Djordje turns up.


Bionic Poster
Are we still obsessing about that kid. I'd forgotten all about this.

That kid could be Djordje in disguise. The tactic works well: Federer looks uneasy on the centre court, he might be feeling anxious every now and then in case the real Djordje turns up.

Or maybe Chico. Oh wait, same thing.:)
The more I think about it, the more I think that the selfie kid is a rude kid. He is a stranger to Federer and he forced himself to take picture of Federer and himself together and expected Federer to oblige to his selfish need. That kid didn't have any press credential, no official credential and he thinks he has the right to step on the court? Come to think of it this kid is very arrogant and has a self entitlement attitude.
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I completely sympathize with Fed here. Given what's been going on in the world with terrorists especially lately in Paris of course you'd expect that if someone unauthorized gets on the court security should react immediately. I think Roger was miffed that all these "security" guards dress up in a suit and tie and ostensibly do not do their jobs. Why have them there if they don't do their job? The history of Seles being stabbed is vivid in most tennis fans' minds and all this (and other recent intrusions onto center court at RG) shows that if there is a deranged person who wants to hurt a player he can do so quite easily. The kid was rude. Put his arm around Roger who didn't know him. I wouldn't like it if I were in Roger's shoes.


Hall of Fame
French Open really needs to up its security. Fed was not pissed at the kid but extremely annoyed that anyone could just enter the court. Very annoyed at the lax security and rightly so.

Maybe people will understand his concerns now.


Hall of Fame
French Open really needs to up its security. Fed was not pissed at the kid but extremely annoyed that anyone could just enter the court. Very annoyed at the lax security and rightly so.

Maybe people will understand his concerns now.