Oh dear... This thread makes me feel like going to an AAA meeting for the first time

...well, I have liked the Federer Nike shirts for a long time and have once in while bought some, when they were on sail. Also the occasional shorts... But I also wear other tennis gear, I.e. I like some of Djokovic's Uniqlo gear, my tennis shoes are asics since many years and I started to appreciate TW house socks a while back.
Racket wise I have been been searching for the right racket, after my highly appreciated Prince Mono's started to break down on me...I went through a couple of different racket types until I settled for the Prince Ozone O3 MP... Or so I thought until a friend of mine showed up with a couple of test rackets, including one BLX tour 90... For the fun of it I wanted to try Federer's stick... Love at first hit... I had to put the racket away after 5 minutes, because I just liked the precision it gave my shots too much (and also because the string job was too hard on my arm... (I am a softy, trusting for many years in the same string and pretty low tension, with no intention of changing either).
I couldn't get the BLX Tour 90 out of my head anymore and switched to it roughly 9 month later and never looked back (got the black, red, golden Federer bag with them...great bag in my opinion). But in all other directions... I started searching the net... Is it really the same stick Federer plays or not? I started adding other versions of Tour 90 (K90, HPS90, N90) to my collection, to find out if they were different... Meanwhile I am a racket collector (mainly Wilson Pro Staff kind of rackets like the PS85, 95, KPS88, other classics, some woodies...) and have some rackets hanging on my walls (wife not always happy ;-))
I guess I am not really a Federer copy cat, but I like some of his stuff. I have always played a 1HBH, with the exception of a few years as a kid and have not really changed my tennis with the Federer style in mind. But one positive effect the switch to the 90 had was that I saw Federer to things on TV, that I had never thought I could do...but with his racket I dared to try such things (I.e. Back hand half volleys on the base line instead of stepping backwards) and some things actually work for me and I think it helped me to improve my tennis in some areas. For sure more of a mental trick than really the racket switch, but I don't care... I got better in some areas and that is cool.