I mean, the measuring stick used by some for Fedr seems DRASTICALLY different than the ones used for Djokodal (let alone the rest of the tour).
IMO, Big3 'bad' matches of 2019:
1) AO19 finals, destroyed by Djokr
2) Madrid19 vs. The Fog, blown off the court
3) Barca19 vs. L.Mayer, played horrible and should've lost in straights, but Mayer choked.
4) Barca19, played poorly for next couple of matches, but won, then got blown off the court by Thiem in SF.
5) Madrid19, played subpar early rounds, then played poorly against Tstitsipas, but kept it to a close loss.
1) played poorly for 2 matches before RBA, then played pretty poorly against RBA in Doha loss.
2) IW19, Lost to a guy he's owned in Kohli, need I say more?
3) Miami19, ditto and barely better than IW19, loss to a much inferior version of himself in RBA again.
4) Rome19, played pretty well, but threw in a stinker in the F and got bageled and breadsticked by decent-Nadl (I get that Djokr was tired, but still...)
5) RG19 SF, should've lost in straights, snucked out sets 2&4 bc Thiem choked in set 2, and choked BPs in general throughout.
1) Miami19 1R, played terrible against Albot, but still won, then went on to with the whole tournie.
2) that's it.
Of Fedr's 4 losses, he could've won them all except one:
1) AO17, 2/3 TB's went' Tsitsipas's way, or would likely be SS win, 0/12 BPs (almost never happens with 12 or more BP chances).
2) IW19 F, had BP early in set2, so could've been SS win, still had BPs to serve out set3.
3) Madrid19 vs. Thiem, Fedr had MPs.
4) RG19 SF, sandstorm-like conditions, and on clay, so not much of a chance against Nadl, a player who plays with much more margins.
Nadl and Djokr each with 5+ poor performances vs. Fedr's 1-2, yet he's the one in fear of playing badly going forward...
