No he is not, hes a troll and his horrible thread should be closed off.
Everyone that has any sort of knowledge of biomechanics knows that a modern tennis stroke is hit with ur full body kinetic chain, the OP is essentially claiming you don't, since he claims ur holding ur wrist back deliberately which means ur preventing the kinetic chain that traveled from ur legs up your whole body to be released into the ball in the last part of the chain which is releasing of the energy into the racquet.
Its clear from slow motion footage that this is what happens because in the majority of forehands that are struck in match play and under normal circumstances are hit this way, where the racquet in the LAG laid back position has a much smaller angle between the racquet and arm compared to when the ball is HIT at contact, because the kinetic chain that was gathered from the body was released into the racquet and then the racquet released it into the ball at contact.
If the racquet would not release then look at where it would be at contact (green line), the ball would go way out, his arm would basically need to be almost straight forward at contact for the ball to go straight (2nd green line) , so how is he supposed to hit crosscourt with this theory?? his arm would have to be crossed to the left infront of his body for him to hit crosscourt, how ridicilous is that? Seriously??
No pro hits like this, ideally at contact the arm should be out and away from the body, at a 45 degree angle ideally which is the case in most pro strokes.
And basically the whole premise that the racquet doesn't get thrown into the ball from the OP is because the racquet AFTER contact stays at about the same angle as AT contact for a split second, which is ludicrous, because it DOESN'T MATTER what the racquet does after the ball left, the fact is the racquet LAGS and then gets RELEASED into the contact with the ball, it keeps getting released ALL THE WAY till contact and all that energy is released into the ball, what the racquet does AFTER contact doesn't matter at all, and the reason it stops releasing is because of the IMPACT with the ball, not because federer GRIPS his racquet tight lol, if he did that the racquet would not flip like he does on this upper picture, it flips because the ball is hit slightly above center and he is holding it LOOSE.
He is also showing video of the most extreme cases of the least racquet release which are return of serve, some joke practice hits and down the line shots, which is very "smart" of him but very deceiving, tho even in those videos you clearly see the racquet release.
In this video you can see the racquet loosely fluidly being released as the kinetic chain reaches it.
0:24 1:46 you can clearly see racquet flipping from an extremely loose grip at contact, this is impossible if infact Federer pushed the ball and held the grip tight at contact as the OP ridicilously claims
3:12 and some hits around there, look how away federer's arm is from his body, and how much racquet released because he is hitting CROSSCOURT.
If he held his wrist back like the OP claims, the ball would not even go down the line but 10 feet outside the court
You basically have to be BLIND not to see this.
Now im sure the OP will quote this post and again claim the same thing he has been claiming to every single post before that proved his ludicrous theory wrong, im not even going to bother replying anymore, because its so ignorant that its ridicilous.