From Miami08 to Doha11, Davydenko 6-0 making Rafa his pigeon on HC, but all the 6 HC slams they both participated, Davy is always on the same side as his master Fed, never on the same side as his pigeon Rafa. That's merely an additional aspect of the 12 consecutive non-clay Slam draws with blatant rigging. Everyone needs to see it and draw their own conclusions.
Let’s actually go over the H2H leading up to each of these events.
USO 08 - 3-1 advantage RAFA, 1-1 on HC. Yet this is where you think the organizers started “rigging the draws to make it easier on him”. This is such a massive reach that it’s not even funny. Davy ended up losing in the 4R to Muller who was a qualifier. He didn’t make it to either of Fedovic so this is irrelevant.
AO 09 - 3-2 advantage RAFA, 2-1 on HC advantage Davy but the new win came in Bercy when RAFA retired with a knee injury (and subsequently shut down the rest of his season). Davy was absent anyway so this is irrelevant.
USO 09 - 4-2 advantage RAFA, 2-1 on HC advantage Davy but there was no new wins for him leading up to the USO. Davy lost to Sod in the 4R before even making it to Ol’ Rog. So it was irrelevant which side he was on. RAFA played Delpo in the SF (who had already beaten him 2x on HC including a few weeks earlier in Toronto). Based on your logic, the organizers should have put him in Fed’s half to make it easier for RAFA. At that point in time Delpo was the bigger threat to him (which proved to be accurate based on how he performed in the SF-F compared to how Joker performed in his SF).
AO 10 - 4-4, 5-1 on HC advantage Davy. This was 1 of the 2x Davy actually made it to Fedovic in a HC GS event…but RAFA retired with a knee injury against Murray in the same round. So it was irrelevant where he was placed here as well since RAFA didn’t win the title.
USO 10 - 4-5 advantage Davy, 5-1 on HC advantage Davy but no new wins leading up to the USO. Davy ended up losing to Gasquet in the 2R so he didn’t even make it to either of Fedovic. It was irrelevant which side of the draw he was on.
AO 11 - 4-5 advantage Davy, 6-1 on HC advantage Davy. Davy ended up losing in the very 1R to Mayer so he played neither of Fedovic. It was irrelevant where he was placed in the draw.
USO 11 - 4-5 advantage Davy, 6-1 on HC advantage Davy but once again no new win leading up to the USO. Davy lost to Joker in the 3R, but for the 2nd (and last time) he played 1 of Fedovic RAFA didn’t go on to win the title. So it was irrelevant.
You would have a point (and I have to emphasize that you don’t) if RAFA was winning HC GS titles by having Fedovic beat Davy for him. But that never happened. In all of his HC GS title runs Fedovic never took out Davy for him when Davy was still an active player.
AO 09 - Davy wasn’t even there.
USO 10 - He lost to Gasquet in 2R.
USO 13 - What’s this? Davy was placed in RAFA’s half and was on pace to play him in the 3R?…Oh wait, he lost to Dodig in the 2R. So much for your theory of him being motivated to play his “pigeon” in a BO5 HC match
You’re just pushing an easily debunked agenda.