Federer with ON Tennis shoes Dubai


How do you know those are from On? Can't tell any features.
Agreed. How someone determines those are 'on' tennis shoes from that video is beyond me. I could just as easily say he's wearing ASICS or adidas from what I saw in that grainy video.

Hell, why stop at the shoes? Let's also speculate that he's switching racquets as he's using a 'blacked out' frame! Maybe a Head?


New User
Agreed. How someone determines those are 'on' tennis shoes from that video is beyond me. I could just as easily say he's wearing ASICS or adidas from what I saw in that grainy video.

Hell, why stop at the shoes? Let's also speculate that he's switching racquets as he's using a 'blacked out' frame! Maybe a Head?

They are On shoes. You can tell by the tech/design of the heel cup. The side logo also looks exactly like an On; it could only maybe look like an ASICS “@“ logo, but I can’t think of the last time they used one on the medial and primary logo placement. There is no reason to think he is switching racquets but there is every reason to think he is, eventually, switching shoes.


They are On shoes. You can tell by the tech/design of the heel cup. The side logo also looks exactly like an On; it could only maybe look like an ASICS “@“ logo, but I can’t think of the last time they used one on the medial and primary logo placement. There is no reason to think he is switching racquets but there is every reason to think he is, eventually, switching shoes.
Are you watching the same video I am? Because all I can make out from that grainy long-distance shot is (a) white shoes, (b) black soles. That's it. No 'logo', no 'heel cup'. Please post a screen shot and point out the 'on' logo.

And, in case you didn't catch the sarcasm, he's not changing racquets...


New User
Are you watching the same video I am? Because all I can make out from that grainy long-distance shot is (a) white shoes, (b) black soles. That's it. No 'logo', no 'heel cup'. Please post a screen shot and point out the 'on' logo.

And, in case you didn't catch the sarcasm, he's not changing racquets...

Your eyesight is bad, you have a crappy screen or you don’t know shoes; all of that is fine, but no reason to be an obtuse ass about this. Here. That is the exact On logo placement. The heel tech and appearance is identical to multiple shoes in their lineup. These are Ons.


Your eyesight is bad, you have a crappy screen or you don’t know shoes; all of that is fine, but no reason to be an obtuse ass about this.
You mean like you just did?

I’ll grant you the logo does not look like Nike, but other that that, it’s all speculation. They very well may be On shoes, but what you posted is by no means definitive.

And I still don’t see any ‘heel tech’. And I know On shoes. My wife has been using them for over 10 years.


New User
You mean like you just did?

I’ll grant you the logo does not look like Nike, but other that that, it’s all speculation. They very well may be On shoes, but what you posted is by no means definitive.

And I still don’t see any ‘heel tech’. And I know On shoes. My wife has been using them for over 10 years.

If you don’t know what your own shoes look like, we’ve got nothing to talk about. You’ve got a reputation on this board and I’m not going to play a part in supporting it. Have a good one.


It could be ON shoes, maybe he´s just trying them out for fun during practice. He doesn´t appear to be moving very aggressively.


I will be very surprised that Federer will use "on" shoes for real matches.
He does not have many opportunities to win titles nowadays. He can not waste any opportunity because of equipment failings from shoes and racket etc...
Why does he want to risk his chances to use new shoes?
Fed might use casually during the practice for "ON" shoes feedback so they can develop some style of their shoes in my opinion.

big ted

first time on court in a year basically.. i assume he'll wear nikes later training
and/or at AO or wherever he starts playing again.. if he officially switched it
would be all over the news by now


Why does he want to risk his chances to use new shoes?
Fed might use casually during the practice for "ON" shoes feedback so they can develop some style of their shoes in my opinion.
Yeah, I think you are right. Same with his “jewellery” for when he hits the practice courts.
Maybe it’d have the same outsole as his Nike (ie. custom made) for his ON match shoes.
Suppose Fed is close(r) to his retirement, so it’d probably make sense for him to (start) sell shoes (ie. ON) and clothes (ie. Uniqlo with RF logo) after his retirement, for his grocery chopping money. Lol


I tend to agree that they are On shoes but like someone else said, I doubt he’ll wear them in competition.


Bionic Poster
is this the new nike Vapor for federer ??



is this the new nike Vapor for federer ??

yes cira 2016
What about these? I like the colorway and the straps look like a continuation of the Vapor X design:

I don't recognise the A logo at the bottom though—based on the peRFect and elegant reversed R at the bottom left of the A, maybe Federer and Asics are doing a collab? Anyone have prices? I'm going to put my firstborn on Craigslist so I can buy a pair of these and play just like Roger.
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I will be very surprised that Federer will use "on" shoes for real matches.
He does not have many opportunities to win titles nowadays. He can not waste any opportunity because of equipment failings from shoes and racket etc...
Why does he want to risk his chances to use new shoes?
Fed might use casually during the practice for "ON" shoes feedback so they can develop some style of their shoes in my opinion.

Fed will not be using on court any shoes that do not fulfil his requirements. Whether it is training or matches, he will have shoes that are 100% to his satisfaction and ready to go. Especially after injury he won't be wearing anything less, you can be sure of that. Also, ON are quite capable of producing high-tech performance shoes for him, regardless of what people "think".



Hall of Fame
I purchased some ON running shoes. Initially I liked them. The little clouds felt springy. However, I only got about 300 miles out of them. I was not impressed. If their tennis shoes are similar, I would not pay the money for them.


You mean like you just did?

I’ll grant you the logo does not look like Nike, but other that that, it’s all speculation. They very well may be On shoes, but what you posted is by no means definitive.

And I still don’t see any ‘heel tech’. And I know On shoes. My wife has been using them for over 10 years.
Federer is endorsed by On and owns stocks in the company. makes sense

Deleted member 776206

I will be very surprised that Federer will use "on" shoes for real matches.
He does not have many opportunities to win titles nowadays. He can not waste any opportunity because of equipment failings from shoes and racket etc...
Why does he want to risk his chances to use new shoes?
Fed might use casually during the practice for "ON" shoes feedback so they can develop some style of their shoes in my opinion.
And the main issue with them is the fact that the cloud tec will get burned up on a tennis court. Doubtful that they would last the 2 weeks of a tourney


Bionic Poster
Know a guy who ran at least 20 miles/day and actually ran a marathon or two on the weekends.


Hall of Fame
He's already confirmed they're working on a tennis shoe so makes sense that he'd be testing prototypes.
I am curious what they have managed to create. Will be on the lookout for those to try them out.

My short experience with them has been exceedingly positive.



Think in matchplay he will use an ON Paintjob of a Nike shoe. Why should he change so soon before career end with all the risks? Nike has his data so why he should not pay them for giving him shoes without a label to put ON on them by himself?
Think this is an ON Paintjob of a Nike shoe. Why should he change so soon before career end with all the risks? Nike has his data so why he should not pay them for giving him shoes without a label to put ON on them by himself?


Why would Federer wear a paint job when he is on a court not seen by anyone publicly? Also, he could have worn a blacked out shoe, if he was adamant to test something new, and obviously he wouldn't have any problem wearing Nike shoes, as that is (as per what is known right now) his official shoe sponsor for tennis shoes.

What "data" are you talking about? ON can make a 3D model of his foot in less than an hour.

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But a foot scan is not a shoe. A change is always a problem and a lot of extra work he must not have in this situation. So why not paying Nike for example 500 Dollar for an unlabeled pair and having no stress? It would not be the first time that happened with shoes. Remeber Sampras problems with his change from Tacchini to Nike. He had Paintjob shoes long time.
But a foot scan is not a shoe. A change is always a problem and a lot of extra work he must not have in this situation. So why not paying Nike for example 500 Dollar for an unlabeled pair and having no stress? It would not be the first time that happened with shoes. Remeber Sampras problems with his change from Tacchini to Nike. He had Paintjob shoes long time.

The foot scan comment was about the statement about the "data" that Nike supposedly has.

Believe it or not, ON is in the business of doing work related to shoes, so that is what they are expected to do. It is not "extra", it is their main occupation.

Your question should tell you that you were wrong in the first place, suggesting that someone would go to the pains to paint job a shoe to look like another brand. A shoe, that was not supposed to be seen in public, and which supposedly comes from his official sponsor. Why would Nike produce a tennis shoe and paint job it to look like another brand, when they are currently his official sponsor for tennis shoes? That makes no sense on multiple levels.



Surely ON can easily “deconstruct” any of Fed’s current Nike match ready/used shoes, to come up with something suitable for the man, I mean their new shareholder... :X3:
But a foot scan is not a shoe. A change is always a problem and a lot of extra work he must not have in this situation. So why not paying Nike for example 500 Dollar for an unlabeled pair and having no stress? It would not be the first time that happened with shoes. Remeber Sampras problems with his change from Tacchini to Nike. He had Paintjob shoes long time.

FYI Sampras did wear a Tacchini shoe, it was actually a Wilson Pro Staff shoe, it just had the Tacchini logo over the Wilson logo. The Shoe used to be available off the shelf, so to speak
