Talk Tennis Guru
Are you a bipolar idiot? In the same thread you defend your right to have an opinion about Federer's considerations, you call people fanatics and "further gone" for having a different opinion. And this isn't the first time you've acted this way. If people are fanatics for having a different opinion to yours (for perfectly valid reasons, no less), you're an idiot for pretending to be privy to Federer's thoughts.
People aren't fanatics for having an opinion different to mine but the difference is that I'm a Federer fan, not a Federer "fanatic" and many of those Federer fans having an opinion about this topic are Federer fanatics who pi$$ their pants every time Nadal's name is mentioned. I tell it how I see it.
Federer made a statement recently that his FO losses to Nadal in the past scarred him and impacted his results at the non-clay slams vs Nadal. Of course Federer didn't want to risk injury to his body by grinding on clay and yes there were probably other players he could have lost to at the FO but it seems unrealistic that Nadal in his current clay form wouldn't enter in at all on Federer's decision whether to play FO.
I'm done on this topic. I've stated my personal opinion and in the end we don't get to see Federer play at the FO. The reasons are irrelevant and I think his decision not to play the FO is a smart one.