Female Tennis Players Needed for Orange County, CA League Team


UPDATE: This is an update from this old post from last year.
But we lost a woman and need a replacement for this next season.
If you are a 4.0 or higher female player looking to play in a friendly local league, email me.
Season starts in a week.

Reply to: tennisinoc@hotmail.com

If you are an intermediate or advanced female player looking to meet and play with more people on a weekly basis, come join my recreational league team! The league level of play is between 3.5 - 5.0 The team consists of a minimum of 3 female and 3 male players. The format features co-ed teams competing in six sets: Men's and Women's doubles, Men's and Women's singles and Mixed doubles. There is one game a week held on Wed or Thurs nights @ 7pm. But our team will try to meet 1 or 2 times a week to practice our game. Don't worry if you haven't played in a while. Most of us are getting back into the game again as well and the League doesn't begin until the end of March. So, that gives us 1 month to practice on a weekly basis to get back into shape and into the swing of things again!
The games are held in Irvine, CA just off Culver and the 5 fwy.
You don't have to live in Irvine to play. You just need a car to get to the courts! If you are located in S. Cal and want to join, Email me if interested @: tennisinoc@hotmail.com

See you on the courts!
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1 female spot left to complete the team. Please let me know if you or if you know anyone interested in playing tennis.
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How come there are over 70 views of this post so far but I have only got 1 response who interested in playing? It is a just friendly recreation team that I want to form. Practice your strokes, meet new people, have fun on the courts. There is no reason to be intimidated. There is only one day of the week where there is a league game. The other days will be practice days and get in fit days.
Come join us!

There are now over 185 views and still trying to fill our last spot. Are there seriously no quality female players in Orange County? Only 2 weeks left until the season starts. Come out an hit the courts with us. We are a friendly group.


Hey, I'm in the same league and am looking for a 4.0 female as well. Are you playing Wed or Thurs? What's your team name?


How come there are over 70 views of this post so far but I have only got 1 response who interested in playing? It is a just friendly recreation team that I want to form. Practice your strokes, meet new people, have fun on the courts. There is no reason to be intimidated. There is only one day of the week where there is a league game. The other days will be practice days and get in fit days.
Come join us!

Hey I'm in the area but I'm not a female LOL

Btw, what age range in players are you looking for? I still could recommend..


ANOTHER UPDATE: (Please read first post for league details.)
Again, we lost a woman teammate and need a replacement for this next season.

If you are, or know, a 4.0 or higher female player looking to play in a friendly local league, email me.
Season starts in 3 weeks.

Reply to: tennisinoc@hotmail.com
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