UPDATE: This is an update from this old post from last year.
But we lost a woman and need a replacement for this next season.
If you are a 4.0 or higher female player looking to play in a friendly local league, email me.
Season starts in a week.
Reply to:
If you are an intermediate or advanced female player looking to meet and play with more people on a weekly basis, come join my recreational league team! The league level of play is between 3.5 - 5.0 The team consists of a minimum of 3 female and 3 male players. The format features co-ed teams competing in six sets: Men's and Women's doubles, Men's and Women's singles and Mixed doubles. There is one game a week held on Wed or Thurs nights @ 7pm. But our team will try to meet 1 or 2 times a week to practice our game. Don't worry if you haven't played in a while. Most of us are getting back into the game again as well and the League doesn't begin until the end of March. So, that gives us 1 month to practice on a weekly basis to get back into shape and into the swing of things again!
The games are held in Irvine, CA just off Culver and the 5 fwy.
You don't have to live in Irvine to play. You just need a car to get to the courts! If you are located in S. Cal and want to join, Email me if interested @:
See you on the courts!
But we lost a woman and need a replacement for this next season.
If you are a 4.0 or higher female player looking to play in a friendly local league, email me.
Season starts in a week.
Reply to:
If you are an intermediate or advanced female player looking to meet and play with more people on a weekly basis, come join my recreational league team! The league level of play is between 3.5 - 5.0 The team consists of a minimum of 3 female and 3 male players. The format features co-ed teams competing in six sets: Men's and Women's doubles, Men's and Women's singles and Mixed doubles. There is one game a week held on Wed or Thurs nights @ 7pm. But our team will try to meet 1 or 2 times a week to practice our game. Don't worry if you haven't played in a while. Most of us are getting back into the game again as well and the League doesn't begin until the end of March. So, that gives us 1 month to practice on a weekly basis to get back into shape and into the swing of things again!
The games are held in Irvine, CA just off Culver and the 5 fwy.
You don't have to live in Irvine to play. You just need a car to get to the courts! If you are located in S. Cal and want to join, Email me if interested @:
See you on the courts!
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