Firm, solid and arm friendly racquets below 300gr


New User
Any ideas? I prefer racquet maximum unstrung weight 300gr and below, swingweight is below 320.

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New User
Sadly in my country doesn't have Volk distributor . Head, wilson, prince, babolat does!

Gửi từ Lenovo A7010a48 của tôi bằng cách sử dụng Tapatalk

Swan Song

Head Graphene XT Prestige S could fit your bill if you are requesting for a racquet with an unstrung weight of 300 grams.


New User
Head Graphene XT Prestige S could fit your bill if you are requesting for a racquet with an unstrung weight of 300 grams.
Prestige S Swingweight is above 320ish... i currently use Textreme 100p, but i would like to try some easier to swing for a long training (matches)


Hall of Fame
Volkl: Super G 8 300g, V Sense 8 300g, V Sense 8 285, Super G 10 295.

: SV 100, SV 100 Light, SV 98, SV 98 Light.

Fisher/Pacific: Fischer Pro Number One UL /Pacific X-Force
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Search using (max mass 11.2 oz and max SW 320.) You obviously know what you want, but SW 320 is pretty low against players who hit heavy balls.


Hall of Fame
make a list of what is available in your reach to demo in your wheelhouse spec.
demo or try them (friends/other players),
Takes time,effort and creative resources..
Remember this is not a ..................

best of luck and do not rush,,,,have fun,,,


you could go used and get a Dunlop AG300 4D. 290 G unstrung but is right at 320 SW. Having used both this and the Textreme 100T I prefer the old Dunlop as it certainly feels a lot softer (i think it is 60 RA).


Hall of Fame
Older Head Radical MPs were 295. The Liquidmetal Rad MP was, for me, a nice mix of overall characteristics, and there are still a lot of good ones that come up on the auction site and elsewhere.


I ´m using WIlson Pro staff 97 LS (red/black, 2014 version), leaded up to 300 gr unstrung, terrific frame, worth a try!


SInce you're list of brands is limited, I'd say the Prince Textreme Tour 100+, or order yourself an Angell. You can get a custom made frame, or they have two pre-built models: TC100 Pro at 300 grams & TC97 Pro at 290 grams. These foam filled frames would be a lot better for you if you have arm issues. Good luck to you.


New User
Thank you all for giving me some options.
About the 100T, i've tried it few weeks ago and didn't like it much. It felt erratic when hit off-center.
I consider Duel G 100, Tour F 97 290gr and the most wanted: Speed Touch MP. Thoughts?

Gửi từ Lenovo A7010a48 của tôi bằng cách sử dụng Tapatalk

om panda

options stated above are good. here are few more options: yonex ezone dr 100l or dr 98l. 285gram for both racket still pretty solid, plus room for modification


Hall of Fame
With those specs and requirements I think you are looking for hens teeth, please let us know when you find them ?


Hall of Fame
On reflection the Angell TC97 Pro is the standout here. 290 unstrung. 325-330 SW (strung). 66RA (unstrung). Foam filled and solid.


Hall of Fame
Sorry - you are quite right. If nothing else this at least allows the OP to have the knowledge needed if he/she was considering Angell.
Not sure a racquet fitting that specification is made as most light racquets are head heavy, certainly a rarity.


Volkl: Super G 8 300g, V Sense 8 300g, V Sense 8 285, Super G 10 295.

: SV 100, SV 100 Light, SV 98, SV 98 Light.

Fisher/Pacific: Fischer Pro Number One UL /Pacific X-Force
This is correct and where you seriously need to consider.


Hall of Fame
You could also try a thinner gauge string in the racquet you already own (cheaper method, and you might just find out that the solution was already in your hands. It just needed a bit of tweaking for you).
What string and gauge are you using in the 100P?


Hall of Fame
I want a 20k$ Ferrari that does 50mpg and sits 7. Lol just pulling your leg here...

Sometimes you need to make choices. Firm and solid go well together. But solid and under 300g do not. Firm and arm friendly not really possible unless you go with full gut strings. But all of them together? You have a better shot at finding my 7 seater Ferrari. ;)

Seriously Volkl, Donnay and Angell all should have something that will answer most of your needs. But not all of them.


New User
Ok. Now what i consider solid and arm friendly. I can handle above unstrung 300gr sticks. But i really want to have some which swingweight is below 325 because after an hour (n half), my preparation is too slow for heavy strokes, even thought its just a training :)

Gửi từ Lenovo A7010a48 của tôi bằng cách sử dụng Tapatalk


New User
Except sticks from Head, Prince, Babolat, Wilson and Yonex my local shops doesn't have others. Volkl Donnay Angell Pro kennex r way out of my league :(

Gửi từ Lenovo A7010a48 của tôi bằng cách sử dụng Tapatalk


I e-mailed Paul at Angell some time ago and the pre-made 97 Tour model which is 320 grams unstrung has an unstrung swingweight of 300. Stringing would add 30 SW points bringing it to about 330 SW. The 290 model is 30 grams lighter. It must fall under 320 SW which is your limit. If you add 16 grams for strings it should weigh in around 306 grams without an overgrip or damperner. I would send Angell an e-mail and ask for unstrung swingweights and then add 30 SW points for strings.


That's what i wanna try. Have you tried it yet?
Yes. It felt like a modern players racket in a lighter package. I would say better power on off-center and off-balance shots compared to a wilson blade, while having less plowthrough compared to the blade. I currently use the wilson blade but felt this was pretty similar with less weight in the head and a more headlight balance. Feel is similar to the CV Blades