First Impressions of Pure Aero 98


New User
Your SW is 14 points lower than my PA98. Thats a massive difference and I imagine your experience with your frame is drastically different from mine. Was your friends Briffidi calibrated prior to use?

Ahh, as of now, i measured the sw w kirschbaum max power 1.30mm at 323 sw. Weighs in at 327.83g w a wilson overgrip, and without overgrip, it’s at 322.70g.
the machine is calibrated prior to every use, cuz it’s super sensitive w the surface.. even moving it i have to recalibrate.

so i played a match yesterday with it, definitely agreeing w the reviews above where people are saying it is more solid but abit more muted for shots outside sweetspot cuz the power just goes down outside, and also making the vs stock feeling empty on the top (without 12 o clock lead).

i think for next, will be putting 1-2g of lead at 12 to see how they compare. Should bring sw to 330-333.


Any recommendations for string and tension?

I currently have two pa98. Both rpm blast 1.3 at 55 tension.

I would like to change out one of the strings to something new to try. I currently use the rpm blast 1.3 well. No real issues.


New User
I play first time yesterday. It's a perfect stick. Much more spin and power compared to V8 16x19. I just have little vibration from racket, do you know maybe how to solve it?
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New User
does anyone feel big vibrations from this racket, maybe my racket is string wrong or the racket is like that( I am comming from blade v8)???
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I didn't feel anything strange, the first time can often be a strange feeling until the grommets are in place. What strings are on the racket, what tension?


New User
I really liked the Pure Strike 2nd gen, had three of them, but I developed rotator cuff trouble and I went back to my old stick. The specs say this is softer at 65, I'd really like to give it a hit if others have reported no discomfort.

Power Player

Bionic Poster
I really liked the Pure Strike 2nd gen, had three of them, but I developed rotator cuff trouble and I went back to my old stick. The specs say this is softer at 65, I'd really like to give it a hit if others have reported no discomfort.

I had no comfort issues with it. I hated the feel though. Oddly enough I love the feel of the regular 23 Pure Aero 100, so I went with that instead.

Recommend stringing under 50#s and using a thin poly to maximize comfort (if you use poly).


New User
I had no comfort issues with it. I hated the feel though. Oddly enough I love the feel of the regular 23 Pure Aero 100, so I went with that instead.

Recommend stringing under 50#s and using a thin poly to maximize comfort (if you use poly).
I tend to use thicker polys, for tension maintenance, but I might start with something thinner in this frame, given my arm issues with Babolats in the past. I would also love a hit with something like the softer Pure Drive they made for Fognini, if it ever got released to the general public.


If you want a HL racquet, try to start with blu tack and you will see how far you want to go with HL specs. It takes a few minutes of work in total, and you are much more flexible than with a leather grip. I modified mine to 31.7 cm with a blue tac in the handle.


New User
If you want a HL racquet, try to start with blu tack and you will see how far you want to go with HL specs. It takes a few minutes of work in total, and you are much more flexible than with a leather grip. I modified mine to 31.7 cm with a blue tac in the handle.
How much you add it to have 31,7? I want to have around 31,5


New User
I saw Holger Rune's racquet being regripped at the Munich Open final on Sunday, and noticed he has a leather grip underneath. I took a screenshot, but can't work out how to post it here.

I like the sharper bevel definition and feel that you get from a leather grip. If you don't want to add weight or change the overall balance, consider a Kimony techni leather grip, although beware that it will make the grip feel a half a size to a size smaller.


New User
I saw Holger Rune's racquet being regripped at the Munich Open final on Sunday, and noticed he has a leather grip underneath. I took a screenshot, but can't work out how to post it here.

I like the sharper bevel definition and feel that you get from a leather grip. If you don't want to add weight or change the overall balance, consider a Kimony techni leather grip, although beware that it will make the grip feel a half a size to a size smaller.
Thank you. I already ordered the babolat leather grip, and it will increase the HL from 6 to 9 and I want that


Love this racquet but just broke a string near top of racquet near grommet after 5 hours. Bad luck or anyone else have that? Got it new strung from TW
Does anyone have an input about comfort?
I had huge discomfort playing with it. Basically, terrible tennis elbow pain.

So it's been in the bag for a while and I went back to using a Head Extreme Tour and the older Pure Aero VS.

I did have the guy at the clubhouse string it up with a Prince string hybrid combination that he recommended for tennis elbow pain.

But haven't even hit with it since I've been doing fine with my ET and VS with regular poly strings.


New User
I had huge discomfort playing with it. Basically, terrible tennis elbow pain.

So it's been in the bag for a while and I went back to using a Head Extreme Tour and the older Pure Aero VS.

I did have the guy at the clubhouse string it up with a Prince string hybrid combination that he recommended for tennis elbow pain.

But haven't even hit with it since I've been doing fine with my ET and VS with regular poly strings.

For me the racket is very comfortable, I've been playing with it for two months now and I haven't had any problems so far. I use it with yonex PTP 21-20 kg


New User
Hey everyone,
I was a longtime PA user and after my coach suggested I try out a 98, I tried a demo with RPM blast and fell instantly in love with the control and ability to hit out on my shots. I placed an order that same day and got it strung with Cyclone at 50 lbs. Maybe it was a bad string job but I didn't like it at all so I switched to RPM Blast at 52 lbs and it plays much better.
While I'm happy with this setup, I'm curious what is another good string setup to try? I've heard great things about Tour Sniper and 48 lbs is a good tension too.
Has anyone tried that setup or recommend a good one to try?

Thanks very much!


Hey everyone,
I was a longtime PA user and after my coach suggested I try out a 98, I tried a demo with RPM blast and fell instantly in love with the control and ability to hit out on my shots. I placed an order that same day and got it strung with Cyclone at 50 lbs. Maybe it was a bad string job but I didn't like it at all so I switched to RPM Blast at 52 lbs and it plays much better.
While I'm happy with this setup, I'm curious what is another good string setup to try? I've heard great things about Tour Sniper and 48 lbs is a good tension too.
Has anyone tried that setup or recommend a good one to try?

Thanks very much!

Awesome! Too bad my elbow is allergic to RPM Blast, lol! Any other poly even Luxilons don’t bother me. Even the Blast Rough (yellow) didn’t work out.

I just had it restrung with Yonex PTP yellow 1.25 at 45 lbs and will see how it goes!


Hey everyone,
I was a longtime PA user and after my coach suggested I try out a 98, I tried a demo with RPM blast and fell instantly in love with the control and ability to hit out on my shots. I placed an order that same day and got it strung with Cyclone at 50 lbs. Maybe it was a bad string job but I didn't like it at all so I switched to RPM Blast at 52 lbs and it plays much better.
While I'm happy with this setup, I'm curious what is another good string setup to try? I've heard great things about Tour Sniper and 48 lbs is a good tension too.
Has anyone tried that setup or recommend a good one to try?

Thanks very much!
It's a very string-sensitive frame imo. I couldn't figure out what works the best, I can't use RPM blast. So far, I liked Hawk in it (low tension). Probably some round poly with decent spin potential will work, hawk, ptp, alu, firestorm, but strings are highly personal, you really need to try them out.


New User
Awesome! Too bad my elbow is allergic to RPM Blast, lol! Any other poly even Luxilons don’t bother me. Even the Blast Rough (yellow) didn’t work out.

I just had it restrung with Yonex PTP yellow 1.25 at 45 lbs and will see how it goes!

I'm a little worried about how my arm will hold up. I've had some slight forearm soreness from hitting but nothing severe like when I used the Pure Strike years ago.

Feel free to follow up when you hit with the Yonex and let me know! I've always preferred shaped polys like Cylone but the Blast worked well for me


New User
It's a very string-sensitive frame imo. I couldn't figure out what works the best, I can't use RPM blast. So far, I liked Hawk in it (low tension). Probably some round poly with decent spin potential will work, hawk, ptp, alu, firestorm, but strings are highly personal, you really need to try them out.

Yeah, exactly. Every review has mentioned how dependent it is on the string so I'm really curious what will be the best for me and don't want to settle early on.
I have mostly used shaped polys to help grip the ball but the Blast worked so well for me. I've never tried Tour Sniper before and I'll try that one next at around 49.



Yeah, exactly. Every review has mentioned how dependent it is on the string so I'm really curious what will be the best for me and don't want to settle early on.
I have mostly used shaped polys to help grip the ball but the Blast worked so well for me. I've never tried Tour Sniper before and I'll try that one next at around 49.

I tried Tour Sniper in it at 48, it's kinda stiff to me, causing me some soreness. But if you're cool with using Blast, you should be fine. Alpha and M8 worked better for me in PA98.


I'm a little worried about how my arm will hold up. I've had some slight forearm soreness from hitting but nothing severe like when I used the Pure Strike years ago.

Feel free to follow up when you hit with the Yonex and let me know! I've always preferred shaped polys like Cylone but the Blast worked well for me

Yes you have to be careful with RPM Blast, especially when it starts to become dead. Definitely I will keep everyone posted. Yes like others said, it is a string sensitive frame. I’m a bit disappointed that what works in the old PAVS doesn’t work in this new PA98. I believe it is because of the updated layup with the flax fibers that mutes the frame
Hey everyone,
I was a longtime PA user and after my coach suggested I try out a 98, I tried a demo with RPM blast and fell instantly in love with the control and ability to hit out on my shots. I placed an order that same day and got it strung with Cyclone at 50 lbs. Maybe it was a bad string job but I didn't like it at all so I switched to RPM Blast at 52 lbs and it plays much better.
While I'm happy with this setup, I'm curious what is another good string setup to try? I've heard great things about Tour Sniper and 48 lbs is a good tension too.
Has anyone tried that setup or recommend a good one to try?

Thanks very much!

We have used ALU Soft @ 48lbs (CP on a Wise 2086) in the VS and tried it in the PA98 as well - ALU plays great and comfy in both.


Hall of Fame
why is there a pure aero 98 and a VS? what's the difference between them or what different players do they target?


Hall of Fame
Tennis spin measured the RA live recently and it was the same for both the VS and the 98 - 70 unstrung (67 strung). So the 98 is not softer by that measurement. Of course, TW got a 65. Not sure who to believe.


I play with the VS and tried the 98 for a couple of times. 98 is noticeably softer, in feel, and less power too, at the same sw


With a stiffer frame that is engineered for crazy high impact speeds you need to get some dwell time, otherwise you get a boardy stringbed that forces you to, well - force it. It's exactly like driving a race tuned suspension to the supermarket and then complaining that it's stiff, and adding - literally - a ton to your car to make it feel softer over speed bumps and potholes.

The story of weight and swingweight is an eternal one, and you can find it on this forum easily, I can't type it all here in 2min because it's several book chapters long.

Flex isn't an issue with racquets on impact in that sense, todays frames are easily sturdy enough even in junior weights, like 260g. Mass of the racquet is important on impact, to describe it quickly, heavier racquet head will block more easily - higher swingweight. Defensive players like Novak, Rafa and Murray play with crazy heavy racquet heads, huge amounts of lead under the bumper, so they have problems moving their racquets on serve, and when attacking. Alcaraz setup is the complete opposite, light tip of the racquet makes for easy racquet head acceleration and attacking. All other tennis players are between those extremes, depending on personal preferences, fitness and strength, technique, one or two handed backhand etc.

You should first go with RPM Team 1.25, or RPM Blast orange 1.25, and yes 46lb would be fine to get some drive through the ball, and some blocking and comfort at the same time. The game with racquets and strings is how to find the best compromise, the best middle ground. Going to the extremes will take you in one direction only - injury and doctors.
What different orange rpm blast offers ?


Pasteing here from another thread:

VS is sturdier and stiffer, noticeably more mass in the throat and shoulders, so that its tip seems too light, it was made for pro use, made to add a lot of lead at 12, and then it feels balanced. VS has that ridiculous energy return too, if you flatten a forehand and nicely connect it's a projectile. PA98 still gives nice generous power, but not like that, PA98 has a bit more flex, less punch and less energy return. VS is rock solid, like RF97A, Yonex VCP 330g or Rad Pro G360+, while PA98 can slightly vibrate on some flat shots, but nothing much, like most good racquets for advanced players.

PA98 is noticeably smoother and more linear over the whole stringbed, not just the sweetspot like VS. Significantly lighter and less stiff/sturdy in the throat and shoulders, its mass is more evenly distributed, whereas the VS is very depolarized. PA98 has higher sw, noticeably more mass at the tip of the racquet. PA98 is stock just like I have my VSes modded, with 2-3g of lead at 12. PA98 reminds of Radical MP in terms of weight and flex distribution, but gives more power.

With both VS with lead and PA98 stock, same-ish sw, VS needs constant superfast hitting and crucially attacking the ball in front of the body, it feels good in fast rallys. PA98 is way more forgiving in that sense, you can dig yourself out of the corner with it more naturally and easily, it'll also work great in faster but not fastest ball exchanges, and it doesn't need lead at all. You can swipe at the ball slightly late with it, that works a bit better with PA98, defensive or grinding points sometimes too.

Simply put, VS is (too) stiff, and too demanding, made for people who play Futures level and up, and who hit the ball 4h daily, with fresh strings. It's a race car. Babolat made it for Alcaraz, and we'll see many other pros play with it over the years, painted in PA98 colours.

PA98 is for everyone else, your arm won't fall off, you lose some of the punch and stability, but not that much if you're not a hard hitter always looking to flatten the ball and punch through. PA98 is easier to use than VS, and I think a lot of people will really like it. A defensive counterpuncher or a grinder won't like it all that much though, as it will still ask to attack the ball consistently, with a nice long full swing, and a lot of energy, not just a snowflake
As i owned VS this is one of the best comparison posts i ever read on these boards. Haven’t tried 98 yet but VS one of the few racquets that seriously considered to make me switch from my blade v5 2015. Still using 18x16 version.

VS was the only racquet that helped me push the best player i ve ever have faced on hard courts. And the simple reason was as you mention the amazing energy return it has. The reason i didn’t switch to it was that i had no plow at all to swing out my one hand backhand and it always required to apply spin in order to have consistent ball placement….. it also didn’t help me on my flat game. I tried it with lead at 12 and it totally destroyed the character of the racquet….. it became cumbersome. Another issue i had with VS was wrist pain….. it played awful with hyper g but it was ok with rpm blast and played amazingly good with rpm team.

Thanks for your comparison i am curious to try 98 but it’s never available to demo. This and shift 300 are the only racquets left to demo until strike gen 4 comes out. We shall see!!!