First time league player about to play Kswiss/Ultimate Flex League: Any Advice?

Like the title says, I just signed up to play Ultimate Tennis in my area. I chose it because there's no USTA leagues going on during the fall in my area, except for playoffs and senior leagues. I've never played league or organized tennis before.

Can anyone who has played in Ultimate Tennis tell me his or her experience was?

Also, I self-rated myself at 3.0, but on another thread somebody mentioned that it seems like flex league people try to play up. Does this apply at the lower levels, should I be playing at 3.5 if I want 3.0 level competition?

I'll be calling one of the league "verifiers" later to set up a match and see where I am, but in case that doesn't pan out, I'd like to get an idea of what I should be ready for.


Hall of Fame
Ultimate tennis scoring system makes it very hard to move up. There are players in 3.0 and 3.5 that should move up, but can't due to the computer rating system. For example, if 4 really strong 3.5 player get in the same division, at most 2 may move up even if all 4 are above a 4.0. If this is your first time competing, however, I would stay in the self rated 3.0. Playing in league is different than hitting with partners and there are a lot of people that will just have more experience and win, even if you are a little bit better of a player.
Yeah, I've played some doubles matches with pretty competitive people, like people who played leagues. I've never really done singles though. I feel like my ground strokes are at a 3.5 level on a good day, but my serve is like 2.5 and my singles IQ right now is like 2.5. So I think 3.0 is definitely a good fit. Like I said, I'm going to contact the verifier and try to get a match in and see what he thinks.


I am not familiar with this league or it's rules, but I have been playing league tennis for a while now. My suggestion, stick with your initial thoughts on the self rating. The first year or season in league tennis is usually just an adjustment period for new players, or players who have been bumped up. If you find that you're winning your matches easily, don't worry, the computer will bump you up and you'll soon be playing against better competition. If you're getting killed out there, don't worry, you'll get better and if it's really bad, the computer will bump you down.

I think you'll enjoy league tennis. You should get to play more often and that will help you improve which will make the game that much more fun.
FlyingPanda: KSwiss is a great league and you'll be at the right level if you play a verification match. They'll set you up with another 3.0 level player and take a look at the match results in order to slot you correctly. Unlike a previous poster, I didn't have a huge problem being bumped up, which happened in my second season.

As to what you should prepare for (other than a lot of fun tennis) ... I'll give you a tip that might save you some trouble. Despite paying the fees there always seems to be the occassional player who is MIA when it comes to scheduling a time to play. Be first when it comes to submitting 3 possible dates for your match, and if you're dealing with someone who can't get their crap together, use the Sub List and play your game against someone else. Don't be Mr. Nice Guy and find yourself struggling to get all your matches in at the end of the season, which can ruin your chances at the play-offs.

Anyhow, have fun. UltimateTennis is the best league I've been in, so if you like singles that's the place to be (imo).
Thanks for the advice, exactly the type of thing I was looking for. My next question, since you play in the league, is how the first year underrating thing works. Looking at the FAQs, it says that if I have a +8.5 rating in my first year, I'll be dq'ed from the playoffs. How do the ratings works? I know how the points work, but I couldn't really find concrete information on how ratings are calculated.
It's been about a year since I've played, but I think I still remember. If you win a match in two sets you get 14 points. If you win a match in 3 sets you get 12 points. The difference between your points and your opponents points turns into your game "rating". The loser can get up to 10 points based on how many games they win during a match.

Therefore, if I beat you 6-1, 6-2 then I would receive 14 points (victory in 2 sets). You receive 3 points (the total of your games up to a maximum of 10). If this is my first game of the season my rating would be 11.0 (the difference between 14 points and 3 points) and yours would be -11.0. This is averaged as more and more games are played. If you play your second game and win 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 then you would receive 12 points and your opponent would receive 10 points. Your rating for that particular game is +2.0. When you add it to your previous game you get -9.0. You then divide that by the two games played, so your rating at that point in the season would be about -4.5. Hope that made sense.

Btw, one more tip. 70 points seemed to be the cutoff line in KSwiss. If you can get to 70 you are usually in the play-offs. Just something to shoot for. Good luck! :)
Ah ok that makes sense. So for me to make the playoffs, I have to get around 70 points, but since I'm a first year player, I can't get above a +8.5 differential lol.

In any case, I really don't have any delusions about my how good I am, so I doubt it will come into play. I'm really just trying to get better at the game for my own enjoyment. If I make the playoffs, that's awesome, but if not, no biggy.

I have my verification match scheduled later tonight, I'll update you on how it goes lol.
See - it's a good thing you did that verification match! KSwiss divides the rankings by "+" and "-", so I bet you'll be placed at 3.0-. Go kick some butt!


I got my butt kicked in the verification match, should be an interesting season. Lots to work on :)

Time to get cracking.
Flyingpanda, I can truly say that playing Ultimate Tennis was the best tennis decision I ever made. I had been playing with the same group of guys for years, and I felt like my game wasn't improving, because I knew how all those guys played. When I started playing guys I never played before, it forced me to adapt my game based on what my opponent was doing. My game is more well-rounded now because of playing Ultimate Tennis. I like it a lot more than USTA Flex League, even though I continue to play both. Go get 'em!


It's been about a year since I've played, but I think I still remember. If you win a match in two sets you get 14 points. If you win a match in 3 sets you get 12 points. The difference between your points and your opponents points turns into your game "rating". The loser can get up to 10 points based on how many games they win during a match.

Therefore, if I beat you 6-1, 6-2 then I would receive 14 points (victory in 2 sets). You receive 3 points (the total of your games up to a maximum of 10). If this is my first game of the season my rating would be 11.0 (the difference between 14 points and 3 points) and yours would be -11.0. This is averaged as more and more games are played. If you play your second game and win 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 then you would receive 12 points and your opponent would receive 10 points. Your rating for that particular game is +2.0. When you add it to your previous game you get -9.0. You then divide that by the two games played, so your rating at that point in the season would be about -4.5. Hope that made sense.

Btw, one more tip. 70 points seemed to be the cutoff line in KSwiss. If you can get to 70 you are usually in the play-offs. Just something to shoot for. Good luck! :)
Actually, the loser's maximum is eight points, not 10.


New User
I LOVE Ultimate Tennis! After a 25 year absence from tennis I started with this league. It has proven to be the truest, fairest of all the leagues i'm currently playing. Started at 3.0 two years ago and have been bumped up three times, now playing 4.0-. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by K-Swiss/Ultimate Tennis.
Thanks, the guy I lost to in the verification match is up and coming in the league. I checked out his record, he's only played two seasons. The first season he was 0-6, the next season he played he went 5-2 and made the semifinals I believe. So I know what I have to shoot for. League starts in a little less than 2 weeks, so I have some time to polish out some kinks.

My goal for this season is to achieve a winning record, we'll see how I do :)