Playing in my first USTA league this spring, it’s 8.5 combo with a really good 5.0 as my partner. The team and league is mostly 4.0/4.5 combos. Last I checked there’s one other 5.0 in the league (but I also know my partner isn’t signed up yet so who knows final number).
When you’re far and away the lowest ranked player on the court what strategies do you use to not get knocked around or let down your partner?
And separate question, what pairs tend to do better in combo, two more evenly ranked players (4.0/4.5 combos) or just having the best player on court (3.5/5.0 pairs)?
When you’re far and away the lowest ranked player on the court what strategies do you use to not get knocked around or let down your partner?
And separate question, what pairs tend to do better in combo, two more evenly ranked players (4.0/4.5 combos) or just having the best player on court (3.5/5.0 pairs)?