Fischer Butt Cap replacement ?

Hey all, I was able to get a bunch of Fischer pallets from **** but they didn't come with the plastic screws or butt caps, I can find a solution for the screws but what is a good replacement butt cap for size 3 Fischer pallets ?

I am talking about the older/rounder pallets that REQUIRE a butt cap, not the black 2-piece pallets


Steve Huff

Sometimes, you'll have to use another brand. Tennis Warehouse may have a generic butt cap that's all black (some places do have them anyway).
Sometimes, you'll have to use another brand. Tennis Warehouse may have a generic butt cap that's all black (some places do have them anyway).

Interesting, would you happen to know which butt caps fit the Fischer pallets ?

If not you, would anyone know what brand of butt caps would fit these Fischer pallets ???

Steve Huff

Sometimes, you have to add a little wood or plastic to make them fit. Sometimes, a heat shrink sleeve, a couple layers of tape. There are all kinds of things with minimal weight that will work. You just have to be creative.