Foam Roller Stretches-Anyone do this?

Besides doing static and dynamic stretches, do any of you do static stretches with a foam roller? How do you like it and does it loosen your muscles, tendons, and ligaments more than normal stretching, promoting better recovery and less post match soreness? Thanks for your input.


Yes, I do it regularly and it has helped loosen me up a lot. I had some lower back problems last year and the foam roller has helped me with that. Make sure you get a good roller, not the ones you buy at the big box stores. I bought mine through my massage therapist for $20 and it's great, does not compress. Also, get a long one, not the mini versions. You might also want to check out Mark Verstegan's Core performance book for info about how to do it properly, but it's fairly intuitive.


I love my bio foam roller. My hammies are large and always in knots and my IT Bands are a mess..the roller almost immediately breaks up knots and stuff. it's also great for loosening up lower backs.
A friend of mine is tour trainer and he tells me lots of the pros use one..he told me about it


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my girlfriends mom (marathon runner) and her moms boyfriend (life long tennis player) both started using the foam roller around christmas time and both can't stop raving about it.