Hi all,
Questions are at the bottom...
2.5 years ago
weight 230 lbs (I'm 5'10" and yes, that was fat, not muscle)
1 year ago
weight 200 lbs (all loss was due to cutting pop out of my diet).
blood pressure: 230 (LDL 168, HDL 32)
Naturally I needed to get that blood pressure under control and I thought an entire lifestyle overhaul was in order. So I went for a couple of simple changes (phased in over time):
0. No pop (not a new habit)
1. Eat veggies and/or fruits at every meal, and eat them first. Then eat (whole) grains, then meats and then maybe snack/dessert. Portion size is still a problem, but this has helped ensure I eat healthier food in larger quantities than the unhealthy foods.
2. Only drink water between meals
3. Cut out snacks between meals in favor of cottage chess + pineapple, yogurt or a piece of fruit
4. Bicycle to work 4x/ week (7 miles each way low intensity on the way in, high on the way home) and play tennis once a week
The results so far:
Weight: 180 lbs
Cholesterol: 212 (HDL 42, LDL 156, Triglycerides 68 )
I am seeing a doctor about the high cholesterol, and he thinks it's best that i continue to try and control it naturally. I will be tested every 6 months and any backsliding will result in medication.
1. I would love some suggestions for meals, or variants on my favorites.
a. Breakfast is almost always 1/2 whole grain bagel + natural (no sodium) peanut butter, a four once yogurt and a small glass of milk.
b. Lunch: Is usually a spinach tortilla wrap (salad + sliced almonds + grilled chicken, usually marinated) .
c. Snack (at work): I usually bring grapes, a hard boiled egg, and a small ziplock of baby carrots.
d. Snack (at home): yogurt, fruit smoothie, low fat cottage cheese w/ pineapple chunks or any from c.
e. Dinner: My worst meal of the day. With two kids, my wife and I are going with any easy to make meal (i.e. frozen dinners, hamburger helpers etc).
2. Any suggestions for new and easy to implement habits to help me reach my goals?
Weight: 170.
Cholesterol <200 (HDL > 40; LDL < 150)
3. Is fasting good for you? I play tennis and chess against an older gentleman who fasts for 24 hours once a week. He's in far better shape than me, but I wonder how starving your body regularly could be good for you.
Thanks for your help.
Questions are at the bottom...
2.5 years ago
weight 230 lbs (I'm 5'10" and yes, that was fat, not muscle)
1 year ago
weight 200 lbs (all loss was due to cutting pop out of my diet).
blood pressure: 230 (LDL 168, HDL 32)
Naturally I needed to get that blood pressure under control and I thought an entire lifestyle overhaul was in order. So I went for a couple of simple changes (phased in over time):
0. No pop (not a new habit)
1. Eat veggies and/or fruits at every meal, and eat them first. Then eat (whole) grains, then meats and then maybe snack/dessert. Portion size is still a problem, but this has helped ensure I eat healthier food in larger quantities than the unhealthy foods.
2. Only drink water between meals
3. Cut out snacks between meals in favor of cottage chess + pineapple, yogurt or a piece of fruit
4. Bicycle to work 4x/ week (7 miles each way low intensity on the way in, high on the way home) and play tennis once a week
The results so far:
Weight: 180 lbs
Cholesterol: 212 (HDL 42, LDL 156, Triglycerides 68 )
I am seeing a doctor about the high cholesterol, and he thinks it's best that i continue to try and control it naturally. I will be tested every 6 months and any backsliding will result in medication.
1. I would love some suggestions for meals, or variants on my favorites.
a. Breakfast is almost always 1/2 whole grain bagel + natural (no sodium) peanut butter, a four once yogurt and a small glass of milk.
b. Lunch: Is usually a spinach tortilla wrap (salad + sliced almonds + grilled chicken, usually marinated) .
c. Snack (at work): I usually bring grapes, a hard boiled egg, and a small ziplock of baby carrots.
d. Snack (at home): yogurt, fruit smoothie, low fat cottage cheese w/ pineapple chunks or any from c.
e. Dinner: My worst meal of the day. With two kids, my wife and I are going with any easy to make meal (i.e. frozen dinners, hamburger helpers etc).
2. Any suggestions for new and easy to implement habits to help me reach my goals?
Weight: 170.
Cholesterol <200 (HDL > 40; LDL < 150)
3. Is fasting good for you? I play tennis and chess against an older gentleman who fasts for 24 hours once a week. He's in far better shape than me, but I wonder how starving your body regularly could be good for you.
Thanks for your help.