foods that you eating during the match...


nowadays many players eating their own foods during the lil break. ex. banana(most common one), energy gell, power bar?? or some other beverage...

whats kind of foods you guys eating during the match?
personally i've never been eaten anything during the match. just drink water and gatorade. thats about it.

I was thinking maybe i should starting to eat something during match.

what do you eat during the match?
what is really helping your game? this question is kinda sorta lame haha...


During a match, I would rather just stay hydrated then get a quick snack. When I'm just rallying with some friends though, I usually have a banana or a piece of nature valley bar.

fuzz nation

Granola bars are easy to keep in the bag until I need them and I often eat one right before I start playing so that I don't bonk out so easily on the courts. It's also not a half-bad idea to keep some mixed nuts, peanuts, etc. handy to help keep you going and they can keep in your bag for a while, too.

When it's really hot, I've seen a difference in my endurance when I drink Gatorade and water on the courts. I love the Gatorade mix - I can make my own for a lot less money and I like it more diluted than the way it comes in the bottle.

Cross Court

I don't really eat during breaks, I just drink water. But sometimes when I'm playing 2 matches a day after the first one I eat a banana or a cookie. Fruit or candy is great for a quick boost of energy.


Hall of Fame
This past Saturday I was in a tournament and had to play two 3-setters. After the 2nd set of the 2nd match I sucked down one of those gel tube things. I think it helped. Ususally, I eat properly pre match, then eat the bagel with peanut butter in between, plus the bannanas.


Hall of Fame
I like to drink vitamin water revive diluted with water (half/half). That flavor still tastes good when diluted and has a lot of potassium (gatorade and most other sport drinks use sodium as the main electrolyte). I also bring along plain water. That's for more than just drinking - sometimes its nice to wet your towel and wipe off your face and hands on a hot day.

I normally don't eat anything during a match unless it is going in to third set or I am feeling weak. I don't want anything that will sit heavy in my stomach or takes a while to burn so I don't like bananas or bagels. I like to bring unsalted crackers or breadsticks and orange slices (oranges are also high in potassium).
You can't go wrong with powerbars and bananas. Though Gatorade has enough sugar in it to keep hunger at bay if you drink enough.
When it's really hot, I've seen a difference in my endurance when I drink Gatorade and water on the courts. I love the Gatorade mix - I can make my own for a lot less money and I like it more diluted than the way it comes in the bottle.

Fuzz, where do you get it? ive seen it once in a local(not really local for me) sports store.


I swear by LaraBars. They consist mainly of Dates, which are an excellent all natural source of readily available energy that breaks down very easily and quickly. Bananas and granola bars are good, but they are best eaten at least 30minute to an hour before exercise as they need to be broken down before the body can use the them for energy. A good idea during a long match is to eat Dates and bananas, as the dates will give you immediate energy boost while the fructose from the bananas can be broken down and help you out after the glucose from the dates has been used up.

There is some amazing info about what and when to eat energy foods and replace salts from a World Class Triathlete, Brendan Brazier. He has a book called the Thrive Diet. He also sells his own products, but get this, he gives you allt he recipes for the stuff he sells in his book!! My performance has improved drastically by following his nutrition and work out principles.



I swear by LaraBars. Especially the Ginger Snap variety. They consist mainly of Dates, which are an excellent all natural source of readily available energy that breaks down very easily and quickly. Bananas and granola bars are good, but they are best eaten at least 30minute to an hour before exercise as they need to be broken down before the body can use the them for energy. A good idea during a long match is to eat Dates and bananas, as the dates will give you immediate energy boost while the fructose from the bananas can be broken down and help you out after the glucose from the dates has been used up.

There is some amazing info about what and when to eat energy foods and replace salts from a World Class Triathlete, Brendan Brazier. He has a book called the Thrive Diet. He also sells his own products, but get this, he gives you allt he recipes for the stuff he sells in his book!! My performance has improved drastically by following his nutrition and work out principles.