For complete equality, men should play best of 3 in slams


US open and the leading women players are all celebrating 50 years of equality in us open.

But is it equality?

Women play less sets than men and yet get same amount of prime money. This is disregarding star factor and other factors that determine prize money.

For complete equality, men should play best of 3 sets in slams


US open and the leading women players are all celebrating 50 years of equality in us open.

But is it equality?

Women play less sets than men and yet get same amount of prime money. This is disregarding star factor and other factors that determine prize money.

For complete equality, men should play best of 3 sets in slams
Equal pay for equal work.

So - if they don’t change it at slams - maybe men should get paid more?

But I’d rather keep it the way it is. I think women have been hosed for years in terms of equal pay in the work place… so it’s fine.

Just don’t make the men change to Bo5.

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