Forehand Analysis - HighSpeed


Footage of my forehand in high speed during tournament match play. The first half or so of the video is footage from the warm-up.
Perhaps the more knowledgeable members could give me some advice to further develop my forehand.

There is a lot to like on your Fh.
Sometimes slo mo makes it hard to pick up certain things, but other than being a little flat on trajectory for my taste on a baseline rally area shot, I thought the form looked pretty solid.
I liked the way you hustled up and worked to get stable for that short ball. If you had been just a bit more patient to let it drop into your strike zone, you could have hit it cleaner.
Overall pretty nice from what I could see.
How is it working for you?
i like the fh. the only thing that i see from a quick look at the video is our off arm. u kind of tuck it in on the follow through. you should be using that arm to help you twist your core more and generate more pace.


I thought Andy Murray when I opened up the video haha. :)

Your forehand looks like a good shot. Good form.


looks pretty darn good.... but actually a normal speed video tells MORE than a slow mo.


To improve this nice Fh, you can work to have better balance/stable during the shot and line it up better before you accel up and across the contact.
Pretty good stroke to build on.

sunof tennis

I agree that the foundation looks pretty good. I admit that I didn't watch the whole thing, but I would work on your little adjustment steps. There were times that you looked just a little bit off balance. But overall, I liked your stroke(us left handers have to stick together).