Forehand and the role of the forearm


Coaches and TV commendators here often say about a player with a good forehand, they work good with their forearm they have a fast forearm.

Here @tt I almost never see any discussion abot the role of the forearm. Its mostly about the wrist and the lag&snap.

But what is the role of the forearm? Do you actively drive using the forearm?

Is it a different role with a more extrem grip?


Bionic Poster
Probably too much to talk about the wrist on TT and on TV. We sometimes talk about the orientation of the hand. If you get the hand orientation correct, the forearm will usually do what it needs to do.

Sure, hand orientation will be different for different grips. So the forearm action will vary somewhat with grip variations as well
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New User
A fast forearm for fast pronation and fast windshield. the more extreme grip , the more straight arm, the more forearm pronation.
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