Forehand: Pivot or step forward?


OK now I'm confused.

Seems like there is another school-of-thought about hitting a forehand (new to me that is):-(

As the ball is arriving, I have been working on stepping forward with my left foot (right handed) in my surfer stance so my feet are almost parallel to the side of the court. This is during my preparation before hitting the ball...I put weight on my LEFT foot and during my swing my right foot turns upward and my toe sorta drags on the court on follow through -- kinda like a golf swing foot action I guess.

NOW I see all these videos about just pivoting your feet, shoulders turn to the side, raising your left heel, put weight on right leg, swing and raise right heel.:confused:

See link

SO which is better? And why? I hit just fine my way.



Rookie Here is a link to show both of the styles in same vid(if your intrested)

Experiment with both of the styles and pick one that feels natural. Do you feel awkward when you have to step forward to the ball? I used to favor the open stance but as Ive progressed Im now stepping into the shot if I just have the time to set it up.


The open stance forehand provides an opportunity to more efficiently recover.

Personnally, I hit with more accuracy and control with a more closed stance.

If I get a ball wide to my forehand and all I want to do is hit a nice deep ball with top spin cross court hopefully to the outside of my opponent, then I will use a more open stance,

but if I want to hit a passing shot through a 3 by 4 ft. window to an opponent coming to net, I am better off lining it up and hitting a more closed stance.

They are all useful.

You should master all of them.


Hall of Fame

We taught the open stance, but there are definitely situations when you want to hit w/a neutral stance (by stepping forward w/the left foot -- if you're a righty -- so your feet are sideways to the net). In particular, when you don't have too move much to get to the ball, it's good to hit with a neutral stance because you can get your weight into the shot by transferring it from your back foot to your front foot as you swing.

We plan on addressing the neutral stance forehand, but to start we wanted to keep it simple. If you watch the backhand videos, we teach that shot w/a neutral stance b/c the backhand, right out of the gate, is pretty much never taught w/an open stance.



The stance you select is dictated by the grip you use on the fh and the kind of call that is coming to you. Check out video footage of the pros, you will notice that their stance often changes. Go to and look at hundreds of examples of forehands and backhands, it's free and will give you and understanding that nothing is set in stone.


Professional Here is a link to show both of the styles in same vid(if your intrested)

Experiment with both of the styles and pick one that feels natural. Do you feel awkward when you have to step forward to the ball? I used to favor the open stance but as Ive progressed Im now stepping into the shot if I just have the time to set it up.

my god. after guy opens up, his forehand looks exactly like my coach's lol

that man has such a nice knee bend.