Don't worry about where your feet are. If you are getting a good shoulder turn, moving in an athletic way(which if define as keeping your knees bent as you move and recover and wait, etc), and hitting through the ball, your feet will take care of themselves. A better thing to remark on: "Were my knees bent as I moved to and was hitting the ball, and did I hit through the ball?
I can hit a nice drive or slice 1hbh with an open stance, which goes against the grain, but I move well(for me!) to the ball and I get a good shoulder turn, and I use my left to push off and drive through the ball.
Update: I was just doing some shadow swings, and I think I know what you are doing. You are not pushing off/driving with your right foot as you hit. If you drive with your right leg, as your torso rotates CCW, your left let can't help but come off the ground and come forward.