Former D2 Player (full scholarship) Self Rates 2.5 and Enters 2.5 and 3.0 Tournament


Not so fast , go read every post here and look at the video I posted online detsiling his internet brags about winning a tournament. Then taking it down when his friends and myself started making fun of him. Don't skip the part where the tournament director interrogated him 1 on 1 behind closed doors and he changed his level of play when he knew they were watching.

You are too smart based on previous posts to have read everything and have that theory above.
guilty. i didn't read most of the followup posts...
bragging about winning a beginner tourney is lame.
td discussion should have quickly cleared up the levels... (side note, in the past i've considered entering a 3.0 tourney and play lefty... wondering if he was doing something similar, doesn't sound like it he's hitting 100mph serves)

but if everything is exactly what he appears to be doing (eg. a 4.5/5.0+ playing 2.5 to bash some beginners)... then he's just a sad guy that's lacking, where he needs these low level wins to feed his ego... hope he overcomes his mental health issues soon :(


You know, I have to say: I hope people aren't giving this guy a hard time. I don't think it's right for people to contact the guy to shame him or reveal his personal details. That type of stuff can get out of hand and even be scary. It would be one thing if the guy was involved in this thread and the whole thing was out in the open (in that case, I'd like to see a match between him and Talk Tennis poster!), but as it is, I encourage posters not to get carried away. It sounds like the appropriate grievance was filed with the USTA.
At bottom, he publicly displayed his fraud and got caught. No one forced him to cheat in the USTA self-rating process. No one forced him to enter a 2.5 tournament when he is a 4.5/5.0 under the USTA self-rating guidelines. Actions have consequences. And posts discussing why this conduct was wrong is not out of hand. In fact, they are necessary to promote fair play, especially when no one here wishes any harm to befall the unnamed person.

Point of fact, if player X took ownership of his fraud, refunded tourney fees of all affected by his fraud and apologized, and then asked for an opportunity to self rate with the USTA honestly, the matter would be resolved (likely including a period of suspension from the USTA). Instead, after being caught, he removed his public FB posts after his friends chastised him for failing to include the fact that the videos of his tournament play on his FB page were at 2.5; not 4.5 where he should be playing.

Calls for videos of player X demonstrating abuse of the system are irrelevant. Absurd are posts commenting that players that self-rated accurately derived benefit from playing player X after he executed a fraud on the 700,000 USTA members that rely on integrity and honesty in the self-rating process.
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At bottom, he publicly displayed his fraud and got caught. No one forced him to cheat in the USTA self-rating process. No one forced him to enter a 2.5 tournament when he is a 4.5/5.0 under the USTA self-rating guidelines. Actions have consequences. And posts discussing why this conduct was wrong is not out of hand. In fact, they are necessary to promote fair play, especially when no one here wishes any harm to befall the unnamed person.

Point of fact, if player X took ownership of his fraud, refunded tourney fees of all affected by his fraud and apologized, and then asked for an opportunity to self rate with the USTA honestly, the matter would be resolved (likely including a period of suspension from the USTA). Instead, after being caught, he removed his public FB posts after his friends chastised him for failing to include the fact that the videos of his tournament play on his FB page were at 2.5; not 4.5 where he should be playing.

Calls for videos of player X demonstrating abuse of the system are irrelevant. Absurd are posts commenting that players that self-rated accurately derived benefit from playing player X after he executed a fraud on the 700,000 USTA members that rely on integrity and honesty in the self-rating process.

My point was for people to not get carried away, which can sometimes happen with stuff like this. No one is condoning cheating, dishonesty, etc. I'm encouraging posters to use some judgment, though, and remember that this guy isn't a brutal dictator ha...this is a pretty trivial event compared with all of the bad things people can and do do. We're talking about USTA tennis, after all! So, again, I'm simply encouraging people to use good judgment.


Hall of Fame
I'm with everyone who said what is this guys motivation?
I can never conceive of why anyone would sandbag, even us reccers like a 4.5 trying to stay at 4.0. But this is another level of insanity.

I'm not even that proud of the tournaments I won when I was a 3.5 (only two), how can an actual collegiate athlete feel anything but shameful and ridiculous?

Even as some kind of juvenile prank to mock the USTA or beginners, how can someone who legitimately competed in the sport have the motivation or interest.


I'm with everyone who said what is this guys motivation?
I can never conceive of why anyone would sandbag, even us reccers like a 4.5 trying to stay at 4.0. But this is another level of insanity.

I'm not even that proud of the tournaments I won when I was a 3.5 (only two), how can an actual collegiate athlete feel anything but shameful and ridiculous?

Even as some kind of juvenile prank to mock the USTA or beginners, how can someone who legitimately competed in the sport have the motivation or interest.
You missed the photo of the sweet trophy. Had you seen it, you would totally understand.


Hall of Fame
You missed the photo of the sweet trophy. Had you seen it, you would totally understand.
The plaque?
Not as impressive as my 3.5 medals. You can't even wear it to all your league matches to intimidate your opponents.
The sandbagging 4.5s playing 4.0 get super scared when you walk on court with hardware.

Moon Shooter

Hall of Fame
Personally I think it’s pretty funny. It seems he did it for a laugh. Not as good as the professor for basketball but still I would have a laugh if I played him. Us lower level players can’t take tennis too serious and this is beyond sandbagging into ridiculousness.
