From Doubles to Singles to Hell


New User
Does anyone else have trouble switching from doubles to singles. I play doubles about 4 days a week and may be once a week play singles. This morning I found my inner mind asleep when it came to court coverage. I would have been in a great position if only I had a partner at the net. In doubles I just react, in singles I am thinking way to much. What is your thoughts.


Hhmmmm. Your comments don't go with my experience. That is, in doubles I have to have my wits more about me, since my court coverage responsibilities change so dramatically within each point whereas in singles my court coverage mind goes to sleep since I am responsible for the entire court and each and every shot, no thought required.


Hall of Fame
I am playing more doubles these days and then when playing singles, I tend to hit the ball too low over the net so it ends up a little bit short. I also get lazy on footwork when playing doubles and then realize in singles that I am not moving so well or slightly out of position. I also tend to serve more safely on first serves when I play singles now, so my serve seems less effective but it's still a very good doubles serve. I can't take advantage of the floater returns like my partner could in a doubles match.


Hall of Fame
I kinda did. At yesterdays all match clinic, I played a doubles match where I net rushed basically every point. Then I had a singles game where I did that and my friend kept lob chipping me! I started baselining and won the pro set. Then I played another doubles match and couldn't break them in the 1st game because I forgot to net rush. Still won though because we broke the next 2 service games.

Nick Irons

Hhmmmm. Your comments don't go with my experience. That is, in doubles I have to have my wits more about me, since my court coverage responsibilities change so dramatically within each point whereas in singles my court coverage mind goes to sleep since I am responsible for the entire court and each and every shot, no thought required.

Jeez; I'd like to play you in Singles :p

I find Doubles completely screws up my Singels game in terms of 'Line Instinct' but that's about it. I turn on a different monster for Singles. But how one can say they fall asleep in Singles is interesting; are you playing a 7 year old ?

No thought required ?

Man, you'd be a dream come true to play.
i play mostly doubles for school, and play in a singles ladder once a week, with a couple singles matches here and there. i find that court coverage isnt an issue, but i constantly find myself hitting the doubles lines ALOT.


Jeez; I'd like to play you in Singles :p

I find Doubles completely screws up my Singels game in terms of 'Line Instinct' but that's about it. I turn on a different monster for Singles. But how one can say they fall asleep in Singles is interesting; are you playing a 7 year old ?

No thought required ?

Man, you'd be a dream come true to play.

Perhaps you aren't getting my meaning. The OP referred to "when it came to court coverage", I posted about that. Not about tactics, strategy, stroke mechanics etc. There is a part of my mind that has to make certain decisions in doubles like "is this my shot or my partner's?" or "should I cover the center of the court because my partner is being pulled wide?" that singles players don't need to think about.

Did I post that I was in general falling asleep in singles? Nope.

As to wanting to play me in singles, the last few who did, didn't like it much...
My movement is pretty much screwed up and so is my court-sense. I hit a return and then find myself staying on the side I am on instead of moving to the center of the court. Every once in a while I have to look around to see where I am on the court.


Talk Tennis Guru
I have to go with luckyR on this one.

IF, IF, if, you are truely a good doubles player, then that means ou have all the shots and are supremely aware of player positions and cour tactics. That is a good thing.

Compared to doubles, singles should be a simple and straightforward game.

Having said that, it may be that you are lacking some of the skills that are helpful to the singles game. Only you can know what they might be.

Doubles is a game of serve/volleys/chips/sharp angles/quick and decisive points.

Singles requires somewhat different qualities that you may need to master before becoming a dominant player. You need to have deep. consistant groundstrokes, patience, the ability to change your pace/spin and set up your shot. The first serve is also more important in singles than doubles for winning easy(ier) points.

Without going over all the differences, I suggest that you review in your own mind your singles strenghts and weaknesses, and determine what skills you may need to beef-up for your singles game.

Good luck,



Hall of Fame
I have to go with luckyR on this one.

The first serve is also more important in singles than doubles for winning easy(ier) points.


maybe thats my problem in singles....I usually spin it in w/ a bit of extra oomph for 1st serves. It gets me easy volleys/overheads, not points. I only got 7 service winners in my 8 game pro set yesterday.


Ha! I just came from tennis and played 2 sets of dubs immediately followed by a set of singles! Main differencia:

1. know that you have to run more and run faster
2. gotta start staying back more or you'll be saying "oops, got passed again. Must stop serving+volleying"
3. gotta learn how to hit some groundstrokes!
4. you don't have to crush every return, it's better to just get it deep.

won all 3 sets I played: 6-2, 7-5, 6-1
never got broken, only time I was even close to getting broken was when was down love-40 but came up with an ace, a service winner and then forced an easy put away for my partner. Then later in singles I served+volleyed to unflawed perfection on match point.


Ha! I just came from tennis and played 2 sets of dubs immediately followed by a set of singles! Main differencia:

1. know that you have to run more and run faster
2. gotta start staying back more or you'll be saying "oops, got passed again. Must stop serving+volleying"
3. gotta learn how to hit some groundstrokes!
4. you don't have to crush every return, it's better to just get it deep.

won all 3 sets I played: 6-2, 7-5, 6-1
never got broken, only time I was even close to getting broken was when was down love-40 but came up with an ace, a service winner and then forced an easy put away for my partner. Then later in singles I served+volleyed to unflawed perfection on match point.

Good post and good brag.

Nick Irons

Perhaps you aren't getting my meaning. The OP referred to "when it came to court coverage", I posted about that. Not about tactics, strategy, stroke mechanics etc. There is a part of my mind that has to make certain decisions in doubles like "is this my shot or my partner's?" or "should I cover the center of the court because my partner is being pulled wide?" that singles players don't need to think about.

Did I post that I was in general falling asleep in singles? Nope.

As to wanting to play me in singles, the last few who did, didn't like it much...

I was in part in jest and in part misunderstanding; thanks for clearing that up.

If you're ever in the Cape Fear area, let me know and we have a match ! :)


(At my level) doubles is pretty simple if you and your partner have a good strong serve and can volley well. Singles is a lot more complicated.


My errors when I move from doubles to singles:

1. It takes several games before I adjust to the singles lines. I'm used to going for too much angle. Huge problem on service return.

2. I hit too low over the net so the ball bounces on the service line.

3. I mentally give up when my opponent comes to net because I've no partner to get the approach shots going to half the court.

4. I fail to come to net when I should because I don't have that normal "I should join my partner at the net!" instinct.

5. I do stoopid stuff like drop shots at the wrong time, just because I can!


i thought the switch was easier because you know who is going to try to hit the ball everytime. no need for comunication. its all you. the only hard part was that you have to stop aiming for the doubles lane. that was my problem. i tend to aim for doubles lane though i am playing singles. that was my experience.
I'll have to express something similar to LuckyR and Bagumbawalla on this one. Doubles, in some respects, is simpler tactically as opposed to singles. However, there is more information to process in doubles. You have two opponents, a partner, and the ball to keep track of...and points are generally of a faster pace. Singles, on the other hand, can be much more diverse tactically, but you only have to keep track of you, one opponent, and the ball...and the pace of points can vary wildly from match to match or even within a match.

Doubles is a reactive game that requires a great deal of external awareness. Singles is a creative game that requires a great deal of internal awareness.

That is a generalization of course...doubles can be creative and singles reactive, and they both require varying levels of external and internal awareness...but as generalizations go I think it is a decent one.


I was in part in jest and in part misunderstanding; thanks for clearing that up.

If you're ever in the Cape Fear area, let me know and we have a match ! :)

That's funny, when I read that you were from Cape Fear, I thought that was tennis-speak for you were a fearsome player, I didn't think you actually lived there...


I naturally stink at doubles because I traditionally am a baseliner and enjoy moving around the whole court (albeit back near the baseline). In doubles it feels weird only covering 1/2 the court.

fuzz nation

I naturally stink at doubles because I traditionally am a baseliner and enjoy moving around the whole court (albeit back near the baseline). In doubles it feels weird only covering 1/2 the court.

Don't go so hard on yourself, man! Intense doubles is really funky, but it's usually a lifelong search to find a partner that you really click with. Don't be afraid to work on the skills that will get you to net since they're really handy for singles, too.

Cool set-up for the NXG in your sig. BTW.


Hall of Fame
I love both singles and doubles. Right now I am playing a lot more doubles since me and my tennis friends are splitting indoor costs for the winter.

I find that once I go from doubles to singles, I tend to hit the ball to low over the net. Also my positioning and movement for singles can be a bit off.

Basically there are minor things that I can work out in a set or two while practicing singles.


I naturally stink at doubles because I traditionally am a baseliner and enjoy moving around the whole court (albeit back near the baseline). In doubles it feels weird only covering 1/2 the court.

i don't like doubles as much do to the "i can't volley" thing.
its great for fun and social with friends but competively, i do not enjoy it.

too much emotional stresssssssssssssssss when i dumped the balls into the net.


Hall of Fame
i don't like doubles as much do to the "i can't volley" thing.
its great for fun and social with friends but competively, i do not enjoy it.

too much emotional stresssssssssssssssss when i dumped the balls into the net.

Stay encouraged man. Work on that volley. Even your singles game will thank you and your opponents will be bummed when you stick that volley on a short ball.