Hi guys
I have a problem with my dbl-hander. I already disccused it here in the forums and got some good answers but I still do it the same old way. I can hit some good backhands when I play some loosen and relaxed match, but when it comes to serious and ambitious matches, my backhand side is blocked completely. When I get the ball on backhand I am completely stiff and scared to play the spin drive so instead I hit the slice. If I try to hit the dbl-hander I can't get any racquet head speed because I am too tensed up. I also tend to open the racquet face. My followthrough sucks also.My forehand is good and my slice also so I can win some matches by playing the Steffi Graff game but I don't want that. I wanna pound some backhands too. I know that this is along with the techical problems also a mental thing. It is going on for years so it kinnda settled in. How can I break this habit (relaxation techniques or something elase)?
I have a problem with my dbl-hander. I already disccused it here in the forums and got some good answers but I still do it the same old way. I can hit some good backhands when I play some loosen and relaxed match, but when it comes to serious and ambitious matches, my backhand side is blocked completely. When I get the ball on backhand I am completely stiff and scared to play the spin drive so instead I hit the slice. If I try to hit the dbl-hander I can't get any racquet head speed because I am too tensed up. I also tend to open the racquet face. My followthrough sucks also.My forehand is good and my slice also so I can win some matches by playing the Steffi Graff game but I don't want that. I wanna pound some backhands too. I know that this is along with the techical problems also a mental thing. It is going on for years so it kinnda settled in. How can I break this habit (relaxation techniques or something elase)?