frustrated with the dbl-hander


Hi guys

I have a problem with my dbl-hander. I already disccused it here in the forums and got some good answers but I still do it the same old way. I can hit some good backhands when I play some loosen and relaxed match, but when it comes to serious and ambitious matches, my backhand side is blocked completely. When I get the ball on backhand I am completely stiff and scared to play the spin drive so instead I hit the slice. If I try to hit the dbl-hander I can't get any racquet head speed because I am too tensed up. I also tend to open the racquet face. My followthrough sucks also.My forehand is good and my slice also so I can win some matches by playing the Steffi Graff game but I don't want that. I wanna pound some backhands too. I know that this is along with the techical problems also a mental thing. It is going on for years so it kinnda settled in. How can I break this habit (relaxation techniques or something elase)?



Hall of Fame
Sounds like you know what your problem is... but try a bigger back-swing... then you will have to take a proper swipe at the ball.


I just had the same problem. But now I am almost fine :) You have to practice as much BH as you can. But: make sure, that:

-you don't make a short swing. Make it as big as possible. First it would be uncomfortable (You should feel your dominant arm on your chin) but than... You'll be fine :)

- you move very well. You have to move very, very fast. I had biggest problems with tis issue. I found my self always late. Just tell your self: "I have to be here faster than on my FH", and than, do it! Also, just before hitting ball do few very little steps. You don't want to wait for a ball flatfooted! Step into the ball and catch it between your legs.


Hall of Fame
How is your footwork? Are you too close or too far from the ball when hitting the 2 hander? Is your stance squared or open? I think on my passes I am open about 45 degrees. My former Master noticed on Tuesday how low I start my racquet on my backhand side to create the deadly spin for my hard passes. I am 6'4 and don't like to bend down but he was saying that I start with the racquet just a couple inches off the ground when I rip my low hard passing shots. So get down, stay down, and follow through and get that left hand over the right and start adding some topspin to your backhand. Start all practice rallies dropping the ball on your backhand side so you develop this swing even with no incoming pace. Practice, practice, practice til you find what works for you. Good luck.

Bungalo Bill

When your hitting in the match, concentrate on relaxing the shoulders and arms. When you hit the ball just keep your head focused on the contact point, relax the shoulders and touch each shoulder on your chin for the swing. You will find your footwork relax a little as well.

Also, nothing wrong with playing with Stephi Grafs slice. Many times when my backhand is going astray I will slice the ball all day long. I actually love to slice the ball, especially a flatter slice with pace, lot of fun hitting that ball.

lendl lives

i can have problems in a comptetive match with short or/and slow balls to my two handed backhand side, sometimes my foot work and timing go astray on these balls. i hear you.


Thanks guys. I must turn my torso more and get down in my knees more. That are my main problems. But what about the high looping balls to the backhand. Do you drive those with your legs up also or are the legs straight in that shot and torso does all the work. How to handle those kind of balls?


well, I try to take them, before or after they are too high for me... I mean I always hit on the same level which is pretty low.


I 2nd BB's theory... slicing is my basic rally shot on the BH side, I even pass with slices, only someone with very good technique can volley a sliced low ball back with some authority... if he gets used to it, I mix in some topspin 1HBH for some change up.

If you can't hit the topspin BH with any kind of authority, chances are you a better off slicing it.