Fundraising Ideas


Well, now that im officially on my HS tennis team, the first thing our coach asked was what we were going to do for fundraising. Hopefully with this fundraising we can fix up the courts a bit and help lower the prices of uniforms. A couple kids suggested things like a car wash or selling baked goods.

Do you guys have any ideas?


Hall of Fame
my high school had a set-a-thon kinda thing, where each of us played 6 sets max each. we'd go around and ask people to donate money towards each set we play. so if a person donated $5 a set you'd make $30. or if they don't want to pay per set they can just pay one amount simple and easy. it was after school on a friday and then about 12 hours on saturday. it was fun and you get to hang out with friends and eat good food.


Talk Tennis Guru
You could always sell drugs. J/k :)

Go with the car wash. It's fun, and you could get the cheerleaders or other cute girls at your HS to help out by dressing in bikini tops and standing at the corner to get customers.

Then you just promise them you will return the favor by helping them raise money. Downside to this is, you guys would need to dress in the bikini tops! LOL


Hall of Fame
You could always sell drugs. J/k :)

Go with the car wash. It's fun, and you could get the cheerleaders or other cute girls at your HS to help out by dressing in bikini tops and standing at the corner to get customers.

Then you just promise them you will return the favor by helping them raise money. Downside to this is, you guys would need to dress in the bikini tops! LOL

that would be really scary. like in the movie Dodgeball and how they do their carwash, eww its just gross thinking about it. but the movie was pretty funny


Go to Sam's Club, buy a bunch of the cheap candy bars, sell them for a $1 each, make about $60 profit for each one. That's what we do.


Hall of Fame
Right after you finish the abandoned winter solstice dance video of Fee and myself. ;)

Well, heck...I have a script, I lined-up the cast and crew and even had Dedans volunteering (that's WITHOUT pay) to patroll the Great White North perimeter to shoo away curious onlookers and polar bears...and what happens? Fee chickens out. Yeah, she decided that she couldn't take shooting, in the buff, for a few weeks in sub-zero temperatures. Sheesh...left coasters are so SOFT these days...but that project's still on the shelves...waiting for the right opportunity-and the next winter solstice...;)


Set up a barbeque! Spread the word to family, friends, church-goers, family friends, etc. and sell tickets. If you can have some business donate the food, even better! Set up the grill by the courts, host some lessons/play sets for's tennis and a fundraiser in one!

Geezer Guy

Hall of Fame
Have a Punk/Relic tennis tournament. Each of you guys (the Punks) find an adult to partner up with for a doubles tournament. Charge the adults $25 each, or whatever, have some gatorade & banana's on hand, and maybe some other stuff. See if you can get some local businesses to donate prizes. Then have a little double-elimination or round-robin tournament.


You could always sell drugs. J/k :)

Go with the car wash. It's fun, and you could get the cheerleaders or other cute girls at your HS to help out by dressing in bikini tops and standing at the corner to get customers.

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