Gamma 5800 ELS


I am very close to buying a new electronic constant pull machine and am seriously considering the Gamma 5800 ELS with 6 point mounting system. Any thoughts on this machine or experience using it? Good? Bad?

I can afford to spend approximately $2K for a new machine, and the ELS 5800 falls right at this price point. (Based on many other posts, I would prefer to get a new Star 5, but I am not sure I can eek out a other $1K+ for it. Even a used Star 3 would be nice, but they seem hard to find.)

In addition to the ELS 5800, any other recommendations for an electronic constant pull machine for around $2K?



Ok - thanks. What is your rationale for this recommendation? I read many posts where people talk about an Alpha/Wise or Revo/Wise, but I've never really understood the reasoning. Is it better? Is it more cost effective?



Hall of Fame
Good Deal......


We bought the Gamma 5800 and 8800 ELS after Babolat gave us a hard time in delivering the Star5 machines and we have not looked back since. The Gamma machines are built like tanks and really hold up well with extensive use. Sure the Star5 is a little more ergonomic in design with very little to get in the way of stringing, but the machine is not that much better than the Gamma machines IMHO.

The Gamma machines have a few more square edges but the pulling device is rock solid and very acurate and the racquet harness and clamps are very good ( I actually prefer them over the Star5 3 point clamp). The only thing that I like better in the 8800 is the self centering mounting system, but the 6 point mounting system on the 5800 is just as good, just a little slower to mount.

All in all a great value for the dollar and the tech support has been outstanding, as they checked with us to see how we we doing with the machine even though we had no issues (try to get Bab to do that, we still cannot get them to sell us an RDC; guess we will go to Alpha).

Good luck in your decision.

TennezSport :cool:

Deleted member 25923

I dunno how good the Silent Partner Electronic machines are, but you should check em out. The Aria is like $1600.


Ok - thanks. What is your rationale for this recommendation? I read many posts where people talk about an Alpha/Wise or Revo/Wise, but I've never really understood the reasoning. Is it better? Is it more cost effective?


OK. I agree with you and don't understand the reasoning too. I have a Gamma 6004 and a Wise. Buying a Wise as an add on to an existing machine you already like is sound reasoning. In my case, I already had a Wise and wanted a new machine. However you already determined you want to spend $2K for a new electronic machine. Might as well get what you want. I say go for the ELS 5800. You just have to determine wheather to get the 6 pt or 2 pt. Personally, I think the Gamma 2 pt mountings are the best 2 pt mountings out there. Ask GammaTech about the specs and he can guide you.

Edit: Just noticed you are looking for the 6 pt mounting only.

Probably the only other quality electronic machine (without going Eagnas) at or below your price point is the Silent Partner Aria. People who have it seem to love it. However, it does have a modified rotational gripper.
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Edit: Just noticed you are looking for the 6 pt mounting only.

No worries. Based on your information, I will consider the 2 point as well and will talk to Gamma about it.

Thanks LttlElvis and all others - great information and much appreciated.


jim e

No worries. Based on your information, I will consider the 2 point as well and will talk to Gamma about it.

Thanks LttlElvis and all others - great information and much appreciated.


I have a 6 point mounting on my machine, and really like it.Racquet mounts fast, and holds secure, and that is what is needed. Last machine I used years ago, was an old serrano, 2 point, and that is all I can compare to, as I do not know much on the newer 2 point, but with the new Head racquet that is out, has a movable throat piece, called the crossbow. I don't know how well a 2 point will hold with a moving throat piece, maybe it will work out but I have not seen one as yet. Maybe someone here has strung one and can comment on if a 2 point will work with this type of racquet.