gamma 5800 els



i want to buy a gamma 5800 els machine,can anyone tell me if the machine is good or not?
thanks a lot guys


well i find it for usd 1999 but i didnt find another one better than the gamma,if you mind that babolat 5 less than 2000 ?i dont think so,did you string one raquet with the gamma,cause i am not sure to purchase that machine,if you know another better than the gamma let me know it...



well i think that for 400 dollars the gamma machine is better than the aria,i saw that machine also but gamma looks you know the price of the babolat star 5?


sorry my orignal post was wrong, i did a quick search and amazon had the machine listed for 3k but its 2k at ats. The babolat is 3k. I have never strung on either machine but I know that David Pavlich strings a lot of rackets on his aria and was/is extremly happy with it. Plus you can get it for $1200 as a demo unit


i see jj,but 3000 dollars are for me too much,but i still thinking that for 2000 the gamma is very good,what do you think about,maybe anyone here has that machine and can tell me more about the gamma...



Hall of Fame
loco-loco said:
i want to buy a gamma 5800 els machine,can anyone tell me if the machine is good or not?
thanks a lot guys

I received the 2006 Gamma catalog yesterday. The 5800 Els is now available with a two point mounting. The machine with the two point mounting is $200 more than the same machine with the six point mounting.


i dont have the catalog from gamma,i saw the machine on the web,on ats,but i dont understand why 2 points are 200 $ more than the six point mounting....can you tell me why?
I got the Gamma 5800 a couple months ago. I am very pleased with it. It is very high quality as are all Gamma machines. It has some really nice features, linear pull, string length measure, knot pull, pre-stretch, etc. It is also very easy to calibrate if it every needs to be. You just put in on the calibrator, enter the tension it says on the calibrator and the press the enter button and its set. The swivel clamps work great and hold tension perfect. The foot pedal is also a very nice feature which I have grown to love. Gamma's customer service is excellant too. I mean what other stringing machine company has one of their engineer's (Gamma Tech) who anwsers questions about their machines on this board.

I am curious to see the two point mount of this model. If the two point mounting is as good or better it would be nice to not have six point mount arms to get in the way.

I dont know what else to really say about it so please ask me anything you want to know.


Hall of Fame
loco-loco said:
i dont have the catalog from gamma,i saw the machine on the web,on ats,but i dont understand why 2 points are 200 $ more than the six point mounting....can you tell me why?

I guess we will have to wait for "Gamma Tech" to give us the official word on the higher price for the two point mounting system. I suppose it is just simply of higher value. It looks really sleek, clean and high end. I'm thinking that this is a pretty bold move on Gamma's part.
One of the most interesting aspects of this is that there is actually a kit for stringers with the old six point mounting to upgrade to the two point mounting. The mounting upgrade kit is $699 and $899, depending on the type of clamp base you choose. It's a complete mounting/clamping system upgrade.


thanks Mr Harwood;well i want to purchase this machine,i was talking with ats customers,and they do a great job,the only problem is that i am living in spain,and gamma doesnt work in europe,i dont know why cause i didnt find any machine like the gamma for that price,they are few machine on the mark but they are all ****,you have to pay fot it 2,099 € and and if i get the gamma in usa i am paying with brokers and anything 2200€ so you can see the diference....
i string like 800 raquets a year and i dont want to get a machine like a babolat for 5000€ or tecnifibre also for the same price,therefore i will be happy if you tell me more about the machine,like cleaning and so on....i am not new on that but you know better than me that to see if a machine is very good you have to look inside the machine,but we have any gamma machine on the mark in europe.....

thanks a lot and sorry about my bad english,but for a spain guy is not so bad......
Are you saying that you can't have the Gamma shipped to Europe? If that is the case, I would consider spending the extra $1000 and get the Star 5. I think 800 rackets a year can justify the additional expense. The only thing is it could be many many months before you can actually get the Star 5.

To answer your other questions on the 5800, I have cleaned the clamps twice so far. Cleaning the clamps requires you to remove two screws from the back of the clamps and the center adjustment screw. The two halves come apart and I use rubbing alcohol and a stiff plastic bristle brush to clean the clamps. The clamps are diamond dusted so you have to brush them pretty good to get all the residue off. I have never seen them slip but just clean them as a precaution. Thats really the only maintenace I have had to do. I also clean the turn table with a soft cloth and rubbing alcohol too.

I did take a look inside the machine. It all looks of high quality. The electric motor is a little larger than a pop can pulls the tension head via a metal chain.

The height of the machine is adjusted by taking out the set screw and then raising or lowering it. You really need two people to do this though as the table is very heavy. All the casing is aluminum and pretty thick so its pretty solid.

I will try to post some close up pics when I get a chance.
Here are some pics:

