Gamma Progression ST II linear gripper adjustment


New User
I'm using the Gamma Progression ST II to string poly at 56 lbs (Cyclone and Hyper G Soft 16 gauge). I have the screw adjustment for the linear gripper screwed all the way in (clockwise) but I still feel indentations on the strings caused by the linear gripper. Sometimes I wrap the string around the diablo and other times I don't. The strings have never broken but I can feel and hear the rough spots on the strings when string crosses. Is this normal?

BTW, my diablo rotates freely. Since I bought this machine used I don't know if it is setup correctly.

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Talk Tennis Guru
There is no diablo on a gamma progression ST II. That is a string roller/guide and because it roll there is no tension loss on the string. May sure the grippers are extra clean.


Talk Tennis Guru
my diablo rotates freely. Since I bought this machine used I don't know if it is setup correctly.
Gamma lockout machine do not use a diablo. The string guide is used to maintain the angle from the racket to the gripper so the angle going into the gripper is constant. The keeps the tension placed on the more consistent. If you don’t use the string guide the angle changes giving the string that pulls the back of the gripper up to lockout different angles of leverage.

EDIT: I think the string guide has bearings in it to make it roll freely but I’m not sure. @Gamma Tech should know.


New User

Thanks for the clarification. I assumed that the string guide and diablo were the same thing. What is the difference? Yes, the string guide has bearings and turns freely. I was wondering if the string guide was installed incorrectly which is why it rotates freely. If it was fixed, it would probably add friction so the linear grippers don't have to hold so tight. Regarding the gripper plates, they are clean and can't be adjusted further to make the opening wider.


Talk Tennis Guru
I assumed that the string guide and diablo were the same thing. What is the difference?
The string guide mains a constant angle for the string going through the gripper. If the guide did not roll then it would create friction when would lower the tension on the gripper side of the string. Then in order for the lock out to engage a greater force would be applied to the string between the guide and the frame. The back side of the gripper assembly must be lifted in order to release the trip level.

On an eCP machine a diablo also guides the string through the gripper at a constant angle in addition to lowering tension on the string in the gripper. This losers the crushing force the grippers apply to the string. Because the diablo and gripper on an eCP are a single unit connected to a load cell the eCP is measuring the tension on the racket side of the Diablo.


Oh boy..... This is going to be great!

Let me grab a beer and some peanuts.... I'll be right back.
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Don't let Irvin turn this into ANOTHER diabolo vs string guide debate.

For your purposes (and mine), they can be treated similarly, if not the same.

And really, it doesn't apply greatly to the linear gripper adjustment. I've used both a diabolo
and a string guide. Some simple tweaking will have you dialed in.

Sounds like @Wes likely will have you dialed in.