Is OP a troll? I dunno. don't really care. kinda like class in law school where hypotheticals are debated.
Yes and in those classes you NEVER hear the words "there is no debate".
Is OP a troll? I dunno. don't really care. kinda like class in law school where hypotheticals are debated.
Yes, true.
Next time, there are a few things OP could do that would be more productive.
Ask the guy his name. If he gives it, great. If not, it makes him look bad.
Go outside the fence, whip out your cell phone and take pics of him coaching. Get some close-ups, get some of the kids, get some of the signage to establish location. This might enrage him, but he can't do anything about it on account of all those witnesses, erm, I mean kids.
Then if you need to file a complaint, you are all set.
Much better than making snide remarks about the guy's technique or weight . . . .
I might be seen as a lunatic or creep.
If your goal was to avoid this possiblilty you failed miserably.
Oh yes, rather than discussing the issue head-on with the individual in question, it is better to brazenly photograph him and his students without his or their parents' consent, transmit those images, and possibly provoke him into calling the authorities or worse. Instead of being seen as someone who simply wants to play tennis, I might be seen as a lunatic or creep.
Tremendous ideas right there.
I didn't say you shouldn't discuss the issue with the guy head-on. I said you shouldn't be a D-bag when you do so.
Discuss. Then photograph. Keep the images; use them if you need them by showing them to Parks and Recs if they want to get to the bottom of this.
If he calls the authorities, good. When the authorities arrive, tell them you want to discuss who the gentleman is with Parks and Rec, and you would like proof that he is running an unauthorized clinic.
If any of the parents object to your photographing the class, say that you are documenting this unauthorized clinic and you plan to provide the information to Parks and Rec.
Good lord. Since when can't you take cell phone pics of people playing tennis on a public court?
If people genuinely trying to play the game are unable to use them, or cannot afford the outrageous club fees (and good luck getting a court at a club if you have a M-F, 9-5ish job), then they have no choice but to give up on the game.
Woow I didn't realise that club fees in the US are that expensive :-? Then I consider myself lucky to get full access to nice 5 outdoor and 4 indoor tenniscourts from April-October for 75 euros...
Average prices for summer season in Belgium are around 100€.
Last time I checked Winnepeg is in Canada.
Club fees in the US vary greatly. Public tennis centers are pay as you go $3-4 for 1.5-2 hours with 12-20+courts. In many parts of the US there are plenty of free public courts that are in decent shape. I know people who play all year round where I live and never pay anything and never have a problem getting a court. Private can be as cheap as $40/month up to extremely high in places like NYC.
You know else tells me this is a troll post? He's talking about playing outdoors in February in Winnepeg and there are people who let their kids play tennis outside in February, too.
Today, I called the Parks Deparment and described the incident. I had to be transferred a couple of times before reaching anyone who knew anything about tennis court rules. An older woman told me that the rules are posted at each court. I inquired about reservations and as far as she knew, she was not aware of any reservation system. When I explained that courts were supposedly reserved but not being used, she said that people usually resolve these problems on their own. She said, as far as she knew, no one had ever called the Parks Department about a dispute over courts before and that usually if the courts are full people either wait or go to other courts.
At this point I mentioned that nearly all the courts in this city are in a state of disrepair and are not safe and/or are not playable for semi-competitive recreational players. I asked if there were any plans to commence repairs on some of these courts and she said there were no plans, as far as she knew. The city's main priorities vis-a-vis Parks and Recreation are improving community centre skating rinks, pools and basketball courts, especially in "youth at high risk" neighbourhoods. She recommended I join a club and that public courts are "mainly for kids and beginners". She said I was also welcome to book a squash court at any one of the city's community centres.
Shhhh, don't spoil the surprise.Remember this is in Winnipeg - CANADA - not part of the USA (yet:twisted:)......
I'm more impressed that the OP playing and kids getting lessons in -20C weather last week!!!!!!
I'm in Winnipeg and I'd love to know where these magical outdoor public courts are that aren't covered in four feet of snow and have some sort of weird tropical system over them that doesn't require me to wear my parka.
So the other day my bud and I decided to play tennis after a relatively long layoff.
Please note that I never claimed to have played in winter.
Troll thread.
No, actually. The incident happened last fall but I only decided now it was worth posing to TW for opinions. I like to take time to contemplate these matters on my own before inviting the community into my thought process. Yes, I did say it occurred "the other day" but only to make it appear more relevant. It might have seemed absurd to complain about something that happened months ago.
Some people are much too swift with the troll allegations. This forum is not overrun with trolls, although I admit there are many. It is still well moderated but with a freedom for fun and jest. There's no need for a witchhunt.
Last fall huh? Ok, if you say so. I'd still like to know where these courts are. I disagree with your statement that the clubs are obscenely priced. Deer Lodge for example is $142 for the summer. That's not cheap, but it's not insane. Also, I belong to one of the outdoor clubs and I've never had trouble getting a court except for a couple of weekends in June when I've had to wait 20 minutes or so.
No, actually. The incident happened last fall but I only decided now it was worth posing to TW for opinions. I like to take time to contemplate these matters on my own before inviting the community into my thought process. Yes, I did say it occurred "the other day" but only to make it appear more relevant. It might have seemed absurd to complain about something that happened months ago.
Some people are much too swift with the troll allegations. This forum is not overrun with trolls, although I admit there are many. It is still well moderated but with a freedom for fun and jest. There's no need for a witchhunt.
Last fall huh? Ok, if you say so. I'd still like to know where these courts are. I disagree with your statement that the clubs are obscenely priced. Deer Lodge for example is $142 for the summer. That's not cheap, but it's not insane. Also, I belong to one of the outdoor clubs and I've never had trouble getting a court except for a couple of weekends in June when I've had to wait 20 minutes or so.
Off-topic, but actually, that is pretty cheap and a great deal! See the other active thread about court costs in SF for example.
Can you comment about this assertion: "95% of the public courts in my city are unplayable; they usually have fixed "nets" made of wire mesh, fading boundary lines, potholes galore (much like the roads) and holes and openings in the back and side fences"?
It took you nearly half a year to process what happened in one morning?
No, actually. The incident happened last fall but I only decided now it was worth posing to TW for opinions. I like to take time to contemplate these matters on my own before inviting the community into my thought process. Yes, I did say it occurred "the other day" but only to make it appear more relevant. It might have seemed absurd to complain about something that happened months ago.
Some people are much too swift with the troll allegations. This forum is not overrun with trolls, although I admit there are many. It is still well moderated but with a freedom for fun and jest. There's no need for a witchhunt.
If you really were looking for considered feedback then perhaps you should have laid off the derogatory rhetoric.
Say Chi Sin Lo said:It took you nearly half a year to process what happened in one morning?
breezybee said:Most of the courts that are in parks, community clubs or at high schools are in bad condition, as mentioned above - not 95% though. There are some public courts in really good condition and I know all of them which is why I'd like to read the OP's response.
I often have to go long stretches without playing due to lack of willing partners.
...regarding the coach and his dinosaur technique. Those kids' parents were being taken advantage of. In no way would I let my child be taught tennis from a blubbernecked buffoon. Fortunately, the kids did get a free lesson in actual tennis from real players who actually know how to play the modern game.
Like I said, I am a very introspective, contemplative individual. I like to take time to examine my experiences and search for a more transcendental perspective. When that sadly yields little insight, I bring others into my journey in order to broaden my horizons.
Not that this bump will help, but this thread needs to die.
NO, this should be a sticky. It's a great cross-over thread, should be used by guided meditation classes to invoke introspection="Focus on the 'blubberneck"--now visualize that this is the source of all the energy in the universe--the sun derives it's warmth from the 'blubberneck'--it is the source of all power and being--all great thinkers gathered their inspiration from the 'blubberneck'--Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Walt Disney."
Frankly, if anything I felt I was restrained in my verbiage regarding the coach and his dinosaur technique. Those kids' parents were being taken advantage of. In no way would I let my child be taught tennis from a blubbernecked buffoon. Fortunately, the kids did get a free lesson in actual tennis from real players who actually know how to play the modern game.
From your previous post it sounds like Coach was teaching sound tennis fundamental technique, Eastern grips for topspin, a good place for beginners to start. All the grips and shots are necessary to learn, see Fed and Pete. Were they the "real players" you were referring to? The coach was pretty progressive having a TV monitor on the court to show the kids classic techniques used by all the greats through tennis history.
Is that you in your icon? I've been wondering about that, if you look like that it may be why you're having trouble finding hitting partners. Can you explain what that's all about--just wondering?
Yes, I've transformed my head to quite literally resemble a tennis ball. Few others here can claim such dedication to their craft.
Yes, I've transformed my head to quite literally resemble a tennis ball. Few others here can claim such dedication to their craft.
stapletonj;7243635and now he needs to go make us all a sammich......[/QUOTE said:Shrimp salad, please... :grin:
Yes yes I agree. Goat worthy post. Blubberbutt had it coming. He really should not take over all the public courts.
I guess he is just another one of those tennis crazies you hear about.
Regardless of what is right/wrong in regards to the courts, I think you were pretty much a jerk given the situation. Nice job and good show for the kids. How do you know he wasn't teaching for free for a youth group? Just saying. You really gave these kids a great view of what to expect from "adult" (emphasizing the visual scare quotes) players. Not saying their coach was right either, but come on.
I would have seriously just said **** it and started playing and took one of the courts. If he gives me trouble, just give him trouble right back. If this "coach" wants to be an ass, just be an ass right back. He is selfish and he's trying to hide it behind the "kids" category when he's basically selling his time. You meet a lot of people like that out in Los Angeles.
Quite interesting. I happened to do a contrast article on this as an undergrad for a soc elective. The number of prisons in North America with tennis courts can be counted on one hand. Which one were you in?Thank you. Back when I was in prison, the courts in the yard were often full, yet I never had someone confront me in such an antagonistic manner as this blimp. I guess he is just another one of those tennis crazies you hear about.
Frankly, after much reflection, I've made peace with it. I guess I'm just too much of an idealist, expecting public courts to be shared in a co-operative manner.