ITF is juggling a lot of balls-a contested race for its Presidency, turf war with ATP(?), the issue of data sales to betting sites, unhappy ITF players resulting in a partial reversal of its Transition Tour, players and fans unhappy with the Davis Cup changes, and now on top of all that, the organization is taking on UTR. Do tennis orgs want to grow tennis or just self-destruct?
That said, there is a good argument for the generator of data to keep the data and create its own ranking rather than let a commercial enterprise scrape or import it and make $ off it.
An ITF generated WTN and profile could:
Eliminate duplicate names for same person-UTR has too many of them esp for foreign players who may have 4 legal names and UTR may have many combinations of some or all of them on its site.
Display correct nationality of players-UTR lets players create or claim their own profile and many show US nationality for players who play ITFs for another country
Have data standards that meet European privacy standard which are higher than US
More complete data including more national adult and junior results from multiple nations
Enable more international play as each nation would not have its own rating system
UTR currently includes:
all junior ITF and then ATP/ITF world results
all ITA college results imported from R2Sports (which is not all results-missing some consolation results-probably be better for 19/20 with R2Sports tweaks worked out)
Tennislink tournaments
Events held on UTR platform including many prize $ events, ITA summer circuits
Many USTA rec league results
Some US high school results
national and international results for juniors and adults from selected foreign countries-many countries dont have an agreement with UTR-with ITF and European privacy rules, those countries might provide those results for WTN number esp if ITF provides the digital platform.
The biggest question is what results will be included in WTN calculation. One of the candidates for ITF president Dave Miley, former ITF director of development with 25 years of experience with ITF, wants to include US college results. He has a 7 point manifesto, and this is what he said about ITF global rating system ( aka WTN):
" Introduce an ITF global rating system for tennis that can be used effectively:
* As a ranking system for high level players that includes not only junior and entry level WTT (World Tour Tennis) events, but also other verified events such as
US collegiate results
* As a tool to determine entry and acceptance to higher-level professional events and to reduce the cost of playing international junior and professional tennis"
The above sounds like a great idea-would be great for college players from all nations to get into entry level pro events based on their college results instead of relying mainly on wild cards or on the hope they will get in as an alternate the first times they play before they earn any ATP or ITF world points. There was a recent US future where an UTR 8 got in the Qualis b/c last year that player had defeated a UTR 6 in a Quali and had earned a single ITF world point. In other countries UTR 10s may get in multiple Qualis even though they may get bageled in 1st rd. There are often much better US collegiate players on alternate lists for many US Future Qualis. There are US collegians UTR 13+ that dont get in Qualis without WCs.
The current ITF President who is running again is David Haggerty, very unpopular with US junior players and parents after he oversaw a major change to US jr schedule and changes to the National Clays and Hardcourts reducing draws a few years back as USTA President. Ignoring protests, his leadership pushed through changes which were reversed later. Do we see a pattern here?!!! A leader who doesnt get input from all the stakeholders or just doesnt listen, doesnt consider the consequences of changes, and then just reverses them after they blow up and expects to go on business as usual without a thought for the players negatively affected.
Best Case Scenario for WTN-more results worldwide with more accurate profiles, less duplication, and the ability to look at big trends in tennis without violating individual privacy. European club results are included, and US collegians with a WTN based off college results are able to enter European club and prize $ events as well as entry level pro circuits based on initial WTN from college results . Europe has far more summer events than US-only fair US players get a shot at those since rest of the world gets a shot at US college tennis.
Worst Case Scenario: 2 separate ranking systems with neither holding all the data and college coaches, parents, and players trying to reconcile the 2
WTN calculation could include most data outside the US, all ITF, jr ITF, Tennis Europe, USTA data but not college results
UTR includes ITA results (partner with ITA), events on UTR platform, high school results and historical USTA/ITF/ATP/WTA data but is not allowed to scrape or import sometime after 2020
Since USTA is siding with WTN, it is conceivable that UTR might not even include USTA junior and adult tournaments and ITF events held in US so UTR would not even be complete for US results.
This is all new but I wanted to put info out their on best and worst cases for forum members to consider and discuss.
In case anyone is interested, here is the link to Dave Miley's manifesto for ITF presidents (his 7 pillars): or follow him on twitter @DaveMileyTennis. He has lot of good ideas. I think he got pushed out by ITF leadership for not being a yes man. Ironically he now works for UTR ( ), so if he is elected maybe he can make for a smooth coexistence between the two systems.
USTA has a dinosaur of a system with Tennislink and the reports it formerly sent to ITF for US national ranking for entry into Qualis (after ATP points in 2018 and before) were sent late with major omissions and inaccuracies.
ITF generated 5 months of shadow rankings in 2018 before adopting ITF world points. Through I disagreed with the ATP/ITF changes, at least the reports were accurate. However, ITF tourneys are single elimination, and this new WTN, if it truly is going to be based on worldwide results will have the more difficult process of also capturing consolation rounds.