Getting back into tennis, changing grips, overgrips, grommets. Advice needed


New User
Hello folks,

I decided to dust off the gear and have some questions. My 2 rackets have only had 2 overgrip changes in 6 years :eek: shocking, but big breaks occurred in my tennis .
I have started by removing the overgrips, they were there for more than 2 or 3 years but granted I did not play much, they still were too used. When I removed the overgrips (head xtreme soft in blue) I have noticed they left blue colour residue, even peeled off the original white grip top layer in places. So my questions are:
- Should I remove and replace the original grips?
Racket1 bought in 2014 (new), Racket 2 in 2015 (used) .
Racket 1 - Head Hydrosorb Pro White - lost most of the plushness but no rips other than what the overgrip pulled and obviously stained by the blue Head overgrip.
Racket 2 - Wilson True Grip White- even less soft than the other, blue stains, one part of the bevel worn out from thumb.
- I think I should at least change the grip in Racket 2. but here I am left wondering, what colour should I get for a replacement grip since the 2 White ones have been tainted by the overgrips. Is this colour transfer from overgrip to grip normal for every brand of overgrips or is it just because I used and abused them for far too long and never changed them?
- Since the grip will be covered by an overgrip, why does it matter what colour or brand it is? I was just toying with the idea of putting a cheap Blue Karakal PU Supergrip I got for £2 but somehow undecided.
- Should reselling factor come in play here? (meaning that if I add a good branded replacement grip I could get more money for the racket, then again I am not sure the grip would be in good condition by the time I sell/trade and wouldn't the new buyer change it anyway?)
- Should I buy the same replacement grip for both or it doesn't matter? One is Wilson one is Head. Leather or Synthetic? Is leather much more heavy than Synthetic? for one racket would be good that extra grams but for the other not.
- To avoid the colour transfer, should I buy white overgrips? I do prefer coloured ones tbh. but look where that preference led me! Found a good deal on Yonex Supergraps 30 pack and Wilson Pro Comfort all in white. Leaning towards Wilson because the rolls are individual. What's the better overgrip for UK weather (London) not hot, not sweating much, will aim to play 3 times a week 2 hours each session.

Finally thanks for reading this, I know I am rambling but it is good to know this forum is still here.
I think yes, you should probably change your grips. I have read somewhere that you should change your grips as often as your strings (that's probably an old rule of thumb that doesn't quite apply any more, but still regularly). Otherwise they will lose their cushioning effect and compress somewhat.

I would find a grip that works for you and buy a few. I like Head Hydrosorb Pro, and also the stock Pro Kennex grips, but just try a few and see what you like, there's such a range of different thicknesses and textures. I believe leather can add up to 10g, but have never tried it. On my list of things to try.

I also find that overgrips often stick to or damage the base grip after a while. Don't think you can do much about that.

Also in the UK and this summer I have been using dry grips: Head Pro and Luxilon Elite. Really like both, maybe the Pro a touch more. Otherwise I also really like Yonex Super Grap, was recommended to me on here and I like the texture. @esgee recommend stretching them as it changes the texture and that's absolutely correct.


Hello folks,

I decided to dust off the gear and have some questions. My 2 rackets have only had 2 overgrip changes in 6 years :eek: shocking, but big breaks occurred in my tennis .
I have started by removing the overgrips, they were there for more than 2 or 3 years but granted I did not play much, they still were too used. When I removed the overgrips (head xtreme soft in blue) I have noticed they left blue colour residue, even peeled off the original white grip top layer in places. So my questions are:
- Should I remove and replace the original grips?
Racket1 bought in 2014 (new), Racket 2 in 2015 (used) .
Racket 1 - Head Hydrosorb Pro White - lost most of the plushness but no rips other than what the overgrip pulled and obviously stained by the blue Head overgrip.
Racket 2 - Wilson True Grip White- even less soft than the other, blue stains, one part of the bevel worn out from thumb.
- I think I should at least change the grip in Racket 2. but here I am left wondering, what colour should I get for a replacement grip since the 2 White ones have been tainted by the overgrips. Is this colour transfer from overgrip to grip normal for every brand of overgrips or is it just because I used and abused them for far too long and never changed them?
- Since the grip will be covered by an overgrip, why does it matter what colour or brand it is? I was just toying with the idea of putting a cheap Blue Karakal PU Supergrip I got for £2 but somehow undecided.
- Should reselling factor come in play here? (meaning that if I add a good branded replacement grip I could get more money for the racket, then again I am not sure the grip would be in good condition by the time I sell/trade and wouldn't the new buyer change it anyway?)
- Should I buy the same replacement grip for both or it doesn't matter? One is Wilson one is Head. Leather or Synthetic? Is leather much more heavy than Synthetic? for one racket would be good that extra grams but for the other not.
- To avoid the colour transfer, should I buy white overgrips? I do prefer coloured ones tbh. but look where that preference led me! Found a good deal on Yonex Supergraps 30 pack and Wilson Pro Comfort all in white. Leaning towards Wilson because the rolls are individual. What's the better overgrip for UK weather (London) not hot, not sweating much, will aim to play 3 times a week 2 hours each session.

Finally thanks for reading this, I know I am rambling but it is good to know this forum is still here.
If it were me, I would install new replacement grips on both, esepcially since they've both been left alone for a while. If you plan on putting an overgrip, then I guess the color of the base grip doesn't matter too much. You can buy the same replacement grip for both if you want, or you can use different ones if you don't have a preference. For me, I've found a replacement grip that I like (Head Hydrosorb Pro), so I'll buy a couple of them and use it on all my racquets. Some people aren't as picky though. Leather is generally heavier than synthetic, and is also more firm, allowing you to feel the bevels more. Synthetic tends to be lighter and more cushion-y, which some people like.

Not too sure about re-sell value. For me personally, I always put a new replacement grip onto any racquet that I buy, even if it's brand new, due to my preference that I explained above. So for me, the base grip doesn't come into play when looking to buy a racquet.

In terms of overgrip, people usually say that white ones are better, since there's little to no color dye added which can change its properties. Wilson Pro Comfort (usually just called Wilson Pro) and Yonex Super Grap are the most popular tacky overgrips. They're very similar, so you really can't go wrong with either. If it's not too hot and your hands don't sweat much, then Wilson Pro or Super Grap should work just fine.

Also in the UK and this summer I have been using dry grips: Head Pro and Luxilon Elite. Really like both, maybe the Pro a touch more. Otherwise I also really like Yonex Super Grap, was recommended to me on here and I like the texture. @esgee recommend stretching them as it changes the texture and that's absolutely correct.
If I recall, isn't the Head Pro overgrip just a rebranded Tourna Grip? They look similar.

I did not know about the stretching thing. Does it mean to stretch it as you're wrapping it, or pre-stretching it before you start wrapping? What does it do to the texture?


Hall of Fame
sounds like you should replace the original "replacement" grip.
you can try to find the original to replace, or if not you can go with a basic one from any brand.

i advise you always use an overgrip, and change them out regularly. (don't use them so long they start to disintegrate)
personally i buy them in 30 packs, and change them out after a few sets. (tack is gone)
there might be some residue/color-transfer from the overgrip, if it really bothers you... alcohol pads usually gets it off quick


New User
Thanks guys, I think I know what I have to do now thanks to you. On my Radical MP I will likely add a leather grip just because I could use the extra weight to bring it more in line with the current MP's weight and closer to my Wilson as well. I will add a synthetic on the Wilson k six one as that is heavy (but head light) already.

- Another point on my checklist guys: Stringing and gromets condition: The Racket 1 (Head Radical MP IG-Youtek) has been stringed only twice by 2 different people. The Wilson once I think. What I noticed is that the tubes at Cross Tie OFF, Mains Tie OFF have taken a toll (more on the Head than Wilson) they deformed because of the knot, one in the radical almost has the string touching the frame (maybe tension was too high?) Also saw a tube that broke a bit so it's not complete.
- Should I buy a new grommet kit for the Radical in preparation for the restringing? Is grommet kit replacement something that only a restringer can do?
- Whilst I can find a kit for Head Radical, I struggle to find one for the K six one 95. What is there to do with such old rackets?


Hall of Fame
re: grommets

i dont think you need to stock them. but if they need replacing, you can either ask your stringer or find it online.
i would not attempt the grommet replacement without proper tools.
you can check auction sites or some small websites in attempt to find the according grommet. if not, youre out of luck


Hall of Fame
How can someone make something so trivial into such a major project?
Sounds like a serious case of OCD paralysis.

Dude, change the damn overgrip and start hitting balls.
If I recall, isn't the Head Pro overgrip just a rebranded Tourna Grip? They look similar.

I did not know about the stretching thing. Does it mean to stretch it as you're wrapping it, or pre-stretching it before you start wrapping? What does it do to the texture?

I don't know to be honest, I have never used an actual Tourna Grip, but seems to be basically the same thing.

Stretching, yes, just as you wrap it works fine. It just makes the surface a bit more matt / textured basically, gives a slightly drier feel.