getting to the legg mason tournament

King Andre

New User
hi, i currently live in new jersey and me and my friends were planning to go watch the qualifying and practice sessiions at the legg mason tennis classic tournament in washington. firstly i was wondering if u guys knew what was the best mode of transportation to get down there( train, car, plane, etc) and second, what day the qualifying and practice sessions for the tourney start and if theyre worth coming down to watch.


Since you live so close, I would go by bus or train, or even driving if you're willing to spend a few hours in a car. I think taking the train to Union Station and from there taking metro to the site (there's a shuttle from the station to the center). You should probably check the Legg Mason website for more info.

This year they are starting maindraw play on Sunday, so Saturday is qualifying. As for if it's worth it, you'll have to ask yourself that. If you like to watch that level f tennis, it is well worth it, I'm definitely going. I think you'll have fun no matter what, Good luck!:D