@Dolgopolov85 @Vcore89 @Poisoned Slice
No need to convince me that MJ has more inherent musical and dancing talent than Britney. That wasn't my point.
Agree that
Ariana Grande has an outstanding voice and is an incredible talent.
Christina Aguilera is another singer who has amazing vocal skills. She had auditioned for MMC in the early 1990s alongside Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake & Jessica Simpson. Christina wowwed the other kids and pretty much blew the competition away. Jessica Simpson was so overwhelmed by having to follow Christina A, that she blew the final stages of her audition and never made it on to the MMC.
But, as talented as she is, Christina tends to show off and throw way too many vocal tricks into her music. Ariana Grande's performances, otoh, comes off more effortless. She shows greater restraint with performances rather than throwing every thing, including the kitchen sink, into it. If Christina A could include that same restraint in her music, her performances would be better for it.
However, as immensely talented as Ariana G is, I've got to wonder how much of her past & current music will stand the test of time. How much of it will ppl recall 30 or 40 years from now. I wonder the same thing about the music of
Justin Timberlake. Also an outstanding voice and a great talent. But so much of his music does not seem be timeless or to have much staying power.
Even tho Ariana & Justin may be greater talents, more of Britney's music is iconic and will probably still be known in 40+ years.
Even Katy Perry, who seems to have somewhat even less vocal talent than Britney, has released some music that may endure longer than the music of Ariana, Justin T, Taylor Swift, Justin Beiber, or Janet Jackson.
The Beatles music is still well known more than 50 years after they released it. The music of MJ, Madonna, Cindy Lauper, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin & others will undoubtedly stick around for a long time as well.