It's not a big deal, nor is it relevant.
Zverev surely won't be losing sleep about it as he counts his money and shines his three Masters 1000 trophies(how many does Goffin have?) Nobody cares and it comes off as sounding nothing more than catty from Goffin. It's a professional sport and you know as well as anybody that at the end of the day, winning big titles is all that matters. Zverev didn't almost whip an umpire's eye out with a tennis ball, did he?
I have no doubt that as Zverev wins more relevant titles, more people will jump on his bandwagon, including you. As you are all over the place with your posts, one day you say with conviction A, the next day, the opposite B with the same of conviction.
As for you telling us now that Goffin is a top guy, are you serious? You have had no hesitation in the past about calling Goffin a mug who can't beat top players. Now you trot out this sour grapes irrelevancy from Goffin to help your anti-Zedzilla campaign? Come on, dude. Can't you do better than that?
We need young players who challenge guys at the top. As I've said, at this point, I don't care who they are. If Zverev is one with balls enough to be able to do it, good for him.