liberal arts colleges are the future and business degrees are worth less than you pay for them
business degrees are so common and barely differentiate you from your opposition as everyone has one.
if you have the personality for it, go for it...but if you lack charisma good looks charm etc go into a science field
liberal arts colleges are better for doctors and basically any field that requires well roundedness
small d3 liberal arts colleges are also more prestigious than their public university counterpart
kenyon colorado college johns hopkins case western wooster earlham.... look at these schools and tell me they arent as prestigious if not more than their public school counter parts.
d3 small liberal arts schools also give better educations with smalled class sizes and more educated teachers. at most of these schools endowment is around 100k-300k per student where its not even close to that in public universities
First of all no, small liberal arts schools are not more prestigious than public unievrsity counterparts. Not many people would consider Amherst and Swarthmore more prestigious than say Berkeley, UCLA, Umich, and UVA. Colorado college is not as prestigious as these and neither is case western. John Hopkins is not liberal arts.
You need NEED a good undergrad and a MBA from a top college to go into business(we are talking about wall st here with Goldman and JP Morgan or consulting like Mckinsey here). Like I said, it isn't a coincidence that so many top 15 school(not liberal arts) yield such a high rate for employment right out of college for $100,000 analyst positions. You build the connections at these universities, its not necessarily about what you learn from Harvard or hopefully in my case Northwestern. Its about who you meet and how you use the resources provided to you. Business degrees are so common? Sure they are, but at prestigious colleges do you know how competitive it is to get a business degree? There is a reason Ross at Umich's acceptance rate is like 16% versus the regular schoolwide 33% and there is a reason NYU Stern is around 10% acceptance rate vs the regular 35% acceptance rate. Wharton too although I don't know the exact numbers for that. Even econ programs at prestigious universities like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Uchicago, and Northwestern is very competitive to get into the first place. You want to go to wall street? First thing they look at is where you went to undergrad if you are just going in as a young analyst. If you got a MBA it better be from somewhere just as if not more prestigious.
Charisma, good looks, charm. These are necessary for consulting not IB. 2 different parts of business that make big bank. You think everyone at Goldman are solid 10s?
Liberal Arts colleges are not necessarily better for doctors or any field that requires well roundedness. If that was the case then admissions would be much much more competitive.
D3 small liberal arts schools give better educations? No, they do not have more educated teachers most of the time. Who do you think are professors at any of the top universities I listed above? Leaders in the field, board members of big IBs and nobel prize winners. Lol are we talking about the same colleges here? Obviously top liberal arts colleges would give better education than non-liberal art schools with acceptance rates higher than 60%.
Think about it this way, a lot of people who had top positions at big IBs went to teach at top universities like the ones I listed. Big IBs also paid millions to various professors from the same universities to write up illegitimate reports like the one about Iceland's economy flourishing back in 2008 by that professor from Columbia(forgot his name). Yes this was corrupt but the point is these colleges were cream of the crop. The professors from there were world renowned and respected for their opinions. The students there were also cream of the crop and are more likely to succeed by far. If Einstein were still alive today and decided to teach at a university, if not Harvard it would 100% definitely be a top 15 university
Don't make it sound like liberal art schools are the cream of the crop. I'm not saying they are bad, but there is a reason there is overall less competition for application(compare the #1 liberal arts college WIlliams college to any top 15 university and you'll see the discrepancy). There is a reason their class size is much smaller too. It is perfect for some people but for the vast majority it obviously isn't.