Going from full bed multi to full bed poly?!

Okay, it's been a minute since I've hit full bed poly (or any poly for that matter), so forgive me if this is a common adjustment period thing/too many variables at play, but I tried going from full bed X1B multi (56 lbs) in my K90 yesterday to full bed Hyper G 17 poly (47 lbs) in my new 93p today and YIKES...feels bad man. Everything in the net. Couldn't even feed consistently and felt like a big dummy who couldn't control any sort of depth. I know poly is categorically lower powered in nature, but the first 40 minutes of hitting was plain brutal. It did get better towards the end of the session, and maybe I just need more time with it, but I nearly ran crying back to my K90 :laughing:

Can anyone relate? Or assure me everything is going to be okay? Or maybe just tell me I need to stick with multis or syn gut?!


With polyester or co-polymer strings, you need to bring the 'power' yourself. The other issue is a major change in ref tension, especially in smaller head frames. I was stringing 48# in Prestige mids which were 95's. I suspect that you should have used around 42-44#. And Yes, polyester strings are very low powered compared to multifibers.
With polyester or co-polymer strings, you need to bring the 'power' yourself. The other issue is a major change in ref tension, especially in smaller head frames. I was stringing 48# in Prestige mids which were 95's. I suspect that you should have used around 42-44#. And Yes, polyester strings are very low powered compared to multifibers.

Got it. Guess I figured stringing at 47 lbs with poly vs. 56 with the multi would lend enough added power but maybe I should've gone even lower. What's "ref tension?"
X1 to Hyper G is a pretty drastic switch. Why did you change?

Good question. Mostly because I had a batch of demos from TW all strung up with multis and wanted to string up the K90 with something similar to match and compare during hitting seshes. Then chose Hyper G 17 in the 93p because of the thread where everyone was recommending low tension polys to really make that racquet sing.

I think it's probably one of two things: 1) I just need more adjustment time with hitting polys again. It really has been yearsss since I strung full bed poly. 2) Maybe multi is just more for me these days and a friendlier option.
I have used that particular string in the 93p, and I would go lower than 47 with it. Even 17 gauge hyper-g is very stiff compared to a multi.

Noted! I think I'm just scared for some reason of stringing outside the recommended range of 45-55. Am I going to risk any longterm damage to the racquet doing so?


ref tension = reference tension = tension you set on your stringing machine. What you set on your machine ends up being some DT for the stringbed and that is what a player feels. However, if you ask for DT, most stringers would look at you like a lunatic since DT is a function of string, tension, head size and pattern. Then they'll politely ask you to leave their place of business. :rolleyes:
And with Hyper-G in most frames.
That strings performs very similar across the tension spectrum.
But n'thing go low(er).

Got it. Just feels crazy to string high 30s/low 40s in one racquet with a poly and mid to high 50s in another with a multi but I guess logic checks out and would make the two most similar given the string type variances.

So how many of ya'll have played multi (and liked it) but made the switch to full bed poly? Or vice versa. Why did you do it? Do you like it? Tell me more...

Papa Mango

Got it. Just feels crazy to string high 30s/low 40s in one racquet with a poly and mid to high 50s in another with a multi ......
If you are doing it at the same time then yes it is crazy ;)
Requires completely different swings and I don't think I anyone can easily switch back n forth with those two set ups.

So how many of ya'll have played multi (and liked it) but made the switch to full bed poly? Or vice versa. Why did you do it? Do you like it? Tell me more...
I like neither in full beds, but have you thought about a multi/poly hybrid and getting the best of both?
If you are doing it at the same time then yes it is crazy ;)
Requires completely different swings and I don't think I anyone can easily switch back n forth with those two set ups.

I like neither in full beds, but have you thought about a multi/poly hybrid and getting the best of both?

What would you recommend in terms of crosses/mains for each?

I haven't toyed with hybrid setups in over a decade, and as I've been getting back into the swing of things, felt it would add too many variables to the mix too early on. Still trying to relearn the characteristics of multi/syn gut/polys and get a sense for what feels good.


Okay, it's been a minute since I've hit full bed poly (or any poly for that matter), so forgive me if this is a common adjustment period thing/too many variables at play, but I tried going from full bed X1B multi (56 lbs) in my K90 yesterday to full bed Hyper G 17 poly (47 lbs) in my new 93p today and YIKES...feels bad man. Everything in the net. Couldn't even feed consistently and felt like a big dummy who couldn't control any sort of depth. I know poly is categorically lower powered in nature, but the first 40 minutes of hitting was plain brutal. It did get better towards the end of the session, and maybe I just need more time with it, but I nearly ran crying back to my K90 :laughing:

Can anyone relate? Or assure me everything is going to be okay? Or maybe just tell me I need to stick with multis or syn gut?!
Solinco 20g strings. try them


What would you recommend in terms of crosses/mains for each?

I haven't toyed with hybrid setups in over a decade, and as I've been getting back into the swing of things, felt it would add too many variables to the mix too early on. Still trying to relearn the characteristics of multi/syn gut/polys and get a sense for what feels good.
I have done gut/poly at 45/35 in that racquet and it plays great. If thats seems too extreme go something like 50multi/40poly. High differential works well for allowing the strings too move. If you are not a string breaker you will find the strings will last a long time in the tight 18x20 pattern in the 93p
I have done gut/poly at 45/35 in that racquet and it plays great. If thats seems too extreme go something like 50multi/40poly. High differential works well for allowing the strings too move. If you are not a string breaker you will find the strings will last a long time in the tight 18x20 pattern in the 93p

Noted! Sorry for the dumb clarification, but poly in the mains or crosses? ^

[EDIT: also, do you have specific string/gauge recs?]

Papa Mango

What would you recommend in terms of crosses/mains for each?

I haven't toyed with hybrid setups in over a decade, and as I've been getting back into the swing of things, felt it would add too many variables to the mix too early on. Still trying to relearn the characteristics of multi/syn gut/polys and get a sense for what feels good.
You have tons of options here, below is just one mans opinion.
Budget: Head Velocity
Splurge: Tec NRG2

Budget: Topspin Cyberflash/Cream
Splurge: Yonex Polytour Air/Rev or even RPM

Papa Mango

I have done gut/poly at 45/35 in that racquet and it plays great. If thats seems too extreme go something like 50multi/40poly. High differential works well for allowing the strings too move. If you are not a string breaker you will find the strings will last a long time in the tight 18x20 pattern in the 93p
I do TGV/Hyper-G for a client @ 42/37.
He doesn't really care about durability but that thing plays like a pillow on a ProKennex frame (18X20 though)


Hall of Fame
I just switched from a 98 to a 95 and one of the first things I did when stringing was lowering my tension because of the smaller head size. I do a syn gut/poly hybrid and it played outstanding. I will experiment with full poly at a low tension and even full synthetic gut (54/55lbs) and see how they both play.

mike schiffer

Lol, I mean it's not like I'm the first person on these forums to ever play full bed poly, but I hear what you're saying...
I marvel how many well meaning and accomplished players get on the poly train and then beef about string life issues and then elbow pain.....I had to learn the hard way after being advised by big box salesfolks to change to a hybrid string job and then wondering why the racquet played like a board and then would not wear out.....then came years of searching for elbow cures....are we not getting a little too" teched" about tape weight and ??? ...my good friend ruined 2 brand new Roger Auto's worrying about tape weight...but still wont go near the stuff....best of luck


Is there any need for you to go full poly? It feels a bit unnecessary if you already use full bed multi and have a control racquet with a dense string pattern and a small head size.

If you want to experiment, I'd suggest starting by using your current multi of choice in the mains and getting a slick poly in the crosses at a lower tension (I don't do anything crazy like a 10lb difference like the guys above suggest, I drop it about 2-3lbs). But if what you have works, just play with it rather than going down the rabbit hole of endless string variations.


Requires completely different swings and I don't think I anyone can easily switch back n forth with those two set ups.

This should not be overlooked. If you’re moving to poly from one of the most powerful strings available you’re going to have a significant adjustment period. There are powerful polys but relative to X1 they’ll all be low powered. Others have mentioned mitigation strategies to increase the power but IMO if you need to do that, you shouldn’t be using poly.

Poly is for someone who provides plenty of their own power and wants to capitalize on spin potential. It allows big swings to stay in. If you’re not trying to solve that problem I would stick with multis or a gut/poly hybrid.

Note that if you go poly, you’ll need to restring more often than any other string. They’re only good for about 10-12 hours max. After that they’re dead, and if you have poor hitting mechanics, dangerous to your arm.


Noted! Sorry for the dumb clarification, but poly in the mains or crosses? ^

[EDIT: also, do you have specific string/gauge recs?]
Multi mains/poly crosses is what I was suggesting based on the discussion.
@papamango listed some good options.

I have typically used Head Velocity in the mains and anyone of silverstring/polytour pro/tech red code in the crosses. I chose those b/c its what I had on hand; basically anything smooth and thin for the cross will work fine. Of those three I listed I liked red code the best and it is the stiffest of the 3.
[EDIT: also, do you have specific string/gauge recs?]

I used the 93p for a couple years, and after messing around with many different polys looking for some more power I can suggest...
mains: use an 18g poly (I really like Tier 1 Black Knight)
cross: try a synth. gut. Dunlop S-Gut added a good amount of power without drowning out the poly. For less power consider Gosen OG Sheep Micro.
string both mains & crosses @ high 40s and adjust from there.
Is there any need for you to go full poly? It feels a bit unnecessary if you already use full bed multi and have a control racquet with a dense string pattern and a small head size.

If you want to experiment, I'd suggest starting by using your current multi of choice in the mains and getting a slick poly in the crosses at a lower tension (I don't do anything crazy like a 10lb difference like the guys above suggest, I drop it about 2-3lbs). But if what you have works, just play with it rather than going down the rabbit hole of endless string variations.
This should not be overlooked. If you’re moving to poly from one of the most powerful strings available you’re going to have a significant adjustment period. There are powerful polys but relative to X1 they’ll all be low powered. Others have mentioned mitigation strategies to increase the power but IMO if you need to do that, you shouldn’t be using poly.

Poly is for someone who provides plenty of their own power and wants to capitalize on spin potential. It allows big swings to stay in. If you’re not trying to solve that problem I would stick with multis or a gut/poly hybrid.

Note that if you go poly, you’ll need to restring more often than any other string. They’re only good for about 10-12 hours max. After that they’re dead, and if you have poor hitting mechanics, dangerous to your arm.
Multi mains/poly crosses is what I was suggesting based on the discussion.
@papamango listed some good options.

I have typically used Head Velocity in the mains and anyone of silverstring/polytour pro/tech red code in the crosses. I chose those b/c its what I had on hand; basically anything smooth and thin for the cross will work fine. Of those three I listed I liked red code the best and it is the stiffest of the 3.

Y'all nailed these responses; thanks for the thought-provoking discourse! I honestly think my main problem is flummoxing around with too many variables right now. Two different sticks, different string types, tensions, lead tinkering, etc. Probably need to settle into what feels best for now, hit with whatever that is for like a month or more, and then start playing with variables one by one. Classic science fair 101 stuff.

I'm adjusting to the poly in the 93p, but I still can't quite tell if I like it over a multi. I do have a pretty full swing and generate a good amount of power/spin myself, but it's feeling like my forehand stroke is slowly breaking trying to adjust to the different launch angle and power level. Wishing I had two k90 or two 93ps to probably do a comparison, but I'm still trying to convince my partner of the last impulse racquet purchase ;)
I used the 93p for a couple years, and after messing around with many different polys looking for some more power I can suggest...
mains: use an 18g poly (I really like Tier 1 Black Knight)
cross: try a synth. gut. Dunlop S-Gut added a good amount of power without drowning out the poly. For less power consider Gosen OG Sheep Micro.
string both mains & crosses @ high 40s and adjust from there.

Interesting, so you preferred the poly in the crosses? Did you like hybrids over full bed of anything?


Hall of Fame
Y'all nailed these responses; thanks for the thought-provoking discourse! I honestly think my main problem is flummoxing around with too many variables right now. Two different sticks, different string types, tensions, lead tinkering, etc. Probably need to settle into what feels best for now, hit with whatever that is for like a month or more, and then start playing with variables one by one. Classic science fair 101 stuff.

I'm adjusting to the poly in the 93p, but I still can't quite tell if I like it over a multi. I do have a pretty full swing and generate a good amount of power/spin myself, but it's feeling like my forehand stroke is slowly breaking trying to adjust to the different launch angle and power level. Wishing I had two k90 or two 93ps to probably do a comparison, but I'm still trying to convince my partner of the last impulse racquet purchase ;)
Maybe try a soft poly. Personally, I do NOT like Hyper G or Confidential for that matter. They feel nice for 5 minutes then lifeless like a dead fish.
I've been full bed poly for 10+ years, switched because I wanted to play a thin gauge without breaking after an hour. There are plenty of options that give a more "multi" feel but provide that snap and durability.
Maybe try a soft poly. Personally, I do NOT like Hyper G or Confidential for that matter. They feel nice for 5 minutes then lifeless like a dead fish.
I've been full bed poly for 10+ years, switched because I wanted to play a thin gauge without breaking after an hour. There are plenty of options that give a more "multi" feel but provide that snap and durability.

Care to name a few faves?


Hall of Fame
Care to name a few faves?
My absolute favorite is Pro's Pro Red Devil, but I break the 1.24 too quickly and I want a thinner gauge.
My regular string is Pro's Pro Black Force 1.19
I enjoyed Tier One Ghostwire, soft and comfortable, just a little more crisp than I'm used to.
If Isospeed Cream came in a 1.18 or so I would probably play that. Have played the 1.23 and loved its feel, just not enough spin for the price.


Hall of Fame
After I got tennis elbow for the first time last summer using Volkl Cyclone 16 / Gosem OG 16 hybrid for a couple of years, I played with Pros Pro Superior Gut multifilament in a full bed for 5 months.

Just this month I strung a racquet with Volkl Cyclone Tour 16 full bed at 55# (thanks to @g4driver for the rev!) I was shocked how soft the setup was for copoly, and how similar it felt to full bed multifilament.

The 3rd racquet still had strung with regular Volkl Cyclone and syngut felt very stiff in comparison.

Basically, I think VCT 16 gives combines the advantages of a multi - easy on the arm, good feel, with that of copoly - snap back, durability, and spin potential from being textured.
Interesting, so you preferred the poly in the crosses? Did you like hybrids over full bed of anything?

maybe you misread... poly in the mains. I never tried poly as a cross since I was already breaking the syn. gut as a cross pretty quickly, and syn. gut in the mains should break even faster.

I do prefer these hybrid setups in all my rackets now. Gives just a little extra power, and doesn't sacrifice much spin.
maybe you misread... poly in the mains. I never tried poly as a cross since I was already breaking the syn. gut as a cross pretty quickly, and syn. gut in the mains should break even faster.

I do prefer these hybrid setups in all my rackets now. Gives just a little extra power, and doesn't sacrifice much spin.

Got it, sorry I typed crosses when I meant to write mains. Was asking only because a couple commenters above you suggested poly as the cross string.
After I got tennis elbow for the first time last summer using Volkl Cyclone 16 / Gosem OG 16 hybrid for a couple of years, I played with Pros Pro Superior Gut multifilament in a full bed for 5 months.

Just this month I strung a racquet with Volkl Cyclone Tour 16 full bed at 55# (thanks to @g4driver for the rev!) I was shocked how soft the setup was for copoly, and how similar it felt to full bed multifilament.

The 3rd racquet still had strung with regular Volkl Cyclone and syngut felt very stiff in comparison.

Basically, I think VCT 16 gives combines the advantages of a multi - easy on the arm, good feel, with that of copoly - snap back, durability, and spin potential from being textured.

Dang, that definitely sounds intriguing! Putting it on my list to try.

Sidenote: Sure wish you could "bookmark" comments on this forum somehow. There isn't really a way to remember to come back to something like this huh?


Y'all nailed these responses; thanks for the thought-provoking discourse! I honestly think my main problem is flummoxing around with too many variables right now. Two different sticks, different string types, tensions, lead tinkering, etc. Probably need to settle into what feels best for now, hit with whatever that is for like a month or more, and then start playing with variables one by one. Classic science fair 101 stuff.

I'm adjusting to the poly in the 93p, but I still can't quite tell if I like it over a multi. I do have a pretty full swing and generate a good amount of power/spin myself, but it's feeling like my forehand stroke is slowly breaking trying to adjust to the different launch angle and power level. Wishing I had two k90 or two 93ps to probably do a comparison, but I'm still trying to convince my partner of the last impulse racquet purchase ;)

You just stated the best case scenario. I have multiples of a few of my frames so I prefer to do testing with them. I usually use full bed poly of HyperG or HyperG soft. Lately I've tried crossing them with X1 biphase, GhostWire, Gamma TNT and a few others. I've also tried a full bed of Triax in one of my UTs while my other one has a hybrid with HGS in the mains. I'm in the opposite boat as you where I don't like the full bed of multi compared to my usual poly. Between the full bed of poly and the hybrid with poly in the mains - I'm not noticing a huge difference.

I do have the 93P strung up with 18g HyperG Soft. I had asked for 46# and they messed up and sent it to me at 56#. It felt way too boardy for me. I've restrung it at 46# since and it feels great. But I'm used to poly and knowing (and preferring) that I have to provide my own power. It allows me to take full swings and not worry about balls flying on me. If you're the opposite and are used to multi, it will take an adjustment period.
You just stated the best case scenario. I have multiples of a few of my frames so I prefer to do testing with them. I usually use full bed poly of HyperG or HyperG soft. Lately I've tried crossing them with X1 biphase, GhostWire, Gamma TNT and a few others. I've also tried a full bed of Triax in one of my UTs while my other one has a hybrid with HGS in the mains. I'm in the opposite boat as you where I don't like the full bed of multi compared to my usual poly. Between the full bed of poly and the hybrid with poly in the mains - I'm not noticing a huge difference.

I do have the 93P strung up with 18g HyperG Soft. I had asked for 46# and they messed up and sent it to me at 56#. It felt way too boardy for me. I've restrung it at 46# since and it feels great. But I'm used to poly and knowing (and preferring) that I have to provide my own power. It allows me to take full swings and not worry about balls flying on me. If you're the opposite and are used to multi, it will take an adjustment period.

What's been your favorite setup in the 93p to date?


Okay, it's been a minute since I've hit full bed poly (or any poly for that matter), so forgive me if this is a common adjustment period thing/too many variables at play, but I tried going from full bed X1B multi (56 lbs) in my K90 yesterday to full bed Hyper G 17 poly (47 lbs) in my new 93p today and YIKES...feels bad man. Everything in the net. Couldn't even feed consistently and felt like a big dummy who couldn't control any sort of depth. I know poly is categorically lower powered in nature, but the first 40 minutes of hitting was plain brutal. It did get better towards the end of the session, and maybe I just need more time with it, but I nearly ran crying back to my K90 :laughing:

Can anyone relate? Or assure me everything is going to be okay? Or maybe just tell me I need to stick with multis or syn gut?!
Sorry if I’m stating the obvious, but it doesn’t matter if you reduce the tension by 10 lbs, a poly will play like a poly, and there are so many different polys, and they all play a bit different. I tried full bed polys from lower 50s to lower 40s, and even though I don’t have a problem hitting well with them, they all hurt my arm.
Sidenote: Sure wish you could "bookmark" comments on this forum somehow. There isn't really a way to remember to come back to something like this huh?

Lol, you mean like maybe the "bookmark" button in the top right of every post? ;) Right next to the post #

Back up a couple posts re; poly mains vs. poly crosses. Typically the mains are considered to dominate the stringbed. I hit w a lot of top spin, and I like full poly, but just wanted a little more power and I happen to like the slightly softer feel with the synth. in the crosses. I could type more, but this might be of interest...
Lol, you mean like maybe the "bookmark" button in the top right of every post? ;) Right next to the post #

Back up a couple posts re; poly mains vs. poly crosses. Typically the mains are considered to dominate the stringbed. I hit w a lot of top spin, and I like full poly, but just wanted a little more power and I happen to like the slightly softer feel with the synth. in the crosses. I could type more, but this might be of interest...

OMG. why am I just now realizing this lol


Interesting thread as I am waiting to get my Clash 100 tour back from stringer and making the transition from Wilson Sensation strung in mid 50s to Hyper G at 50 (mf to co-poly). I seem to understand better why my stringer suggested 18g and tension at 50…I was more inclined towards 17g and tension in the mid 40s. Perhaps he didn’t have time for a real long conversation but I think he was concerned about too abrupt of a transition and me being unhappy with the results.

My background, a new player who picked up tennis 10 months ago and has no arm issues and can hang at the 4.0 level and not embarrass himself at age 47. Background in basketball, volleyball, and more recently racquetball. Original choice of a Clash Tour and MF probably doesn’t make a ton of sense but am not one to dwell in the past.