New User
Hi everyone. I have just begun my journey to getting more serious with my tennis game. I have been playing more extensively for the past 6 months, such as coaching, watching more Youtube videos, practicing solo, etc. In the beginning, I had purchased a ball hopper and ta bucket of Penn Pressureless balls and have been playing with my fiance and we've been improving together.
After reading through forums and articles, the consensus is that pressureless balls are really bad for your arm, bad to practice with (unless its with a ball machine), and does not replicate a pressured tennis ball. I've had my pressureless tennis balls for ~6 months and I think it's time to buy new ones. I'm looking for pressured balls with so many options and different brands, I don't know what's best for my situation.
I play on hard surface, I'd say I'm ~3.0 player, play about 4-6 times/week for 1-2 hours, and looking to purchase bulk (so about 36 balls). Eventually, all pressured tennis balls lose pressure but some last longer. I was thinking of purchasing Wilson Championship Extra Duty versus Penn Championship Extra Duty balls but I wanted to know what you all thought would be best. Also, do Pro tier balls last THAT much longer than tier 2 balls? Thanks in advance for you help!
After reading through forums and articles, the consensus is that pressureless balls are really bad for your arm, bad to practice with (unless its with a ball machine), and does not replicate a pressured tennis ball. I've had my pressureless tennis balls for ~6 months and I think it's time to buy new ones. I'm looking for pressured balls with so many options and different brands, I don't know what's best for my situation.
I play on hard surface, I'd say I'm ~3.0 player, play about 4-6 times/week for 1-2 hours, and looking to purchase bulk (so about 36 balls). Eventually, all pressured tennis balls lose pressure but some last longer. I was thinking of purchasing Wilson Championship Extra Duty versus Penn Championship Extra Duty balls but I wanted to know what you all thought would be best. Also, do Pro tier balls last THAT much longer than tier 2 balls? Thanks in advance for you help!