Good Tennis Books


Ok, what books do you people recommend? I've tried browsing this section and searching but can't find any good collection of recommendations...

I already own these good books:

Winning Ugly by Brad Gilbert

Serious Tennis by Scott Williams

Coaching Tennis by Chuck Kriese


New User
Maximum Tennis - A good overview book on developing a tennis player.
Competitive Tennis - If you are into amateur competitive tennis. Pretty much explains what you really need and the strategy to compete at each NTRP level.

BTW, has anyone read any of these books. Any comment?

A Better Mind Makes A Better Player - Hugh Waters
Breakthrough Tennis - Rolf Clark
Pancho Segura's Championship strategy: How to play winning tennis


The Inner Game of Tennis---doesn't sound like something you would read if you think you have competent strokes right? Trust me, it deals with most of the mental problems that keeps you from playing your best and being able to grasp your potential.
Winning Ugly definatley, very enjoyable book and helps alot with stragety and mental toughness. After reading it 2x I was able to beat ppl with ease that I had always played close matches with. It also helps when you play someone who clcearly has better strokes and consistency than you , it actually gives you some sort of fighting chance. I keep my copy in my tennis bag to read on changeovers if I know there is somthing in there I need to quick find the answer too (like how to beat a s&v player, etc)


If I were putting together a library for a tennis player, it would have only the following books:

1) EITHER Kriese or Wardlaw -- just because these are the best places to find info on the directionals, which is a damn fine introduction to tennis strategy, and is useful way up through levels much higher than most tennis players will ever get. Breaks down against the Federers of the world, but what doesn't? Not a lot of Federers in USTA tournaments and league matches.

2) Winning Ugly -- which frankly, I don't think is that great a book, but it's the only place where all the good information on "how to cheat at tennis and get away with it" is compiled. Somebody should put together a website with that info, and render W.U. obsolete. (Note to self: look into this project.)

3) Psycho-cybernetics -- the original and still BEST source of info on creative visualization, and 1000x better than Galwey for getting a mental edge at a competitive sport. The Lombardi era Packers and half of golf's legends have used it. If you're master of your own mind, nothing can stop you. ONLY the original is worth the paper it's printed on. Which is okay, because it's readily available, and cheap.

That's all I'd use for books. I'd hook a student up with a sub to, and order him a bunch of the high-speed video compilations from (the ones that match his style of play).

All the rest is practice.
I actually enjoyed "Bollettieri's Tennis Handbook".

But honestly, if you're new or don't have an at least basic technical understanding, most of it will go right through your ears. It was certainly an enjoyable read for me, but it's just not made for people that just want to improve their game or want a new understanding.

You only have to check the Amazon reviews to see the same opinion posted over and over.

And with Grimjack's post, Psycho-Cybernetics is an extremely insightful read on the mind and "self-help". EXTREMELY insightful.

Colorado Lefty

It's an older book, but I found Vic Braden's Mental Tennis to have some good tips.

joe sch

Pancho Segura's Championship strategy: How to play winning tennis

Most highly recommended for your outter game !
Probably the best book from an alltime great player
Bill Tildens "Match Play & Spin of the ball" is also a great players read.
Get "Inner Tennis" for your inner game
Bill Tilden's book, I believe, is out of date for the most part. Good instruction for the time, but many things have been proven wrong.

I have not checked out Segura's book, I'll try.


New User
joe sch said:
Pancho Segura's Championship strategy: How to play winning tennis

Most highly recommended for your outter game !

You said this one is for your outter game, so what kind of book is it?
A stroke instruction book?
A tennis pattern book?

I'm asking because from the book title, I would have thought this is something like Winning Ugly.