If Cilic is such a great player, how come he never brought that level again?
I didn't say Cilic is a great player, just that he had a great run at that USO.
Its the way things fall - players don't necessarily repeat their highest levels again.
In any case, Cilic has played pretty well on other occasions -- USO 09 ( took out Murray , was initially over-powering Delpo, but Delpo's cooler head and better consistency prevailed).
AO 10 (took out Delpo and had a good contest with Murray in the SF)
Wim 14 -16 --- reached QF, taken out by djoko in 5 sets in 14, taken out by an at-best Djokovic in 3 sets in 15, taken out by fed in 5 sets (was playing well, but did choke to an extent , but federer had to do real well to come back)
Wim 17 (minus the final) -- came through a tricky draw to the final.
USO 15 -- reached the SF, but got injured
won cincy 16 taking out Murray