Great Tennis Book!


WOW.... just wow.... "The Inner Game of Tennis" is just such an outstanding book. Its definitly a must read. Before, I thought the whole mental tennis game thing was bogus, and I could learn that all on my own. But this book is just amazing, it truly illiminated the words good day and bad day from my vocabulary. Its just amazing how it unlocks all your potential. Im sure most of you guys have read this book, but help me inspire others to read it also, because I think its just marvelous! Skip out on a tennis insturctional book, and get this to dramatically increase every aspect of your mental game. Results gauranteed ^_^ almost sounds like im trying to sell it ^_~ but its really that good trust me lol.


I never got around to reading that classic. So how does it unlock your potential?

I recently read Gilbert's Winning Ugly and honestly it really didn't do that much for my game although it was an interesting read.


I found Winning Ugly full of useful tips that worked for me... and others that didn't; not everything in the book should be considered good for everyone.

For example, GIlbert suggests to not serve first in a match, one of the reasons being that the serve is not well warmed up in the first game; conversely, in a previous thread BB objected that, if the serve is not warmed up, the return is not either. I found this to be pretty much true for me.
Inner Game of Tennis

I agree...the book is GREAT for players seeking tips on mental toughness and strategy. I often refer to it now and then before matches or during the off-season. I've re-read all the chapters and there is even a little survey for you to find out areas needing improvement in your own game. Good read!


Talk Tennis Guru
This book is out there for ages. I found it good in terms of relaxation and in terms of forcing you to mentally replay your best shotmaking experiences and to not be negative. But changing your tennis is much more than reading a book, as great as it would be.


It wasn't called Billie Jean King's Tennis Bible for nothing!

This is the best book on indeed releasing your potential. If you work on just "letting things happen" you will find yourself playing more naturally, relaxed and to your own expectations.


ya i mean it dosent really "teach" you anything that youll be able to see, but if you have the talent then it really works well. Nothing new learnt, ull just be able to use all that you know.


Hall of Fame
It is truly a great book on the mental side of tennis.

In fact, I play alot of billiards 9 Ball and many instructors have their students read it. Yes pool players reading a tennis book. There was a sequel for golf called ... well you can guess that one.

Luis Correia

The "not serve first" tip in the book is only for those who doe not have a very good service, or for those who fold under preassure. It says so in the book. After reading it i started to do it (depending on the oponent) and i started to get a lot of situations when i'm 3-love up right on the beginning of the game. This gives me a somewhat confortable situation, when i'm only one break up but for the adversary it seems a much bigger advantage than it really is.

All and all i thing Brad Gilbert book is great. Just bought is new one "I'v got your back" but didnt' liked it as much..too much sef indulgent..