Thought to pass along a really good way to change the shape of the grip on a Volkl frame. Some people dont wish to adjust to the rectangular shape. Here is what you can do:
Buy your volkl 1 size smaller or otherwise buy a new handle pallet one size smaller than your normal size <TW stocks these>..remove the existing handle layers of tape only at 3 and 9 on the raw handle...most any kind will do but trim it to the width of the raw handle. put the pallet back on or install the new pallet..the seams will be wider at 12 and 6 but this doesnt seem to be a trouble as long as you dont go crazy with the build up. You can wrap some thin tape over the handle pallet top and bottom to help secure it in place while the adhesive sets. if you are doing this with an older volkl, the pallets are harder to remove and likely cant be reused, so you will need to buy a new handle pallet. This definitely makes for a squarer grip and you dont lose any of your bevel edges and angles at all...feels precisely like a stock grip, but is def less rectangular. Alternatively and more simply you can just tape over top the handle pallet at 3 and 9, but you will soften the bevels that way and also enlarge the grip. Hope this helps.
Buy your volkl 1 size smaller or otherwise buy a new handle pallet one size smaller than your normal size <TW stocks these>..remove the existing handle layers of tape only at 3 and 9 on the raw handle...most any kind will do but trim it to the width of the raw handle. put the pallet back on or install the new pallet..the seams will be wider at 12 and 6 but this doesnt seem to be a trouble as long as you dont go crazy with the build up. You can wrap some thin tape over the handle pallet top and bottom to help secure it in place while the adhesive sets. if you are doing this with an older volkl, the pallets are harder to remove and likely cant be reused, so you will need to buy a new handle pallet. This definitely makes for a squarer grip and you dont lose any of your bevel edges and angles at all...feels precisely like a stock grip, but is def less rectangular. Alternatively and more simply you can just tape over top the handle pallet at 3 and 9, but you will soften the bevels that way and also enlarge the grip. Hope this helps.