One more time - Edberg's shot preparation and set up on his fh was a weakness and, IMO, the reason his forehand was erratic and vulnerable. Chang had no such weakness in his shot preparation.
I just do not see Edberg's oft-criticised forehand being a result of poor footwork. And has been pointed out often, his forehand wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It is his weakest shot, and it is his least aesthetic shot. And when comparing to his backhand, volleys, outstanding athleticism, graceful movement and precision footwork, of course the forehand is targeted because it is
his weakest shot. But I'll bet there are many - even ATP pros - who would take his forehand!
if you think he should be moved up, it helps if you state where you think he should be, being mindful of the players he's being placed above.
For example, someone expressed an opinion that Edberg's footwork was better than Chang's. OK, maybe in some respects, but, when I pointed out Edberg's weak fh set up, I got no response. Chang's set up was nearly immaculate on every shot. Better than Edberg? Maybe, but Chang had no weaknesses in that respect. Maybe the answer is that both Edberg and Chang should be higher. If that's what it takes to justify a move, then make the case.
Time zone differences, my friend.

By the time you responded I was offline and asleep.
Also, just wanted to add that *personally* I would put Edberg even higher because - of the players I've watched most over the years, I consider Edberg, Connors and Borg to have had the best footwork I've seen. However, acknowledging that I have not watched much of Rosewall, Tilden, Nastase and even Laver (who I've seen a bit but nowhere near as much as many others), I didn't even try to challenge you on those.
Also, I'm a bit mixed on Mecir compared to Edberg. I agree his movement around the court was uncanny and he seemed to float into position effortlessly and return balls that looked like clean winners. Personally if it were my private list, I'd rank Edberg higher due to his footwork technique, but I don't feel as if I can adequately justify ranking him higher in this forum because I know much of this is subjective and I fully understand Mecir being ranked where he is by others (I can agree to disagree).
But I feel quite strongly that Edberg's footwork trumps Chang and I also mentioned I thought it was better than Nadal, who I acknowledge has raw speed and is amazing moving around the court. But he doesn't move effortlessly as did Edberg and is not near as precise nor graceful in his footwork.
So I didn't come here just saying, move Edberg higher, with no thoughtful justification, although I am not as eloquent as many of you in describing technique in technical terms.
But again, I just don't see any part of Edberg's 'weak' forehand being specifically an error in footwork that justifies pushing his ranking down below Chang and Nadal. I'll try to find something on youtube but, of course, one could spend hours looking through Edberg clips (not that that's a bad way to spend idle time, but I don't have much time right now).
While not a forehand example except for the first low volley (which is quite incredible at shoe top level), I really liked this very short clip as an example of Edberg's anticipation and footwork:
Edited to add this additional short clip:
Now how about you providing an example of Chang that convinces me his footwork is better than Edberg's? Your statement that "Chang's set up was nearly immaculate on every shot" is quite strong, but give us some evidence as well, just as you challenged us to "make the case" about Edberg :wink: