Yes - but the indoor conditions impact the result as much as a surface change does. Look at Federer vs Nadal indoor vs outdoor
Indoor does not impact players as much as the surface they play on. Indoor favors higher risk players because it takes the wind out the game. It also takes sun out the game as well but that is a minor issue. Surfaces react differently to being indoor, clay is generally slower as it's less compacted and newer, also indoor venues have a higher humidity so clay remains dampened, hard court tends to be faster because most indoor stadium are multi purpose so the court is only temporary and they are built on hard concrete foundation or wood. The AO center court though technically not an indoor venue was faster in the rebound ace era as it's high rubber component tended to slow as it was heated.
The issue with indoor is today they are just HC so sit in the Med-slow to Medium-fast zone. People from 80-00 will tend to think of indoor as carpet which is faster than grass and HC. Those from 60-70 may remember carpet and wood (Wembley).
As for your reference to Federer and Nadal. Nadal is a bit of a special case as he hits so much topspin it counters weather and he does not flatter his shot or play net unlike Borg. However,
Federer (2002-2015)
USO (HC) - 5W, 2RU, 3SF (Outdoor)
AO (HC) - 4W, 1RU, 7SF (Semi indoor)
WTF (IHC) - 6W, 4RU, 3SF (Indoor)
Nadal (2006-2015)
USO (HC) - 2W, 1RU, 2SF (Missed 2) (Outdoor)
AO (HC) - 1W, 2RU, 1SF (Missed 1) (Semi indoor)
WTF (IHC) - 0W, 2RU, 3SF (Missed 3) (Indoor)
Djokovic (2007 -2015)
USO (HC) - 2W, 4RU, 3SF (Outdoor)
AO (HC) - 6W, 0RU, 0SF (Semi indoor)
WTF (IHC) - 5W, 0RU, 1SF (Indoor)
If I consider Paris Indoor neither Federer & Nadal have won it and Nadal has come runner up? So Federers indoors masters are worse than his HC.
I don't think looking at these similar surfaces you can say it has a huge effect Federers record is a bit better than his best HC in USO, Nadals is a bit worse than either but he was absent more and Djokovic is a about the same as his favorite HC but making more finals in the two Majors which is harder than the WTF as a result of RR.
I'd say Wembley (Wood) is much different to 84 DC Gothemburg (Clay), and I'd also say a wood or carpet indoor is very different to current HC paris indoor.