ground stroke please critique and help me improve (vid)


Bionic Poster
Vid Q is good enough, but place webcam above your shoulders looking down, like on TV during pro matches.
You hit OK. Your partner sucks. Get a better partner who can move the ball around and be consistent.
Most of your movement is sideways..OK. But try to incorporate more foreward movement, less sideways, when you swing. Watch vids of Federer practicing. He barely moves his feet, if at all, but his shoulder turn and forward (solid) body positioning is apparent.
Most important is the shoulder turn, first and foremost.
You are trying to hit harder than you can control. Longest rally I saw was four balls, sprayed all over the place. Your partner can't even give you a reasonable feed.

Just saying, it's hard to get into the technical aspects of your game when you hit every single ball on a dead run as hard as you can. The blurriness isn't doing you any favors either.

I will say this: learn to take the net out of play. Aim 4 to 6 feet over the net in rally situations like this.


do i suck that bad? O.O
No, you just need a coach. There is far too much going on in the video to give any actual advice. If you knowingly admit that you lack consistency and that your footwork is poor, are you asking for tips on how to improve those aspects? If so, then you do need a coach. If you think there's a flaw in one of your shots, then that's the time to post a video to have a bunch of people look at it and give their opinions and suggestions. Asking how you can improve just having given us a video isn't really sufficient, nor can anyone who is worth their salt give you specific advice as to exactly what to do differently. :neutral:


Hall of Fame
do i suck that bad? O.O

Why is it that when a coach is recommended, everyone gets all sensitive.
Jeez, Nadal has a coach, does he suck?

Getting advice from a computer can only go so far, getting a real-life coach will benefit you for life.
It's the best tennis investment you can make.

5th Element

Okay, let's try help this guy out!

1) Keep the ball in. Go back to the service boxes and try get around 50 balls with your partner over the net. Nice and easy to start with!

2) Go back to the baseline and do the same as 1)

3) Move your feet, recover quickly after hitting the ball

More to come after we see the next vid :)
from looking at the video, what am i not doing correctly and what do i need to fix?

1. You are rallying, yet the longest rally lasted four balls.

2. You are trying to hit too hard without developing consistency first.

3. You consistently miss into the net. Again, this is a rally. Aim 4-6 feet over the net, take it out of play completely.


i see but is my hitting motion correct? if not what am i doing wrong on that?
Again, this question is so vague that a legitimate answer cannot be given. But if you want a yes or no, then no; there are obvious flaws in both of your strokes. Telling you what you're doing wrong is impossible because there's too much going on to give you concrete advice. Your strokes are affected by your fitness level, your stroke technique itself aka the swing of your arm, your body mechanics, your footwork and dozens of other variables. There's too much to comment on so you're just going to get vague answers like "recover to the base line" or "prepare your racquet earlier" or "split step when your opponent hits the ball". These are all great general suggestions, yes, but you need a coach to actually change the way you play.