Guys only: best legs and other best female issues

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Don't get me wrong (I def want to post here) but how do you get the pics up? All I'm getting is links.


Rincon said:
Don't get me wrong (I def want to post here) but how do you get the pics up? All I'm getting is links.
Okay, this is how to attach a picture onto your post:

When you click on reply to thread, there will be a box for you to type text. Just above this box, there are a row of buttons for BOLD, ITALICS, UNDERLINE etc. Fifth from the right is a square yellow icon which is INSERT IMAGE. When you click on that, it will ask you to insert the URL of your picture. Copy and paste the URL of the desired image from your Photobucket account and click OK. Then when you Submit Reply, the picture will automatically appear in your post.

Have fun with it!



jonolau said:
Okay, this is how to attach a picture onto your post:

When you click on reply to thread, there will be a box for you to type text. Just above this box, there are a row of buttons for BOLD, ITALICS, UNDERLINE etc. Fifth from the right is a square yellow icon which is INSERT IMAGE. When you click on that, it will ask you to insert the URL of your picture. Copy and paste the URL of the desired image from your Photobucket account and click OK. Then when you Submit Reply, the picture will automatically appear in your post.

Have fun with it!


:mad: It seems painfully obvious now. But all right, I'll get something up :D


New User
Marta Domachowska may not be the best...but this is certainly one of the best views of her that we have. =)


Aieee! Tennis women are the absolute BEST! to college girls sitting in my physics class listening to my lecture. It's good to be a 26-year-old college lecturer.


Rincon said:
:mad: It seems painfully obvious now. But all right, I'll get something up :D
Hi Rincon, sorry, also forgot to mention to you that you need to subscribe to a picture hosting site such as Photobucket. Each picture you upload from your PC to your account will have a specific URL address.

Hope this helps further, if not, just holler. :D


Some Cara Black



The pics aren't that great, as there isn't an abundance of Cara Black much to my annoyance.


Rincon said:
yeah, but I've got to admit I like Black better :rolleyes: , than again, I use Linux and love Dunlop.
Ahh, you're an alternative man ... hang on, that didn't sound right???


jonolau said:
Ahh, you're an alternative man ... hang on, that didn't sound right???

hmmm...I don't know...theres just something there that doesn't sound right... :confused:

OH! wait... I don't get it...jk.


looseswing said:
Take that malakas!

Too slow....

looseswing said:
Yeah, we've just got to keep the troop's moral up general and we should be fine.

I don't get you,boy!!
Well..I suppose ...I could help you.. post some photos for this thread..
have really things come to that?!?...:roll:



Daniella HOTuchova



I'm 99.8% certain that both these pics are of Hantuchova, yet it seems she was mistaken for Marta Domatchowska(top pic) and Cara Black(bottom pic)! And I don't understand why! Is she the perfect woman, the chameleon that can become anyone you desire?

Nice pic and partial article, ShcMad. You scan that? When's it from?


Hall of Fame
malakas said:
It will put an end to this thread allright!!!:mrgreen:
How can I contact them???



Well, you creatures...I mean you ladies have like a bizillion pages worth of pictures on your thread. So that's a pretty good lawsuit right there! ;)


wilsonfaithful said:
hey how do you post pics i have a good one
Okay, this is how to attach a picture onto your post:

When you click on reply to thread, there will be a box for you to type text. Just above this box, there are a row of buttons for BOLD, ITALICS, UNDERLINE etc. Fifth from the right is a square yellow icon which is INSERT IMAGE. When you click on that, it will ask you to insert the URL of your picture. Copy and paste the URL of the desired image from your Photobucket account and click OK. Then when you Submit Reply, the picture will automatically appear in your post.

You will need to subscribe to a picture hosting site such as Photobucket. Each picture you upload from your PC to your account will have a specific URL address.

With the exception of her facial expression, that is THE most flattering photograph I have ever seen of Sharapova. I never saw her as anything more than a tall skinny kid, but, hmmm. Maybe it is the forward momentum after her serve that is helping her look more like a beautiful woman.


Hall of Fame
Of course Maria is not staring at Daniela's butt. She's just wondering what Gatorade flavor she has. ;) :p
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